The strength of roots

There was a study done with the biodome in Tucson, Arizona and how the environment was effected. The biodome is an enclosed space that has a variety environments so researchers can see the effects of variables in a highly controlled environment. 

One thing that they had noticed was that the trees kept falling down. They couldn’t figure out why except for the fact that their root systems weren’t what they were in the wild. 

What did the biodome have that the real world didn’t? Well, then real world has wind. but in the biodome there’s no wind. It’s an enclosed space. What these researchers soon discovered was that the wind actually strengthened the trees. When the trees we’re exposed to the elements, to adversity, their root systems dug deeper. The root systems grew stronger. Holding up the tree to face any adversity that comes their way. 

Our roots getting stronger are a result of adversity. How beautiful is that sentiment? Our roots get deeper and grow stronger when the winds try to knock us over. 

Without the wind our roots may grow but they don’t gain strength. When our roots dig deep and hold on that’s when we know growth can happen. 

If adversity didn’t happen for us, we would be a lot like those trees in the biodome and fall over. It is in adversity that we find our grounding, our strength and our roots.

10 grounding techniques here.

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