9 to 5 Faith Podcast: Episode 25

This is a transcript from episode 25 of the 9 to 5 Faith Podcast with Paige C. Clark.

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Paige C. Clark 00:41
Hello, hello everyone. I’m here with self titled Johnny the farmer, or also known on his zoom name as Johnny paradise. Johnny, how are you doing today?

Johnny the Farmer 00:54
I’m swell. How’s it go? Rollin?

Paige C. Clark 00:56
How’s it growing? It’s going good. I mean, that’s not true. My My garden is like very struggling right now because it got burned this summer, everything is burned to a crisp. So I wish it was growing better than it was part of the country is that I’m in Arizona, so it is hot and sunny and like my poor tomatoes. They were doing so good. And I have like 10 tomatoes that were just like, almost ready for picking but like not quite. And then we hit a heatwave. And then they all burn to a crisp. And I was so sad because I don’t get these beautiful tomatoes.

Johnny the Farmer 01:35
Oh my gosh, yeah, you guys just finally had a monsoon. And people are real happy about finally, it’s been a long time coming, hasn’t it? Yes,

Paige C. Clark 01:43
I’ve been hearing that people are calling it the non

Johnny the Farmer 01:46
soon. Thing monsoon it’s not that great

Paige C. Clark 01:50
nonsuit season. So tell us a little bit about you and your gardening and all that good stuff. Well,

Johnny the Farmer 01:58
yeah, so for a long time I was doing software and I kind of started getting a little burnt out on that wanted to do something that was more aligned with my values are something I could feel that was really purposeful and had a lot of meaning at the end of the day. And so, you know, I got into the idea, you know, that healthcare is so important. And so I went and I was studying for my EMT certification, that’s a great place to start, because you can help out the paramedics and get on your way to really helping people in need when they need it. And, you know, gosh, not too not too far into that I saw, you know, a lot of the, you know, the bureaucracy of the system. And, you know, one thing a lot of that they do a lot is they really, ah, you know, it’s people who are, you know, have these health conditions, and it’s just too late to help them and, you know, realize that, you know, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. So, you know, to really help people before they get to this point of having, you know, heart disease is that epidemic levels in our country now, and to help people before it gets that far is something that’s, you know, that’s how we can really make more impact. So coming around to the idea that, you know, safe food, organic food, this is how I got there. And, you know, it’s doing it a little bit, but really getting to see it all come together and, and a couple of different farms and seeing how beautiful it can be not just that, you know, this really provides everything you need to be maximally alive and unhealthy. But that it’s a beautiful way of life to and as a Christian, you know, I think this is what God intended, you know, the first page of the Bible, it says, God put man in the garden to attend and keep it. And I think that divine design, I think that, you know, it’s the hubris of man to think that we can create something better, right? You look at what heaven will be, like, you know, there’s going to be a river again, and trees will be for the healing of the nations. So, you know, we’re going to be back in the garden. And, and, yeah, so to be good shepherds now, and to sow the seed, and, you know, we can we can restore creation, you know, we can feed the 5000 we can be part of that healing that the ministry that the Lord was a part of. And, you know, a lot of Christians may give me pushback on that and say, Well, you know, it’s just what you really got to focus on in salvation, spreading the word, and I agree, that’s primary, but the Lord it was also about the healing and it also says, By His stripes, we are healed. Yeah. So the Lord really cares about our health. No, you think about him a temple, he put the cords together and he drove out the merchants. Right? And it said, he said, zeal for my father’s house consumed me. And we are here that temple, you know, we are the temple of the Holy Spirit and He cares about our health and he wants to bring us to, you know, all we can be so

Paige C. Clark 05:03
yeah, I love it, we are gonna be besties after this study because I’m like chomping at the bit here like, yeah, it’s like in my mind because like, you say, like getting into healthcare and I hear hear it put this way, a lot of it’s not health care, it’s sick care, because like our quote unquote health care system, it’s not helping people get healthy, it’s helping the sick. And it’s not again, what you said it’s not about prevent prevention right now it’s about, you know, kind of coping with the treatment. And so, there’s, there’s a book somewhere back here on the bookshelf, and it’s what the body knows about God, and you hit the nail on the head, when it’s like, I feel like Christianity has a tendency to dismiss the physical things, when really, we ignore the fact that God gave us the physical, as, like, as the home for it for the Holy Spirit. And like, we’re the ability for us to live out our lives in this home. And so I feel like that disconnection happens a lot. And that’s fascinating to hear, you know, kind of your journey and figuring that out.

Johnny the Farmer 06:18
Yeah, absolutely. You know, I’m reminded of James James chapter three says, you know, talking about faith and works, and it says, you know, if a family is hungry and cold, and they come to your door, and they’re, you know, asking for help, and you just tell them, you know, God bless you go on your way, you know, what good is that? So to provide for the needs of the physical, you know, that’s, that’s important. And that’s encouraged. And we see, you know, the Lord said, 5000, and he talked about when you throw banquets, and we look at like the prodigal son, we see that, you know, heaven, you know, redemption, this restoration, the metaphor for that is a wedding feast. So you know, to come together and to share and that and that’s a beautiful thing to be a part of. And yet, like from the beginning, it’s 10 the garden and keep it we can make the whole world beautiful again, it’s such a it’s life affirming, it really is.

Paige C. Clark 07:11
Yeah, and I’m gonna

Johnny the Farmer 07:14
keep going. No, no, no,

Paige C. Clark 07:16
I was just gonna say I’ve been noodling on that lately of like, taking care of the, like, God taken care of the real, like physical needs, because if you look at Jesus and His ministry, and what he did, and like the big miracles that He did, it took care of everything in a really physical way of, you know, feeding the 5000 and healing the blind, and, you know, you know, curing disease and everything that goes along with it. Those are all in really physical ways that God was able to, you know, minister to people, and then going back to like the garden. Funny that you said that because I have this like, Aha Moment recently. And I’ve been like, just kind of chewing on it. I’m not like I have, this is the first time I’d ever discussing it kind of publicly. But it was that idea of God created Eden and Eden is, you know, that was his creation. And that is what he saw as perfect. And so, you know, when we think about kind of end times, and, you know, the new world and all of that. I think it’s gonna be a lot like Eden, because that was God’s original design, and then everything’s going to be made perfect when Jesus comes again. So that’s kind of my thought, and you hit the nail right on the head when you said that.

Johnny the Farmer 08:41
Yeah, you know, and I think, you know, maybe like the turning point of history, you know, the cross, and before that in the Garden of Gethsemane, you know, the Lord’s there in a very special time. And yeah, again, they’re in a garden, kind of working through, you know, the process of, you know, the redemption of everyone. You know, and then you go to that Sunday morning, coming up, you know, Resurrection Sunday, Mary finds the Lord in the garden, and she doesn’t recognize them. And this is a good friend of the Lord. She says, I’m supposing to him, him to be the gardener. Right? He says, Have you seen my Lord? And so I think about this and I imagine maybe the Lord’s got his back to her. Maybe he’s got his arms up. And the that same resurrection power that was in him is kind of flow into the garden, and Mary had maybe had never seen the garden so beautiful. And she sees the Lord and she says, supposing him to be the gardener. Have you seen my Lord? So I think this is just another encouragement to us that we should be mistaken for the gardener at times. And you know, this is a beautiful way to

Paige C. Clark 09:58
and in your case, you actually Are are the garden? You are the farmer?

Johnny the Farmer 10:02
Yeah, you know, and it’s um, and not just for like healthy food, but you know, it ticks all the boxes for what a great lifestyle, you know, a little exercise and fresh air, a lifestyle so that we can be maximally alive and healthy and strong. Yeah, it is. It’s all with this delicious, nutritious beauty. You know, getting to be around our favorite plants and animals and seeing the butterflies and the hummingbirds come around. What a, what a beautiful, the manifold wisdom of the Lord, you know, too. I often think about the cycles of, you know, like composting, we take our bananas, and we feed them to the chickens, and we take our chicken manure, and we feed it back to the banana tree. What an incredible cycle, what an incredible symbiosis between the plants and animals that, you know, we’ve actually lost these days with conventional agriculture with the chemical agriculture, you know, instead of using that manure, they’re using, you know, petroleum chemicals, and it’s wild, we’re really seeing the health deficits that come from that. Yeah. But you get back to like, the manifold wisdom of God to create things in this perfect symbiosis. You know, also the breath, you know, the photosynthesis, you know, at the end of the day, the plant is taking in carbon dioxide, and it’s exhaling oxygen, and we’re doing the exact inverse of that. Yeah, inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. And these are both these processes are so critical for the plants and the animals to live. And somehow it all works even it’s like, it’s like, that’s what it is. So yeah.

Paige C. Clark 11:46
And I was, I was actually thinking the other day, because I’m, I’m sprouting myself right now for the next season. And I haven’t seen the other day, it was just like, such a nerdy moment of me where I’m like, yes, I’ve always known this, but like, the impact of what it was really hit me in the moment, and I was like, God is so cool, because he made all of these things to regenerate. Like, you have like, right now, my butternut squash. seedlings are just like, thriving, they’re on cloud nine, they’re happy. And I was like, how cool is it that like, I have these one plant and it’s going to produce, I mean, hopefully, it’ll produce like four or five. You know, butternut squash is over the season. But then I cut it open and I have a plethora of seeds that I just get to go and reuse for the next season. And like I think that we ignore that a lot of the time that I’m like, God created this and like what you were saying with them with a compost feeding the chickens and then the chickens, you know, feeding them banana trees, and it’s just like this perfect cycle. I think there’s a lot of just all that happens when we look at God’s creation and even with chickens to chickens, and then they create eggs and then you can cook the eggs or if you let the chickens grow, they’ll grow up to be more chickens and then those chickens will lay eggs and it’s just like this really beautiful cycle that God has already put in place for renewal and like just constantly constant recycling, which is really beautiful to see.

Johnny the Farmer 13:27
Absolutely, it’s incredible. I love it butternut squash Wow, I love some good butternut squash soup It’s like a nice warm hug it’s like a good curry in the mail.

Paige C. Clark 13:38
Yeah, I make a really good I do butternut squash sweet potato is it pumpkin no butternut squash sweet potato and I make like a coconut curry bass and I just make it this like really thick soup is so good. It’s my absolute favorite thing to do so I mean hopefully fingers crossed but my little tomato plants I’m so heartbroken I think they’re not dead yet but they my my latest crop suffered

Johnny the Farmer 14:07
hope you know what I might do is cut them back and yeah maybe I don’t know if you create some shade but to help you know ensure they stay hydrated enough I’m sure you have some mulch but maybe the more much the better. And you know a lot of trees when you plant them you want to plant them like a little higher than the soil so they don’t get suffocated by you know there’s their stems actually needed to breed the tomatoes aren’t like that you can actually take the leaves off and plant them super deep. So this could be something that you know there’s plenty of time left in the season there so

Paige C. Clark 14:40
yeah, so Okay, so let’s get back to what we came here to do because I could nerd out all day about about plants and my like little you know, urban backyard situation I have going on. But what really what What is it that you do kind of on a day to day basis? And like, how does your faith inform that?

Johnny the Farmer 15:07
That’s great. So I help out with garden design in installs. And then I help out with kind of some activism online helping spread the word. So, yeah, I think my faith informs that by Yeah, the importance of like, waiting on the Lord for that next step can be so crucial, you know, we were talking about the Garden of Gethsemane, you know, he invited the inner circle, Peter, James, and John to wait with them. And I think this is such a special invitation that is extended to us. You know, throughout the scriptures, you know, it says, Be still and know that I am God. And it says, you know, those who wait on the Lord will rise up on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint. So, there’s a lot of places again, in the, in the prophets that says that, you know, in quietness and rest was your salvation, but you would have none of none of it. Instead, you you split off on horses. And this is such a great metaphor for how the flesh in us, you know, just wants to go and do what seems right to us. And when the disciples those, those, that inner circle is waiting with the Lord, you know, they, they can’t do it, they keep falling asleep, and the Lord keeps waking them up and fan, hey, can you just wait with me for one hour? And, you know, so they, they were walking with the Lord for three years, and this was like the best of the best, and they were falling asleep. So that’s an encouragement to us that you know, the Lord is patient. And that, you know, this doesn’t come easy for for anyone. You know, I see the fruit of finding that time to wait on them, you know, the disciples asked the Lord, how do we pray, and he says, When you pray, go in your inner closet and shut the door, and your Father who sees you in secret will reward you. And what’s interesting about that, to me is it’s such a quid pro quo there. It’s like, if you do this, your father will reward you. And, you know, there’s not a lot of times in Scripture, you see something so clearly outlined like that, right? But yeah, and then it’s really been done on me, you know, we all just kind of make our mistakes. And to me, I really think that the root of that is that yeah, we’re not finding that time to abide in the Lord. And really to, you know, when he went into the wilderness to pray after he was baptized, he was out there for 40 days fasting. And, you know, the adversary came to him and was tempting him. And he says, You know, I know you’re hungry. Why don’t you turn that stone into a loaf of bread. And the Lord says, Man shall not live on bread alone, but every word from the mouth of God. And this implies that just eating that bread in that moment, would have distracted him from hearing what the Father had for him. And you know, that’s such an innocuous thing, right? To have some bread when you’re hungry. Yeah. But this kind of, you know, emphasizes this fact of finding this time to really hear from Father and to really kind of surrender. You know, Paul says that the flesh and the spirit are at odds with one another. So we have to be wary not to. Yeah, just want to go our own way. And to really, you know, hear your father and hear that way. You know, there’s a path lined up for us. You know, Jesus warns us that narrow is a path that leads to life but broad is a way that leads to destruction. So, Amen. Lord, help us find that time. Yeah. I like to remember land on a Thursday because the Garden of Gethsemane that was on a Thursday night. And so you know, the Lord is asking those disciples, you know, wait with me and pray for me for one hour. So, Lord, help us. Remember to do that. And, again, maybe especially on a Thursday, to find that time and to, to be blessed in that way. I think that that is a lot of where we can find a lot of blessing there. And yeah, then the Lord can just work on us and show us things. You know, we all there’s, gosh, Paul said that he finds this principle at play that whatever he does, the enemies are to tempt him. So you know, it’s walking up to the Lord. It might be you know, the hardest thing in the world. He says, deny yourself and pick up your cross and follow Me. So there’s to continually deny ourselves, that’s, that’s a superhuman effort. And we need to be doing that by the Spirit. We can’t do that in our own flesh. And we live in an age of distraction, where there’s just all of this nonsense of the materialism. And then temptations to take us away from, you know, really, you know, hearing what father has for us. So to find that time and to really listen, you know, Lord, Lord help us. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. So I find it helpful to really imagine the Lord doing it. And just try to be a witness, just try to see the Lord doing it in my shoes. You know, it says that he was tempted just like us in all ways, but he was perfect. He did not sin. So we can imagine him and every temptation that we face, and we can imagine how he would handle it. And to me, that’s the secret sauce of the faith is that we’re going to find whatever we were missing, whether it’s courage or self control, the empathy, the love, the forgiveness, the grace, the patience, if we keep our eyes fixed on the Lord, you know, we’re going to be transformed into His likeness. You know, it’s, it’s said that, you know, whoever your five best friends are, that’s pretty much who you are, you know, is Jesus like, in our top five

Paige C. Clark 21:07
best friends? Yeah,

Johnny the Farmer 21:08
I hope he’s number one. Right, Lord

Paige C. Clark 21:09
help us. Yeah. Johnny farmer slash preacher, because that was amazing. I absolutely agree with all of that. And I think to like, God, there’s so many parallels in scripture of the harvest and God using nature. And I mean, most people were, you know, I was gonna say, agrarian, that’s the word I was looking for, you know, they’re working the fields that was really kind of commonplace. And so I feel like, you know, now with being able to run down to my grocery store and get the food that is there a, we’ve kind of lost touch with with that. Kind of parallel. But with you, you’re doing this every day, day in and day out. And I can see that, like, God really meets you and like, reinforces the messages that he is telling in Scripture in what you do every day.

Johnny the Farmer 22:09
Yeah, it’s a great opportunity in the garden to reconnect for sure. Yeah, with the natural world, I think. Yeah, so many of the parables right there based on these natural things of, you know, the parable of the sower, or the parable of the the lead and the tears, and shepherd and leaving the sheep finding the lost sheep. And, you know, we’re talking about the seed earlier with the butternut squash. I love that, you know, because that shows the abundance the blessing of God, right? 3464?

Paige C. Clark 22:38
Yeah. Oh, I’ve never, you just added a whole other layer to that, like, lightbulb moment I had. That’s so true. So true. Oh my gosh, that’s so cool. I’m gonna have, I’m not going to be journaling after this Johnny word, I’m just going to be like, knee deep in it. Now, one question I do have, and I want to know if it’s true for you. Because a lot of what you see in Scripture is when Jesus meets with the women, and God meets with women in Scripture, usually, they’re being met, and kind of like what they do in everyday life in their everyday life, right? Like, Mary and Martha, they’re in their home cooking, and cleaning, and all that good stuff. And then Jesus comes into their home, you know, the woman at the well, Jesus is at the well and meeting the woman in her everyday life, whereas, and this is kind of generally on a trend, but with the men, God always cause cause them to go out and retreat to meet with God, do you find that to be true with your spiritual life and your spiritual practice? Whereas like, you’re not necessarily meeting God in the Garden, your garden, but you you know, you want to go out and retreat with God to have that time with him?

Johnny the Farmer 23:59
That’s interesting question. Yeah, you know, I’ve had my season where I was traveling a lot. And, yeah, it’s interesting to think, you know, remember how, you know, a lot of the Lord’s people would would travel talks about, you know, being the inner Sojourner and blessing the sojourner. And talks about you think about Abraham, you know, they were, they were living in tents, right. So they were going around with their animals. And yeah, it was. There’s something special about about that road, I think, you know, it Life is full of these kinds of contrasts, right, like, trade offs, where, you know, going off on an adventure like that, you know, it’s so cool in so many ways, but then to stay home with a family. You know, that’s just as beautiful in other ways. Oh, yeah. So to have have that dichotomy is interesting. And seeing that interplay, I do I do often try to make part of my routine is to take a walk in the evening, you know, in, in Genesis in Adam, in Eden, it says, Adam walked with God in the cooler today, and to go and catch a sunset, and just to have that time to wind down before it gets dark and be outside and that I do find that that’s a good time to reconnect and consider the things Lord and try to tune in to that. And yeah, just finding that quietness, yeah, I really do find that in going on a walk in that way. I was something about having a dog growing up, that really made me appreciate, you know how much I like to go for a walk, or you can go go for a walk with your dog and get back inside. And then, you know, 10 minutes later, your dogs looking at you like, why don’t we go? Why are we still outside walking? Yeah, so I have grown to appreciate that. And, yeah, but I also am just finding that time in the closet as well. I think that that is a place where, you know, there’s something special about really tuning in, you know, for me, my mind wanders, and I think that that’s kind of the it’s kind of the whole point of, you know, mindful meditation, and is that to kind of get control of our mind. And, you know, to take every thought captive to the Lord and to keep coming back to, you know, what His will is for us and to keep listening to that, rather than, you know, whatever seems right to us. I find it helpful in the, in that prayer closet to kind of be, you know, prostrate, you know, it says that the Lord kind of fell to his knees and he was praying, and you see this kind of throughout Scripture is that this posture of humility, helps me kind of come back to, you know, I’ve read somewhere, how does the quote go? It says that the posture of the body, it’s like, the, it’s like a posture of the soul. So to kind of be prostrating, in that place, kind of, like, kind of, like Child’s Pose for yoga. Yeah. You know, I like that, as far as really just bringing me back to what I’m doing. Because, man, if you try, you know, maybe I have add more than most, but for me, I try to focus on something and, you know, it’s easy for the mind to wander at times, especially if it can be you know, as abstract as prayer waiting on the Lord can consume some time. So

Paige C. Clark 27:36
yeah, yeah, for sure. And it’s funny that you say that, and I’m gonna do something that I like, was not planning on doing I’m gonna move my camera and show you because what I’m working on fits perfectly into this conversation. So forgive my office for those who are watching this live. But I am cleaning out that closet right now to become my prayer closet. Like as we speak. I started this yesterday. But yeah, I’m cleaning out that closet right there because I don’t know what I was doing. I was like getting something out of it. My husband walks over and he goes, so good size closet, you should make your prayer closet. And I was like, yes, absolutely. So you know, it’s it’s happening. It’s Look at that. I think that is affirmation and gods and Gods Inklings towards me in my life. Now, Lord, help us Yes. Right. Like is like you can see all my stuff is completely removed from that closet right now, which is what I was, I did it yesterday. So I need to vacuum it’s done. But we’re gonna get there. But yeah, it’s kind of amazing. And it’s funny because it takes me back to my time in college, there was one season where I had ended up in a dorm room by myself, which like, is very unheard of for college. Like, no one is really in like a dorm room by themselves. Like, that doesn’t happen, but like just how the circumstances shook out. I was in this room by myself for a good chunk, and then ended up coming like that last half of the semester. I had a friend who is the sounds, you know, way sketchier than it actually was. But she was pregnant. And so she like came and like lived in the dorm room as well, but she was also attending college and she was also married. It’s a whole thing. But for this time, I had like, my own room and I could like make this space, whatever I wanted. And so I took the like bunk and it was on its rafters, and I put it on its tallest rafter and then underneath it was nothing because no one needed that bed. And so I put like, a curtain up and I put like lights and like a map and all this other stuff. And like I had my prayer list up there. And it was like my own space and I was like one day I’m gonna have this in my home and guess what, that’s what’s that’s exactly what is happening

Johnny the Farmer 29:59
to me. is a Today’s a day. That’s awesome. Yeah,

Paige C. Clark 30:03
yeah, crazy. I mean, like more things like that have happened on this podcast. And I’m like, you know, I don’t know if this pot, like I hope this podcast reaches people. But what I’m finding is God is just like using it to preach to me and my soul and all of this. So I don’t know if you caught it. And this is actually the first time I think I’m bringing it up on the podcast, but I had recorded a podcast with Dr. Tony, he’s a chiropractor. This was like back in March or April. And we were talking and the Scripture had come to me that morning, and then it came to me again during the conversation was, even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me. And that just like kept coming up. And I was like, God, like, what are you doing? Like, because whenever things like that happen, I’m like, It’s definitely like a foreshadowing of God, like happening. And I’m like, What’s going on here? Now, a couple of weeks later, my husband gets a cancer diagnosis. Oh, my God, and then, like, he’s fine. Now all good and dandy. But it was like, that was the last episode I had recorded. Before I took like a two month stint off while he was going through surgery and everything. But now I’m like, seeing that everywhere with his podcast. So I’m just like, you know, it’s just God talking to me through all this. So there’s my there’s my prayer closet to say the least.

Johnny the Farmer 31:31
Oh, my gosh, wow. though. Good. Yeah, this

Paige C. Clark 31:36
Yeah. Crazy. So I kind of just like, you know, let’s, let’s throw out the entire structure for this. Because I think that the conversation about gardening and food and its connection to God, is it’s too good to pass up with this conversation. And now that I have you here, I’m not gonna let you go. So in what way is hat? Like, what are the principles? Maybe that have? You’ve learned about God? First in the garden, and first on the farm? You know, not necessarily like, we read it in Scripture. So it applies to the farm, but like things that you have interacted with on the farm, then you’re like, Oh, this is like, definitely a Jesus God thing going on?

Johnny the Farmer 32:23
That’s good. You know, we talk about the butternut squash and all the seeds that come from that, thinking about how the abundance like this is like the Kingdom economy, you know, is this abundance mentality that, you know, God is gonna bless us? To me? You know, it seems like most of the time a disciple came to Jesus and asked him a question. He responded saying, Oh, you have little faith. You know, like, Lord, help us have the faith that, you know, we have a perfect father who wants to provide for us, you know, he provides for the birds and provides for the flowers, he loves us much more than these. So what a wow, we can find rest in that we can find comfort in that we can find strength in that. And that can help us to find, you know, rest, which we need for restoration and rejuvenation. So, Amen. Lord, help us trusting you with all things and not to find ourselves so worried. Yeah, that you see this abundance in the garden. In so many ways of things that we can from the seeds to you know, I love when you go to harvest a plant and you cut it back and it needs pruning anyways. So now, a lot of times, you know, we don’t harvest as much as we have. And then we’re like, well, we need to print this plant. So we’ll print it back. And then wow, now look at all these seeds, all these leaves. And then, you know, I liked this. This one tropical kind of they call it like a spinach. It’s called the took, but it actually tastes super sweet. It’s like a sweet pea. Okay, and so this one, I love this. It’s a perennial, right, you can have huge garden beds of it, you have like a little forest of it. And when you go in, you cut it and print it back. And now you have all these leaves to have and I’m like wow, I just have not been eating enough of this and put it in the fridge or freeze it and then those those cuttings I needed to prune for the plant anyways. But now I can take those and I like to just take them cut all the leaves off, put them in a wet bag in the shade somewhere, keep them wet for a couple weeks, and now they can be rooting and that can be you know, dozens more little plants that I have to share or spread around the garden. So just this idea that wow, just as we harvest these things, like more and more abundance is created. And yeah, what a beautiful way that we can make little oases of of abundance of resilience, legacies of love and then from them, we can spread that around our communities and talk about putting your light on a lamp stand. You know what a great Way to be a be a model of sustainability of, of love, you know? And yeah, I think we can make these durable systems, you know, our monoculture that’s so much focused on just annuals, you know, we can have orchards and, and, you know, animals integrated in a way that are, you know, kind of as hands off as possible,

Paige C. Clark 35:24
right, you know,

Johnny the Farmer 35:25
I, we’re talking about chickens. I love chickens, I recommend everybody consider getting chickens because you can keep them in the tropics, you can keep them in Alaska. Yeah, they actually do better in the cold. And, yeah, they take take care of your kitchen scraps. And that can be like the primary thing they’re eating, and then returning that into, you know, eggs and manure, and, you know, you don’t need a rooster to have to get eggs, right, you can just have some hens are noisy. And, yeah, I recommend people to consider like the deep litter method. So just taking all of the, it’s recommended to take like 12 inches of woodchips and have that be the base layer that the chickens are in, and, and that all that carbon is going to soak up all that nature vision. So there won’t be any smell. It’s like a carbon filter. Right? Yeah. And you think about how this kind of relates to the design of God, you know, you go to a forest, and you see all this litter on the ground. And this is like, you know, the forest might not get any rain for six months, but it’s okay. Because that that mulch is is keeping the hydration. If it does get a big rain event, you know, it can soak it up, right.

Paige C. Clark 36:40
And it Campbell of the agriculture world.

Johnny the Farmer 36:43
Exactly. It’s keeping the soil. Cool, right? Yeah. Or if it gets like super cold, it’s actually keeping the soil warm. And so it’s, and then as it breaks down, it itself is like a compost tea that’s adding fertility to the soil. And so when we, when we use mulch, or it can be other kind of, you know, organic material and a chicken like this, we only need to go in, clean out that chicken coop, like once a year, and, and it will remain kind of nice and tidy. Yeah, it is. So

Paige C. Clark 37:18
I love the concept to a pruning. I think that’s one thing that I’ve really, that’s, it’s hard for me to do, because it doesn’t make sense on a human level is like, I’m cutting back for more, like I’m taking away. So that so there may be more there. And I think I heard this, you know, this whole talk around pruning and and even the Scripture about pruning the fruit and everything is like how God prunes us in our life. Right? Like God says, you know, like, our Scripture says, you put us like, refine us, you know, put us through the fire. And there’s, you know, the scripture of like, let’s God like, prune who we are, and the way the way I heard it put was like, pruning, like probably doesn’t feel good. You are like cutting a piece of the plant off like that, like you are like removing an arm, right? Like that doesn’t feel good. But into the plant it probably quote unquote, like hurts, but it is necessary in order for that plant to produce fruit. And so when God comes into our lives, and kind of prunes everything out, like it might hurt, it might suck. But at the end of the day it is so that we can be more productive of fruit in our life.

Johnny the Farmer 38:44
Absolutely, yeah. Well said, yes, the Scripture says yeah, my Father is the vinedresser I am the vine, and you know, you are the branches. And right so we receive our life from being rooted in the Lord abiding in him. And then it says that, you know, he, he prunes those he loves so, you know, we’re His children and he’s a perfect father and right so sometimes, you know, there’s things in our lives or there’s maturity. I love this idea of, of James V. I love the way James starts out says, it addresses, you know, the audience and then it says, Rejoice when you encounter all sorts of various trials for you know, and I’m paraphrasing, but, you know, it’s working your maturity in the Christ’s likeness. And, you know, this is so beautiful. I love the idea that we have a perfect father and all the challenges in our life, you know, maybe they’re perfect for us too. They’re just what we need to grow and to just mature to, to find that patience, find that reliance in the father find that love. Find that holiness, you know, he talked about pruning and it really makes me think of yeah began being devoted To the Lord, you know how, like I said, we’re like in the age of distractions, and there’s just so much to take our time. And to we can find wins. You know, to so many What do you watch? Go watch a video about anything on the phone in your pocket. It’s like, I believe what you find. And so, yeah, to get back to devotion to the Father, what does he have for us? You know, what are the what are the good works that we can walk in? You know, and often I find for myself, just that, wow, if the Lord would find themselves in my shoes right now, he would say, I haven’t been waiting on the father enough. I haven’t been you know, listening. I am too distracted, I need to focus in so you know, I think often this is where we find ourselves and to, to make that time it’s Yeah, I was. I like to play chess on my phone in my downtime, and then I’m just kind of like, convicted the other day is like, well, you have all these other things that you could be dealing with, you have like a list that’s like, endless of cool things that you’re excited to do. You can be like, catching up with those. And you know, how often am I put in like, good, good moments? Or like, you know, yeah, where I can be taken care of awesome things and is getting, getting into something else. So yeah, what help us be holy, it says, Be holy, even as your Father in heaven. It’s holy. Wow. We’re supposed to be devoted. And yeah, I can do amazing things through us. But if we’re not if we’re not present for him, if we’re not vessels that he can use, you know, yeah, we need pruning them. Yeah.

Paige C. Clark 41:43
One thing that I heard, I was recently at a conference, and it was for, for people who are becoming writers and everything. And we’re talking about like, the battle internal battle of social media. And the speaker who is giving this talk, she goes, social media doesn’t take up a lot of your time. Scrolling on social media takes up a lot of your time. And it’s this mind shift of like, no, like, actually, you know, posting on social media. That’s not That’s not your your weakness here. Your weakness is actually like the distraction that comes from it of just scrolling and scrolling and scrolling. So that really resonated with me, I was like, yep, that that too. And so whenever I do that, also, if anyone has an iPhone, you know, you can set time limits on apps just thrown it out there. You can set time limits on apps, which kicks you out once you hit your time limit. So there’s your you know, fun fact of the day, you can that’s that’s

Johnny the Farmer 42:40
a great point about social media, right? Is that Yeah, doing doing the fruitful things from it? Yeah, they don’t take a ton of time, but right scrolling, and they’re, you’re just consuming, you’re consuming that content. And it’s like, you know, if we’re filled with the Spirit, you know, we have things to share. We don’t we don’t need to, you know, just be consuming content like that and be consuming

Paige C. Clark 43:01
Jesus. Okay, I want you to talk about this idea, because I heard this and I like, had to sit on it for a while. Because also, there’s like, so many spiritual parallels to this, but I was listening to, I don’t know, it might have been like a video on like, agriculture and gardening and everything like that. And, and it was saying, it was talking about like, watering the plants, like how a lot of the times most people over water their plants, because they want to have some sense of control in the growing process. And like, the rest of it is really out of their hands. Because like, right, that the sunlight, it’s in the sunlight has the soil, it’s already the root, like the growing process is really out of your hands, all you have to do is kind of, I mean, to put it very simply, I know it’s not just the CEC but you just have to water it. And so a lot of people will end up over watering their plants because they want to do something in the process. They can’t be patient and idly stand by. Okay, what do you have to say about that? Because I thought that concept was so interesting.

Johnny the Farmer 44:17
Yeah, that’s like a great metaphor for for things in our lives. Isn’t that where Yeah, it’s like goes back reminds me of like, you know, in repentance and unrest is our salvation but we want to speed up on horses if we just wait on the Lord, you know, to reveal what we have to do. You think you’re talking about posting on social media? Like how much more powerful will our words be? If we wait on the father to give us direction about what to post rather than trying to craft it in our own like, you know, cleverness? Yeah. So yeah, it’s, it’s a great point. Yeah. And, and when watering the plants, it’s like, yeah, some plants some plants will like you can you could drown them they could live in River but yeah, it’s it’s easy to look into those things. You got these things and say, Hey, is this drought tolerant? Is this what? Yeah. I think most of the time people over water, it’s when they’re in parks. And so if I could just add, yeah, yes, it’s just lifted the part of it’s heavy. That’s because of the water. So it doesn’t need water. Or you could put your fingers in the soil and feel a couple inches deep.

Paige C. Clark 45:24
Yeah, I saw it too. Like, if the soil starts to pull away from the walls of the pot, then it needs water. And so that’s kind of like my rule of thumb is like, is this soil kind of constricting? A little bit?

Johnny the Farmer 45:37
That’s cool. I hadn’t heard that one. Oh, really? No, that’s great.

Paige C. Clark 45:41
I feel so special that I just told you

Johnny the Farmer 45:44
know, you don’t have to pick it up or, or put your hands on.

Paige C. Clark 45:48
You just look at it. Because like, if you see really dry soil, right, it’s like really compact and kind of around the center. Versus like, wet soil is like nice and relaxed. So there’s that and also, I have a hydro tower for my garden, so I don’t really need to worry about over. All right, right now, right now I’m worried about it not having water because it is so hot here that it like it evaporates. And within a day, you think it’s like here’s a 25 gallon tub. Like it’s like a big tub of water and it evaporates every day. And so every morning, I have to go up there and fill it.

Johnny the Farmer 46:30
Wow. 25 gallons. Yeah, that’s uh

Paige C. Clark 46:35
oh, it’s more than that. Now that I think of that. Yeah, it’s way more than that. Anyways, but

Johnny the Farmer 46:40
it making it happen. I love it. Yeah, Arizona. You gotta have it.

Paige C. Clark 46:44
Yeah, there’s this there’s this great Gao growing in the garden, I think is her little handle. But she’s an Arizona gardener. And it’s so great because I’m pretty sure everyone who gardens in Arizona follows her because like her garden is always just so lush and so beautiful. And she teaches people how to garden in in the low desert which is crazy.

Johnny the Farmer 47:11
Yeah, that is kind of I’ve I’ve visited and I kind of started wrap my mind around the challenge of it is yeah, I read one said, Eden Eden translates to the world watered place. So makes things a little easier there. I love the monsoon. calling it the non soon.

Paige C. Clark 47:33
The non soon. Yeah, we’ve had only like one storm so far this season. And that was like three days ago. But yeah, I’m just like waiting for the end of the season. Because then I’m like, okay, but here’s, here’s like a glimpse into my life has like way more detail than anyone ever needs to know. So we moved into this house about a year and a half ago. And right, and we knew we wanted to put in a pool because I’m a fish I love to swim. So also side note, we’re doing a natural biological pool, but just fascinating when it comes to plants, just say. So like, like a pond pool is what we’re gonna be putting in our backyard. I’m so excited. So we’re doing that, but also pools are insanely expensive. And so obviously, like we’re going to save up for a while, it’s going to take us you know, a couple of years to get that going. And so I’m like yeah, but I like don’t want my backyard to be like a pile of dirt. But I also don’t want it to be like wasted investment, because they’re gonna have to dig it all up once we put in the pool. So for this whole time, I’ve been like starting to really like build up my garden and everything like that. And so the one like when we get the tractors and the pool dug, my entire side yard is going to be just like wall the wall garden and it’s going to be magnificent. And I cannot wait for that day to get my garden like fully wet it’s going to be amazing because because in a hydro tower, you can grow anything except bushes and root like things that grow underground. Everything else so you can grow in a hydro tower which so my butterflies it’s all coming to fruition. Yeah, it’s so cool to like, I mean my I kind of let my tower and my plants seed in the tower and like kind of die out because I’m like there’s no point like trying to rescue them right now. It’s just too hot to function. But I’m also like watching my seedlings because I’m like they need food and they need like the nutrition that comes through the hydro tower, but it’s also insanely windy and sunny and I think it’s too soon to bring out the seedlings. So all in God’s timing right. That’s another lesson we can take away from this is just watching God’s timing and all of that because he will know when it’s the perfect time to do.

Johnny the Farmer 49:56
Absolutely. That’s good. I like that. Yeah, it’s um All in all in different seasons. Yeah.

Paige C. Clark 50:03
Yeah. Yeah, that was also interesting. Go, no, I was just gonna say, my, my sister and brother in law, they just bought some property in North Carolina, and they’re gonna start like their own kind of, you know, farm and you know, they’re gonna have animals and grow things and all that jazz. So when they, whenever they come out and visit me, they always like Go and take like little little starters from all my plants because I grow things that they don’t grow. So like when they were out here, they got like a couple pieces of cactus that they’re going to try to grow in North Carolina, and whatnot. But my, my brother in law he is trying to do, he’s going to do a hydroponic garden, but he’s going to do it with fish nutrient, so they’re going to have a pond with fish. And you actually take that water from the fish pond, which has, you know, in essence, is just fertilized water, because has fish poop and everything in it, and fish waste, and then they use that to be the nutrients for the hydroponic garden, which I think is the coolest thing. Again, God provides in all sorts of different ways.

Johnny the Farmer 51:17
Absolutely. That’s amazing.

Paige C. Clark 51:20
Okay, what were you gonna say, because I’m enjoying this way too much.

Johnny the Farmer 51:26
You know, I just wanted to go. So we talked about the beautiful things about gardening and how it’s in scriptures, but you’re talking about seasons, and I wanted to talk about why, you know, maybe we’re in a season of the kind of era we’re in why this is maybe more important all the time. Yeah. And so when you look to look to the garden, on that first page, it says tending keep the garden, and then there’s this warning, like, don’t eat from that tree of knowledge and get enable. So from the beginning, there’s this dynamic to watch what we eat. And in the States today, I know a lot of us are there, you know, and our food system is like kind of under attack, it can be a lot better. There’s 100 chemicals that are banned in Europe that are used to grow our food. And we see, you know, that we have an epidemic of diseases compared to them. And you know, they are living now in Western Europe, about six years longer than us, were about four years ago, they were living about one year longer than us. So we lost about five years. And that’s not just five years that we lose on the end, that’s like five years, you know, that’s vitality. In the meantime, you know, being able to be all we can be. So we’re under attack. And, you know, this, this glyphosate is, I think maybe the number one thing that we can try to cut out of our foods, and this is an herbicide that’s used to the tune of three pounds per person in the States. And there’s that per year. Yeah. And there’s some, there’s some peer reviewed research that shows that it’s like 99%, correlated with a lot of, you know, serious conditions going up to full three foot platform. And we’re talking about, you know, serious things, autism, Alzheimer’s, dementia, cancer, autoimmune diseases, obesity, diabetes. So this glyphosate is a known antibiotic, and it kills the life in the soil. And when we eat it, it’s like, you know, there’s a lot of really important microbes in our digestion, to the tune of like about 15 pounds, this is actually more microbes in our digestion, like 10 to 100 times as much as we have cells in our body because they’re very small. Yeah. So these antibiotics, they can disrupt that and, and kill most of those microbes. And they are very critical for our digestion and for our immunity to diseases, helping us process vitamins and nutrients. And another thing, so the glyphosate, you know, wrecks that and then it also really affects our stomach lining. So it can create a leaky gut. And so now it would, there’s like food in our digestion, that’s not ready, but it gets into our bloodstream. So this would be, you know, let’s say we had a really good meal, but we put it in the blender, and then just like, put it directly into our blood, like, that’s not the way that we’re designed, right? This is what’s going on when we when we get that glyphosate. So yeah, a lot of people we feel like we’re gluten intolerant, really, were glyphosate intolerant, because now what they’re doing is they’re using this as a desiccant on the crop. So before, maybe you can say, well, it’s not so bad because they would use it just as an herbicide to start and maybe as the plants got going, but then, you know, maybe it would be you know, weeks and weeks before harvest that they will use it and now they’re spraying it on oats or spraying it on wheat as a desiccant to dry out these crops. And this helps them And you know,

Paige C. Clark 55:01
if it’s faster, right, it helps them

Johnny the Farmer 55:03
harvest faster, it helps them to harvest more uniformly, it helps maximize their yield, it really helps. But this stuff is a known toxin is it’s very hard to like when a legal case against a toxin like this, right, they’ve won, they’ve won time and time again, against the maker of this glyphosate. And now there’s like this huge, like class action lawsuit where the maker is happy to pay $12 billion, with a B, to all the farmers getting cancers, and wow, it’s just farmers. And that’s actually just one type of cancer. And yeah, and

Paige C. Clark 55:42
that’s just one instance.

Johnny the Farmer 55:45
It shows you Yeah, and so the stuffs in all of our food, there’s studies that show that just a tiny bit, can be like, you know, really toxic, especially for kids, you know, their kidneys are underdeveloped, compared to adults. So there, they can be more prone to the problems of this. So, yeah, I just think this, this is, this is a real issue and something to consider. And I just go back to this idea, like, what’s more important to the health of us and our loved ones? Yeah, by the Lord stripes were healed, he cares about our health, you know, we need to, and this is going to help us, you know, be all we can be so many people, now they have fibromyalgia, they have brain fog, you can’t do all they they wouldn’t be able to do, because, you know, they’re sick and tired. And so this is a great way, you know, it feels good to feel good. So the more we can lean into this, you know, there’s when when we go shopping at a grocery store, you know, there’s something called the clean 15, right, we can choose fruits and veggies that don’t need to be organic, but because they have appeal that we take off, you know, it’s safer, and they don’t need to be organic, as much. And

Paige C. Clark 56:50
that leads me to my next question about peels. But I’m going to pause there to just to add a little anecdote of a lot of the times when you hear people who have either celiac or are gluten intolerant, like severely, a lot of the times when they go to Europe and places especially like Italy, that’s like really, you know, known for their carbohydrates, right with with with all their wheat, usually those people are more able to digest and consume products with was, I was gonna say glucose, that’s not the word.

Johnny the Farmer 57:30
I’m the same way. Yeah, Europe, and I can eat the bread, I feel great. I’m in the States, and I eat the bread, I need a nap. And I maybe it takes me a day to recover. Now, the good news is, is glyphosate does have these bad effects on our body, but the half life of it is pretty short about a day. So if you, you know, really try to be mindful and cut these things out of your diet, you know, you’re gonna feel an effect and you’re going to be you know, detoxing pretty fast. Yeah, that’s good. Yeah. But, um,

Paige C. Clark 57:56
can we talk about appeal?

Johnny the Farmer 57:58
I don’t know a lot about appeal. Okay, it’s scary about that stuff, though, I guess I’ll have to read that. It’s about 95%, like unknown ingredients. So like, you end up putting it on organic produce, it’s just so

Paige C. Clark 58:12
for those who are listening who don’t know what we’re talking about, there’s a product that’s, you know, tied to Bill Gates, of course, that’s called a peel a P E, E, L, I think, or it’s a P E, Al anyways. And it’s this coating that they’re putting on produce, to extend the shelf life of this produce, so that it can, you know, keep going with profits. But the issue is, is what Johnny was saying, one people don’t really know what is in it. And two, we don’t know kind of the lasting effects of of putting that stuff in our body.

Johnny the Farmer 58:55
You know, it’s crazy to think about what Big Pharma has done. So you go back to like the prescriptions from James chapter five, if anyone is sick, you know, call the elders together and put some oil on them and the prayer of faith will heal them. And so I think that that’s pointing to something special about oil and you know, as well as prayer, that the oil we can absorb that oil, our skin cells, each one of them that cell membrane is a double layer, it’s a bio lipid layer, we can you know, you put a lot of olive oil on or some good oil 20 minutes later, you’re just going to have a little healthy glow, it’s not going to be you know, quite the sheen. So again, you know,

Paige C. Clark 59:35
oil to castor oil is able to penetrate deepest into any cell layer. So, like yes, olive oil, great coconut oil, great, like all these different natural oils that come from, you know, the earth and the things that we do, but castor oil specifically, there’s tons of research around castor oil and its ability to wear really, like, penetrate and saturate the area that you apply it to. Okay,

Johnny the Farmer 1:00:05
you think about the Lord teaching from the Mount of Olives, you know, the all of the is like the fruit that it’s 30% oil. So it’s very easy to extract the oil from that all of and you know, Messiah Christ, it literally means anointed one. And, you know, this is like a symbol throughout scriptures, you know, when, when David became king, you know, the prophet puts oil on his head. So it’s a special thing. It also says, you know, when you fast put some oil on, so there’s a lot of good reasons to, you know, or good encouragement from Scripture to do this. When you think about Big Pharma and what they’re doing, you know, their profit motive their systems working by making a brand new drug, getting a patent on it, and then for, you know, 30 years or so they have that time to make a lot of money. So these, by definition, these drugs or making money on don’t have long term studies. And, you know, because you want a study that shows like, well, you can eat it, and your kids are going to be good, they have nothing like that. They’re saying, Oh, maybe you know, six months out, you know, you could be good. And here’s the crazy thing, the FDA, they are captured organization, mostly funded by big pharma that they’re approving the drugs for, more than one out of three of the drugs they approve, are later pulled off the market for safety concerns. So, you know, probably the number should be greater, right, so it’s close to half close to half. So, Lord help us, you know, we can get back to what’s natural, we can grow our own food, we can grow our own medicine, we can own fuel, we can grow our own building materials, we can be self reliant, we can be autonomous and sovereign in a way. And what a beautiful, you know, this is like independence from the toxic consumerism, you know, and the Lord, he really in leuke really spoke against like the money, the filthy, mammon, the unrighteous wealth, the deceitfulness of riches, you know, this profit motive is, it’s unbelievable what it’s doing. And so we can, we can kind of withdraw from that we can be holy and separate from that we can be autonomous we can. And in the future, where more and more people see the challenges to come. Like we’re preparing for the challenges of, you know, whether it’s famine or scarcity or flooding, you know, it’s really ticks all the boxes, you know, if we have a big flood event, but you know, we have, you know, local agriculture done well, you know, we’ve prepared to prevent that kind of erosion. Yeah. And we see as Christians in the book of Revelation, it says that there’ll be a time where they’re gonna force everyone rich or poor, to take the mark of the beast to go to the market to buy things. Yeah. So this is a and the Mark of the Beast is disqualifying for, you know, being part of the kingdom. And so this is an encouragement to believers to be self reliant to be autonomous. To lean into. We can we can just fell for line with God to it’s in our blood. Yeah, God,

Paige C. Clark 1:03:09
I like God reliant. So like, you know, it’s not always about self but when we have God and Holy Spirit living within us, right, like then, when we become self reliant, we are ultimately relying on them as well. Yeah, I love this conversation because I’m, I hear your passion. And I, if anyone knows anything, like they literally, that brown bottle, right, there is my anointing.

Johnny the Farmer 1:03:36
Is that right? Yeah, a lot of so I carry around oil, because you can use it as a sunscreen, right? So it’s a mild sunscreen, it’s an SPF of four, which doesn’t sound like a lot compared to 30. But it means its sun protection factor. So it means I have four times i Burn, I’ll burn four times slower, or take four times longer to burn. So it’s actually blocking 75% of the race. And, but it’s it’s doing that with something that’s completely natural and good for me like a great moisturizer, rather than you look, you check the back of a sunscreen bottle. They’ll have known carcinogens in them sometimes, you know, 12 chemicals you can’t pronounce. You know, we can get back to what’s in our blood. what’s natural. Yeah. And the beauty of it. Yeah, I find design.

Paige C. Clark 1:04:25
Yeah, I think the one thing like that was really impactful. I was in a small group. And I don’t even know what we were talking about or how it kind of got brought up but someone said I love being in nature with God because it is the only place that is untainted by man. I love and I feel like that’s kind of like the ultimate like great, great way to wrap this. This conversation up is just like when we go out into nature, you know, whether it’s the forest or the mountains or you know, the beach or the coast or Whatever it is, whenever we go out into nature, it is a place that is how God created it. It is untainted. It’s not buildings in a parking structure, right? Like it is how God designed it to be. And so like, in that space, not that God can’t exist in those places, but in those spaces, were able to kind of go to God and connect with him without all that distraction that we were just talking about earlier.

Johnny the Farmer 1:05:31
I would add that yeah, though, the word challenge is maybe great. This is something that’s so important, and it’s an opportunity to do something so meaningful. That’s really special. I really believe this is the best way a lot of us can love ourselves and our communities. And yeah, it’s just beautiful. So why not? It feels good to feel good. And you know, yeah. Permaculture, I, I could go on and on. I just encourage you to think about doing more of this. Maybe you look into permaculture right, we can grow food forests. Chickens are great. Yeah. Sweet potatoes, potatoes. Butternut so there’s connect with the local gardening people. Yeah, squash. So good. And yeah, there’s a beautiful ways to do this, where we can, we can try to like, restore Eden and get back to its natural, the Lord’s there. He’s everywhere.

Paige C. Clark 1:06:31
Johnny, the farmer, which is going to be your name for all eternity in my head. Thank you so much for joining us. I always like to wrap up our conversation with one final question is, what is something someone can do this week? That is a faith building practice or discipline in their life to help them grow their faith?

Johnny the Farmer 1:06:49
Yeah, you know, we discussed waiting on the Lord. And we discussed kind of thinking of him and our challenges and what he would do. And yeah, maybe so maybe sow some seeds, save some seeds and share them. How about that? That’s good. Yes. You know, the Proverbs 31. woman, she’s so great, this wife a noble character, a pillar of the community, one of the things she did is she considered a field, and she bought it and she planted a vineyard. So some cool things we can do.

Paige C. Clark 1:07:18
So go plant something, go down to your local hardware store, or wherever that has plants that you can go your local farmer, and go plant something this week, and see the lessons that God has taught you through it.

Johnny the Farmer 1:07:33
We can be co creators with Christ’s redeeming all the creation, all of creation is groaning waiting for the for the revealing of the sons of men and all of creation is to take part in the salvation not not just the souls of men. So yeah, what a beautiful honor and a privilege that we get to be a part of.

Paige C. Clark 1:07:55
I love it. Thank you so much, Johnny. And where can people find more information about you? Where do you exist online? Or if they want to hear more from you? Where can they go for that?

Johnny the Farmer 1:08:06
Yeah, lately, I’ve been doing a lot on Twitter, we’ve been there’s something kind of similar to a podcast called a space where different people can come in and chime in, come in and ask questions and talking about gardening for a good bit. Saturday mornings. At Stern, we’ve been going for like six hours recently. That’s awesome. People get to get talking about it. There’s so much to talk about a lot of people come and share and it’s great. And yeah, so the link in the comments, plant paradise seven is my Twitter handle love and also, yeah, also do kind of spaces that are more kind of Christian focused. And yeah, talking about the Lord and fellowship. And yeah, have a podcast there. I think you set the link there in the bio on Spotify. So yeah,

Paige C. Clark 1:08:50
well do. Awesome. Thank you so much for joining us. I got like in this conversation could have gone for six hours, but I’m practicing self control and cutting us off. So thank you so much for joining us. And thank you for listening and we’ll catch you guys next week.

Johnny the Farmer 1:09:06
All right. All right. Nice to talk to you have a good week.

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