Spring cleaning gives us a time to renew and organize

Mar, 08, 2022
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Clean your house and get a deep breath

Have you ever stood in a room and found it easier to breathe? It’s not that the air was a different quality or that there was a disturbing smell. But something about the space made it easier to breathe.

I discovered that clean and clear spaces make it easier to breathe. You might be like me where you find that to be true. Or it could be that you’ve never realized that your physical space and environment has a direct impact on your body and how the life giving air incorporates into your lungs.

There’s tons of evidence out there that shows us that our environment directly impacts our bodies and how we move through life in them. When we moved, I realized that when things were in peace and chaos was in order, I was able to breathe. This encouraged me to make my spaces in order so that I can better breathe.

Whether you do a deep spring cleaning or just a general organizational effort, focus your efforts on things that make it easier to breathe. Here are 10 things you can do under 10 minutes to help you breathe better.

Happy breathing!

Paige C. Clark

She is a passionate writer, reader and coffee connoisseur; she is always looking for some creative words over a cup of coffee or iced tea

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