Shaking off the frost and welcoming the new season

Feb, 08, 2022
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Gross out factor in 3…2…1…

We shed 9 pounds of dead skin every year—

Now take a brief moment to compose yourself from that unnecessary fact that you did not want to know. Do I have your attention now? The gross out factor was merely to emphasize the point that as humans, experiencing life, we are always transitioning from one phase to the next. Our bodies are constantly shedding anew. Bringing out a brighter life that lies underneath. As unfortunate and difficult that transitions might be, from one season to the next. They are inevitable.

We are now in a transition period friends. From the change of one season to the other, the weather shifts, our diets change, our activities change and a new sport comes into season. The leaves change from green to yellow to brown and back to green again as new life sprouts from their roots.

Whether simple or difficult transitions are inevitable. There’s no way to prevent these season changes from happening. But we can see them coming, and we can accept them with open arms— ready to deal with whatever comes in their wake.

Shake off the frost

If you live in a climate that experiences frost or snow, you might be able to relate to this a little bit more than this desert soul. But I’ve always loved the image of flowers springing up from the cold frozen ground, breaking way for spring time to come. The new blooms know that despite the cold conditions, that their time is here, to sprout and flower to be enjoyed by us or by the insects on the ground passing by. The flowers know that the time will come to to wilt away, but for the time being, this is their time to sprout and bloom. The frost experiences a transition to. Used to being snuggled up to their fellow icicle buddies, the geometric artwork will eventually melt into nourishing sustenance for the ground and for the very flowers that are parting them from their companions.

When we look all around us we see the demonstration of transition. If this next season is presenting a hesitant transition for you, I encourage you to go in with open eyes and an accepting heart. It’s going to happen whether or not we are ready or willing. When we allow our bodies and souls to flow more willingly they can better bend with the switchbacks and climbs that await us around the corner.

As we transition to the next season, shake off the frost and warm up what is coming your way.

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Paige C. Clark

She is a passionate writer, reader and coffee connoisseur; she is always looking for some creative words over a cup of coffee or iced tea

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