Family retreat gives space to set your 2022 goals

Jan, 17, 2022
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Retreats are not just for work conferences or small groups. A family retreat can provide a moment of pause and reset for the upcoming year and give a great glimpse into priorities and goals for the year.

Retreats are usually shorter than vacations. A 2-3 day get away can provide the distance and disconnect to make these times truly valuable. Retreats are done very intentionally and have a set goal or outcome from them. Vacations might be filled with adventure and indulgence, but retreats provide a great time to reflect and face with great honesty the triumphs and failures of the previous year.

Depending on the year, for our family, the retreat might be in the backyard or in an airbnb up in the mountains. The location doesn’t matter near as much as the heart posture you approach it with.

This year Justin and I are going up to a cabin in the woods for a long weekend. We work through what we want our goals to look like for the next year, do a start/stop/continue exercise, and intentionally reflect on the previous year. It is truly a beautiful time that we get to spend together. We take the days to write down our intentions, goals, resolutions, and how we are going to accomplish them all.

I encourage you to do the same with your family. It doesn’t have to be extravagant or anything fancy, it just has to be. Just take that time with your family. This season of new refresh and starting over can be your restart button. The new year is a great opportunity to do just that.

If you are unmarried, a personal retreat isn’t out of the question as well. It can be a really life giving time to turn off your phone, escape into the silence of nature and really give yourself time to connect with God and yourself. Setting up intentions for the next year whether alone or with a partner can help with intentionality, a present heart posture, and a beautiful space to dream.

Planners are a great way to write out your dream and get really specific with it. I am absolutely addicted to paper planners and I have to convince myself that one per year is enough. I’ve put together my top line up of my favorites so you have a choice to pick from. 

Paige C. Clark

She is a passionate writer, reader and coffee connoisseur; she is always looking for some creative words over a cup of coffee or iced tea

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