9 to 5 Faith Podcast: Episode 7

Apr, 01, 2023
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This is a transcript from episode 7 of the 9 to 5 Faith Podcast with Paige C. Clark.

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Paige C. Clark 00:36
Paige C. Clark and you’re listening to the nine to five faith podcast. All right, everyone, I am here with my friend Felicity and I cannot wait for you to hear all the genius she is ready to share with everyone. How are you doing today?

Felicity Buddig 00:53
I’m doing well. It’s Ash Wednesday and pouring rain in Chicago and it’s cold. So sights that things have been fantastic. Paige, it’s a pleasure to be here with you.

Paige C. Clark 01:05
You too. So can you tell me a little bit about yourself and what you do what your day looks like, all that stuff, how you spend your time.

Felicity Buddig 01:15
So I am a writer, author, speaker, mentor, mom, wife, stepmom, animal lover, cook chef made. And I own a brand called cheese u which is a brand for midlife women who are looking to reinvent and rediscover who they are. So that’s a little bit about who I am. And through all of that, we just keep juggling my girlfriend. Yeah.

Paige C. Clark 01:52
I was talking to a friend and she’s like, we don’t find balance, we find harmony, there’s no such thing as balance. We can only figure out how the chaos works together. 100% There is no such thing as Beyonce. You always have flow yoga be damned. So can you tell me a little bit about kind of your faith journey and kind of what that has looked like over the past few years?

Felicity Buddig 02:20
Yeah, that’s a fantastic question. So I was born and raised Catholic. And I think you probably hear that a lot. Like I was born and raised Catholic, we Catholics are either all in on it, or we were born and raised, and we don’t practice. And so that was the longest part of me. I was born and raised in didn’t practice. But it wasn’t until God put me on this journey. He was like, I’m really gonna make things hard for you. Because yes, and he put me on a really, really hard journey really, really hard, painful way emotionally. And then the light bulb finally went on, and I’m like, okay, so I get it. And that’s over the past, I would say, God, seven or eight years, I’ve been growing my my faith, my relationship with God. i It’s beautiful. You know, it’s been painful. It’s been, you know, screaming, why, you know, people can read about that. And my upcoming book, how hard my life has been. I feel like Job, if that makes any sense. If you’re familiar, okay. So people who are familiar with like, that’s like, how my journey has been, like, Why me? And then the light bulb comes on. And then I’m like, Okay, so now I understand. But he’s like, going to make it a little more tougher for you. And so that’s that forgiveness component. For my personal story, but that’s it. I do go to church to get the Eucharist. But I mostly practice just a little bit of here, a little bit of there. I haven’t found a place to call home. Yeah, brick and mortar. Because that’s home. This is our temple. We know yet, but the brick and mortar I haven’t found yet.

Paige C. Clark 04:14
Yeah. Yeah. And where did your company kind of find its way in that journey? And is there like a melding of the of the two between your faith and kind of what you do on your day to day?

Felicity Buddig 04:30
Yes, yes. So I’m, I’m a survivor of domestic abuse, violence, just childhood whole life has been really bad. So when I left my ex husband, years ago, I made a promise to God that I was going to build a community for women that they could turn to for support and guidance on their own transformational journey, because I didn’t have that I really think women need a community that accepts, you know, diversity and all that. So with that’s where the community component came into, and then how I can serve as God through that, because that’s sort of my next promise with him is we’re starting to, we’re, we’re speaking God language in the community. So it’s always been more or less that. I don’t want to say woo or walk language, but it’s, you know, for whatever reason, our culture has made it very uncomfortable for us Christians to be able to speak loudly that I believe in God. Yeah, you understand what I’m saying? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, we are being punished for that. And so I would do universe source, blah, blah, blah. And so, my social media manager, she’s a Christian gal, and I’m like, let’s just start doing it. It’s gone. It’s gone. And that’s my way of, I’m like, I’ll push it. And that’s what you’re doing as well, too. And I think that’s what we’ll have to keep doing. Because,

Paige C. Clark 06:04
yeah, man, that’s, that’s so true. And I think to like that, when, when we speak about our experiences, it’s received differently by people who are non believers, then like, standing on the streets, street corner with a picket sign, right, like, because we’re speaking from our experience, and like, if anyone listening is in sales and marketing, we always know like, the heart sells, right? Like, your service and product might solve a problem, but why they chose to go with you is because of your story and your heart and your conviction. And I think that can be like really easily applied to like how people view Christians and in the workplace. Yeah. And, yeah, and so what, what kind of is a day in the life of Felicity look like, in terms of your work, but also like how you incorporate God into into your work, but also like, into your household and your family and your practice? And all of that?

Felicity Buddig 07:19
Yeah, you know, so we are a blended family. And I have a 15 year old son that is, on his own discovery of God, he AI is killing me. Because as a mom, we just want to say, I’m just I’m going to be, this is 100% My language right here, when when you have a child that is going to fight and resist God, and you can see the struggle he’s going through. You just want to save your child and just say, just open up the book, put the say apart, right. And he’s like, resist, resist. And so I’ve had to surrender that. And I’m like, you’re on your own journey, buddy. I so what I do in my home is I pump Cristian. We have a whole house radio. So we have, which, by the way, I love like Carrie job and Brandon Lake. I’ll camp through Laos. I’m like, because my husband doesn’t is not he doesn’t practice anything. He remover doesn’t. And so I’m like, surrounded by a bunch of heathens. And I’m like, Yeah, I’m like, we’re gonna pump it through them. And they don’t mind it. Yeah. So it’s not a continuous loom, which I don’t mind it. But I get up an hour early every morning, and I pop on my air pods, and I turn on Spotify, I’ll turn on the halo app, I’ll do that. I’ll turn on Spotify. There’s a couple of people that I like on Spotify. I’ll do that. And then the Hello app, and then I do my own personal prayer. So I get my early in the morning, and I think when we can start our day with that, and ask God to grace us with with his excellence shaped me the way I’m supposed to be through his vision. You know, it for me it. I’ve noticed a huge difference. Yeah. Giving up and scrolling through emails.

Paige C. Clark 09:19
Yeah. Yeah. Oh my gosh, one thing that actually you said ash, Ash Wednesday, it is Ash Wednesday, and it is the beginning of Lent. And one thing that my we always try my husband and I tried to do the same thing for lent the same kind of sacrifice or, you know, the same fast for Lent, just so it’s like a little bit easier that like, I’m not eating chocolate cake. Well, he gave up sugar like, because that would just be mean. But what we’re doing is no tech nology in the bedroom. So no phones, no TV Like I even like my Apple watch like nothing, no laptops, no iPads, nothing. Not only I just wrote a blog about it, but like, not only does it like help your marriage, but it also helps your sleep and it will hopefully help your spiritual life to like, kind of compartmentalize that one piece.

Felicity Buddig 10:22
I think so I think so. And you might be on to 40 days of sex, like, yeah, be changing them in life.

Paige C. Clark 10:31
Well, there’s actually, so my background is actually in psychology, I have a master’s degree in psychology. And it is very, very true of people who married couples who don’t have like TVs, or use their devices in the bedroom have better sex lives and better intimacy than those who use their phones and watch TV in the bedroom.

Felicity Buddig 10:54
I completely agree with you on that. And my husband, that is one of our marriage and family therapy. That is that he is like, I want her off that phone. That’s my way of decompressing. Yes.

Paige C. Clark 11:07
Yeah. So So I mean, let’s go, let’s go there. In a world that is very connected, and very online, how do you find time to not only just like in the morning, but how do you find time throughout your day or throughout your week to kind of unplug and like reset with God and like also your relationships with other people?

Felicity Buddig 11:33
Um, so I have my morning routine. And then I repeat that in the evening, God and then, you know, I’ve always talked to him. Right? As if he’s like, around, I’m like, Hey, dude, like, no, but you know what I mean, like, what’s going on? But I think when it comes to unplugging, I do my best unplugging in water. So I’m a bathtub girl or hot tub girl and I have both so but there has to be some sort of music, some sort of, I don’t want to say other stimulation around, but just where I can just release whatever attention it is. And then from my, you know, the relationships, we there’s no phones for dinnertime. There’s no technology for dinnertime, it’s put your phone away, you know, Sunday, Sundays, I am doing the Bible in a year app with Yeah, Father Mike through the Hello app. So I take my Sundays. And that’s my Sunday morning. I pop my air pods on and I do that. So yeah, that’s awesome.

Paige C. Clark 12:40
We are like kindred spirits. So because I love water as well. I like to say like I’m part fish. And I have a big bathtub and to be installed soon a new pool. So I feel you have like, it’s just like a red. It’s different. Water. People know though. Like, if you’re listening to this and you’re like, You’re weird. You’re probably not a water person.

Felicity Buddig 13:06
Exactly. You might be a fire element, or earth elements because I’m an earth element gal too. I love going I love to hike. I love going through the woods. You know, I like that smell. It’s very grounding. But water is so calming and cleansing. I mean, we’ll look what Yeah, I mean, it just it goes back to. I mean, that’s where they started baptizing people was right. So for me, I am a water girl, but you’re gonna love your pool. Yeah.

Paige C. Clark 13:35
I’m excited. But like pools are like, extremely expensive. That’s something they didn’t warn me about as a kid. And right, all my neighbors, they all have pools and we don’t because also like we don’t sit on like 200 grand in our bank account, because that’s how much tools costs out here. If you want like a semi decent one. I was like, You know what, I can wait to save up. If any of my neighbors need house sitting. I will gladly house it if I can use their pool.

Felicity Buddig 14:04
So I have a secured pool story for you. Oh my gosh, let’s hear it. And this is this is. So we are in Chicago and we were on an acre. So we built this big, beautiful pole. And we’re surrounded by all evergreens and we don’t look at a neighbor. And so we are pull up and we open it April 21. And we close it at the end of October so we can heat it. Yeah. And so this October this past October. I mean, we had that baby up to like 90 some degrees. It was like a ginormous hot towel. Yeah, it was amazing. And we all loved it. And then I got my gas bill and it was pushing 2000 And I just was like

Paige C. Clark 14:46
oh my gosh.

Felicity Buddig 14:49
Which we knew it was going to happen. I mean, like seeing it on paper dollar signs going up in the air and the smoke, but I gotta tell it, it was just the best and we had over two So yeah. Oh, it

Paige C. Clark 15:02
was beautiful. See out out here in Arizona, we have to actually cool our pools during the summer. Because if you don’t, it’s hot, it’s 120 outside and you’re swimming and like 95 degree pool water because it’s so hot. So we either ice or you have a cooling system.

Felicity Buddig 15:21
Yeah, exactly.

Paige C. Clark 15:24
So good, though. Um, so. So what? What are some of the struggles that you encounter? When it comes to like practicing your faith and, and kind of involving involving that into your business and into your home life? And like, how do you make sure you fit it in? And how do you make sure that like, it stays like centered on the gospel?

Felicity Buddig 15:54
I think, you know, it’s, it’s in my business. It’s in my home as much as I can get it in my home without being a tyrant. Right. I would I would like it more. I think one of the biggest struggles is getting into a Pew is, you know, I’ve made it to a couple Catholic masses, and I’m having a hard time with, with, with with the Catholic Church. So yeah, I really am. It’s not the it’s not the big see, it’s the little see that right. Yeah. And I appreciate

Paige C. Clark 16:29
your honesty and vulnerability about that, though, because that’s not an easy thing to admit to, in my opinion.

Felicity Buddig 16:39
Well, thank you. Because I’m, I’m very transparent about it. I’m yeah, I’m like, your mask is so dry. Yeah. Number one, the masses dry? Like, why don’t you like spice up some of the music, you get a younger crowd in here? And then number two is, are we going to see the fall of the Vatican? Like the I mean, look at the stuff that the Archdiocese have covered up over the decades over the centuries? And so I’m like, who’s infiltrated the Vatican? Yeah, sorry. Go there. i Yeah. So I don’t know if we’ll see it in our time. Yeah. But I do I have a real hard time. So that’s one of my biggest struggles is just finding a brick and mortar place to worship. I think, if I could do that, I think you’re gonna, I’m gonna have a bigger sense of community for myself, and for my family, and for my son. And that’s one of the biggest struggles is finding it because you know, nondenominational I think it’s pretty, but, you know, a Catholic mass is, is beautiful. I mean, yeah.

Paige C. Clark 17:46
I think there’s definitely, as as much as this, you know, small teach, small c church can be broken, because it’s run by broken people, right, like, is broken people trying to put it together? I think that, like each, you know, if you’re Catholic or Evangelical, I think they each have like, their own, like, beautiful elements to it. And I actually actually worked in Ireland for a while with a with a ministry out there that was working to, you know, minister to the kids, kind of like, like their equivalent of like, high school aged kids. And what was really beautiful as this ministry was going forward, was that it was ultimately nondenominational in the fact that our I guess like an denominational, yeah, so like it didn’t, it didn’t associate itself with the Catholic Church or with a Protestant church. It was Unitarian. Yeah, very neutral in that approach. And that was actually that allowed them to reach so much so many more people in their ministry. Because they said, you know, like, they agreed on the big, the big list of things, you know, the Jesus, the Trinity, you know, there’s agreement there. And the rest, you know, can be figured out within your own heart. But but it opened up so many doors to be able to like, kind of stand straddle that line, I guess.

Felicity Buddig 19:31
Yeah, I agree completely. Yeah. Yeah.

Paige C. Clark 19:35
Yeah. And I and I hear what you’re saying to with with finding community and I think that like, I hear you and I hear what you’re saying is like, one one is not easy to find community and find those people. But also, like I hear the desire to do that within you when you’re talking about it. Have you had have you Have had kind of a glimpse or like a taste of a really powerful or strong community within within the church.

Felicity Buddig 20:09
I have never Wow. I know I have never and I’ve watched so many Hallmark movies. And I have never, you know, I just I haven’t and I don’t know if that’s just I wasn’t, you know, sometimes we are closed off to certain things I could have closed off. I haven’t maybe found the right. Time. That wasn’t the right place. Yeah. You know, so I’m exploring out here in my area. And, you know, I’ve connected with some really great women out some of the churches because there’s a wonderful Unitarian Church, right down the street with me. Beautiful, female pastor that’s reforming prisoners and everything. Yes. Yeah. It’s so close. Yeah, there is a block that I have. There’s some Yeah,

Paige C. Clark 21:03
yeah. But I think it’s beautiful, though. Because like, even though and and forgive me, if I’m like, mischaracterizing what you’re saying. But like, even though you haven’t experienced this kind of community, like you still feel a sense of being drawn to the need for community. And I think that’s a really interesting, like, a really interesting highlight of the human experience is that we’re designed to do it together.

Felicity Buddig 21:36
110% Yes,

Paige C. Clark 21:38
yeah. And I think when we have our faith, depending on what kind of because to bring it back, we’re talking about work and like, how our work intersects with our faith. I think that you were saying your social media manager is a Christian. But then there’s also those people who are not believers, who we encounter every single day, I would say, I encounter more unbelievers than I do in my regular life at work.

Felicity Buddig 22:08
Yeah, we’re seeing a lot of that, to be honest with you. You respect it. I respect it. i Yeah.

Paige C. Clark 22:15
Can you talk more about that experience for you?

Felicity Buddig 22:19
Yeah, I had a social media manager, I absolutely love her. She does more stuff on the side. And I don’t think there’s a relationship with God, because she’s kind of made mention on the verbiage that we are switching to, and she said, It’s gonna offend the people that aren’t. And I said, Well, it’s going to attract the people that I want to attract. When you have to think yes. You know, I am very spiritual. I am spiritually gifted. I am. Yes. So I can see both sides of the spectrum, right. But I’m going to do it my way. And they’re going to do it their way and there is no right or wrong. But if you are feeling empty, feeling lost, feeling unfulfilled, there’s a reason for that. And my relationship with God has completely turned that around.

Paige C. Clark 23:13
Yeah. Oh, gosh, that’s so true. And, and what I see, especially, I mean, it literally happened last week. So it’s like really opportune, that we’re talking about this. But for me last week, I don’t know what I was looking at a video or something on Facebook of a video and it was talking about Christians. And I made the mistake of going to read the comments. If you are in a negative place, stay away from the comment section because it is not a good place that fosters positive positivity. And I was reading through it and I was like, I was like, so heartbroken of like, what people write in these comment sections are kind of like the revelation of their true feelings and their true selves. While they might not say that to you, in a cubicle, they’re saying it online, and I got really disheartened. And then the Asbury, are you familiar with what’s happening as a university? So um, that’s happening. And I like kind of compare the two and I was like, we are so hungry for God, like, but most of our culture does not know what to call it.

Felicity Buddig 24:35
Or they suppress it, because what happened to Kanye? I’m sorry, to open it up there. Yeah. We are suppressing it. We are suppressing it and suppressing and suppressing it and it’s become such bad juju to speak that we I am proud to say that I am a Christian. I believe in God. It is I mean are images of women protesters during the the abortion thing and I don’t even want to go there with right? It’s right or I’m just the signs that they were holding up was just, it was grotesque and it wasn’t coming from a place of love. You know what I mean? And I think, for me God’s intention, if you are following him or following the word, it’s out of a place of love. And we’re not seeing that today. Yeah. And comments are scary.

Paige C. Clark 25:36
Yeah, it was, it was brutal. And I have learned my lesson. But it also gave me kind of a glimpse into the battle that’s even happening. Like in the spiritual realm, for us, and for people who are believers and people who are not believers and, and that battle that is going there. And I was even in the workplace, I work in a very kind of corporate environment. And like, there’s been many times where I hit my knees, and I’m like, God, I don’t know how to respond to this in a way that is honoring to you, but also that reflects you in these examples, and I think that’s some sometimes really difficult.

Felicity Buddig 26:26
What’s interesting, yeah, yeah. What would your coworker say? How would they react?

Paige C. Clark 26:31
Yeah. And, and being put in situations where you’re obligated to reply or to answer in a certain realm, but also you’re like, that’s not God honoring in my faith. And I think that’s something that like people struggle with. And something you know, your social media manager, kind of called out is like, here’s gonna be people who are turned off by this.

Felicity Buddig 26:59
Yeah. Yeah. Maybe you’re meant to, like, just change that. And I think we have, there’s an opportunity there. Yeah. I mean, we, we see what’s going on in the world. And, you know, we can hunker down and just pray, or we can be willing to stand up for what we believe in.

Paige C. Clark 27:21
Yeah. Yeah. For sure. And, and so what I kind of wanted to circle around about is one I have like, so many logistical questions, like my marketing mind is kicking in is like, when did you make this change on your social media? And what have your metrics and change? Like, what have your social media metrics looks like since you made this change? And have you seen an improvement in being more upfront about what you believe in?

Felicity Buddig 27:52
Social Media Engagement? Yes, I have seen improvement metrics. I had to fire that person. So I don’t know yet. Yeah, okay. Yeah.

Paige C. Clark 28:01
I got you. I got you.

Felicity Buddig 28:04
I was just gonna say, I found that out. I’m gonna talk to her. Because I do I want more of it. I want more of it. I do. And I would like to pair up and collaborate with some wonderful women that I see on Instagram. Like, she who worships there’s bands out there that I’m seeing, you know, my uncle page is to be out there speaking to communities of just groups of midlife women, letting everybody know that you know what you’re going through right now. It’s okay. There’s no shame to feel about it. We all have a story. We all have a struggle, but we do it together. And that togetherness was brought to you from Yeah, yeah. And I would love to pair it with some of the Yeah, the I think it’s called she who worships or something like that. It’s, you know,

Paige C. Clark 28:59
yeah. One of the accounts. Yeah. So going into like what you do a little bit more like why midlife women? Like what is what is significant about that sector of women?

Felicity Buddig 29:15
Why am one one I’m so at 42 I had my awakening, I had my earth shattering like what the hell happened? I was raised like how my family is like, what? And I went through some intense, intense, really good therapy surrounded by some really great therapists and shamans and I went back to my roots in Mexico to do some healing part of my spiritual gifts. I have the ability to see past life stuff with me so I was able to go back to Mexico and work with shamans and I were current shamans here and I Um, I think with midlife women, when we do hit that point at 42, we start to open our eyes and realize, like, I’m not everything that made me happy that it’s not your eyes are open, you’re realizing that, especially in our generation, we were trained to just do it all. And we’ve heard a lot of women climbing that corporate ladder. So there’s a lot of feminine going on right now. Currently, too. Yeah. So we’re backing off. And we’re finding side hustles. And yeah, and a lot of us are just learning to set healthy boundaries, expectations, and just starting to dabble in new adventures. And I think it’s beautiful.

Paige C. Clark 30:41
Yeah. Talking about the corporate ladder. And I’ll add this with the caveat of I know Jesus can do anything he wants. So if he wants to be in the corporate space, he will be in the corporate space. But in the regular American kind of business corporation, as it currently stands, do you think there’s room for Jesus?

Felicity Buddig 31:15
It’s sad, isn’t it? Yeah. It is.

Paige C. Clark 31:21
The answers probably no.

Felicity Buddig 31:22
Yeah, it really is. Yeah. Yeah. What do you think? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Sad.

Paige C. Clark 31:31
You Yeah. And how and how do does Jesus show up at you know, I’m reaching out to a bunch of people to get, you know, all walks of life on this podcast of like, all different backgrounds. But with the common thread of like, they believe in Jesus, and I’m hoping to get some human resource professionals and some employment lawyers on here because, like, I, I don’t think it’s happening so much now. But I I can see it happening in the future of where it’s gonna be silenced. And that’s hard and, and scary of, you know, not being able to talk about your who you are. It’s not even your faith. Because when we are in Jesus, we are a new creation, and he lives in us and so not being able to be who you are in Jesus in the workplace is

Felicity Buddig 32:28
unfair. Yeah. Yeah. I don’t know. I think you need some rebel rousers. I’m like that, yeah, you’re like, triggering my rebel in me. And I’ve learned that in my little cubicle, and you’re gonna yank me out?

Paige C. Clark 32:44
Wow. Yeah.

Felicity Buddig 32:47
You know, um, I would hope not. I would hope I would not, especially with where we’re shifting because we are spiritually shifting into a new. That’s a whole other conversation, but we are spiritually shifting, the Earth is shifting. Things are happening. I think we’re, you know, I have faith. Yeah, I do. I really do. I have faith. And I’m going to tell you when it gets bad, the old saying there are no atheists in a foxhole. Yeah. And sometimes God has to rock our foundation heart before we had been there. And we’ve had many years of just good times. And so he’s like, we’re gonna make it hard.

Paige C. Clark 33:30
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And because in the heart is where you find Jesus, I’m actually I’m actually working on a book of like, how to find Jesus in the easy, because I feel like that’s where most most people struggle with their faith, or struggle with the intentionality of their faith is when things are going good.

Felicity Buddig 33:54
I gotta think about that, that’s good. That is nine. Or you know, it all starts at home, and then we, because we just become our own individual self, right. So it really is your own personal journey.

Paige C. Clark 34:09
And I like to think to your saying kind of this uprising, I wouldn’t put it there yet. But kind of this merging of, of Christians, and I guess I would just say like moral Christians who are stepping up into the place that had a very hard boundary line before, and they’re, they’re stepping over and kind of crossing that of like, we don’t need just more Christians. We need more Christian Christian business leaders. Because then through that they’re able to operate their business in an ethical and moral way and allow for their employees to have the freedom to be able to practice their faith.

Felicity Buddig 34:59
I’ve got some I’m ready for you to interview. So my chiropractor, I go and see a chiropractor, so we won’t forget this. Well, I will connect you. And I love walking into that office because the Christian music is playing, you’ll heal some of the employees going, oh my god, I can’t take it anymore. And we can freely speak about what ever Yeah, politics COVID Just its freedom. But I’m telling you, it’s a small business. It’s yeah. And maybe that’s where we need to put the money in. But I walked in, and they are not afraid to talk about it, to listen to it. And I don’t see any uncomfortable people besides a couple employees, and there’s still plenty more to be honest with you. So

Paige C. Clark 35:46
yeah, my hair stylist was the same way where she she had, she has since sold her business, which I am like heartbroken about because I’m like, I have to go find someone else like this. This does not keep itself up, I have I need someone with professional help. But she was the same way where anyone was able to talk about everything and would always have worship music playing on in the background, and like you knew what you got when you went there. But also, it’s a very successful business. And she sold it and you know, it’s still successful. And so, yeah, I think we just need more Christian business owners to be able to, we need to raise them up to be able to help just sustain faith in the workplace.

Felicity Buddig 36:37
I think so and not be afraid because that was me as I struggled with the fear part of it, oh my god, I’m gonna put this out. I’m going to write an article about this. Oh, my God, I’m going to, and then it was a deeper epiphany that I had talking to God that I’m like, Okay, I’m going to serve you this way. You have gotten me this far and have given me these amazing gifts through My trials and tribulations. I can serve you this way by speaking it to women. And so for me, it was really fear based. And then I was just like, I’m just gonna do it.

Paige C. Clark 37:14
Yeah. Yeah. And, and too, I think that when we step into a spirit of boldness, we realize that those who we were those who would be offended, they don’t really know you. Because I think like, even I fall into this trap a lot of kind of watering down my face, especially when I’m like in at work and everything of like, I don’t want to talk about it as boldly as I know I can. And it’s, it’s really for fear that I’m going to be pocketed into a certain bucket, and people will see the label and put me in that bucket. When really the truth is, if they know me, and they know my heart. I probably don’t fit in that bucket.

Felicity Buddig 38:12

Paige C. Clark 38:14
Most of us don’t. Yeah, the only people use, the people in the bucket are the people you see on the news. And that’s why you think the people in the bucket go there. Right, like, the stereotypes that that we encounter.

Felicity Buddig 38:27
Hmm, exactly. Yeah. That’s very, that’s very interesting.

Paige C. Clark 38:33
Yeah. So to kind of wrap up this conversation, I always like to ask my guests, what is one thing that our listeners can do to implement implement a faith building practice or discipline into their life? What can they walk away with today?

Felicity Buddig 38:52
One thing that we can do, yeah. Talk to God. Just talk, just start by talking. It’s it simply has to just start with talking. And I think from there, it usually just kind of grows and flourishes if you start talking. You know, we want to live in his excellence. Yeah, no. Yeah. be groomed into his excellence. Yeah.

Paige C. Clark 39:20
Oh, that’s so powerful. So powerful, because I think people think that when we talk about a relationship with Jesus and a relationship with God, people miss out like, what do you do in a relationship? You hang out with them, you spend time with them, you learn about the other person. They learn about you. Of course, God knows everything about you. But there’s, there’s this give and take in the relationship and it’s not just like, yeah, he knows everything about me. It’s like, okay, what do I know about God? And do I talk to him?

Felicity Buddig 39:54
Yeah, yeah. And dive into the scriptures. I mean, you’re talking to Right now, somebody who was a Catholic because she had to be, and just didn’t have a relationship with him for a long time. And then finally started to and dive into the Scripture. poke around. Do your own homework. Yeah, don’t Yeah. I mean, if anything, if you are that, uncertain about who he or she is, is he in my eyes? You know, I’m just poke around, dive into the Scripture. I gotta tell you, there’s some great podcasts out there. There’s some great apps out there. Jeff cavan’s is awesome. He has helped me understand the scriptures. I usually have to listen and then go to YouTube. Right. And he’s helped define the difference between, you know, living in his excellence. There’s no ego. No ego. No I on that.

Paige C. Clark 40:55
Yeah. Thank you so much Felicity for joining us. You’re beautiful. It was great. Thank you. Thank you, then. Awesome, and we’ll catch you guys on the next episode. Thanks for joining us. If you liked what you were listening to make sure you subscribe and hit those five stars.

Paige C. Clark

She is a passionate writer, reader and coffee connoisseur; she is always looking for some creative words over a cup of coffee or iced tea

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