April 2023

My body may be a temple but it has been looted with my own thoughts of self-doubt, criticism, and negativity. There is nothing of value to be seen by this first explorer. It has been torn down, wasted away, and battered beyond all recognition. Dear body, why do you treat me this way?

You don’t blame the temple for the destruction, for the temple did not destroy itself. The temple was merely standing in the place where it was built. It was the inhabitants that destroyed the temple. The writings on the wall and graffiti stained red were because of the occupant’s words and torture.

But dear body, let me bring in an interior decorator. Let me furnish you with the finest linens, and the most luxurious silks, and adorn you with the most beautiful artwork. No words of dishonor will pass by the lips of the occupants. No, only a sound space where beautiful echoes imprint on the rafters.

more coming soon