• 9 to 5 Faith Podcast: Episode 18

    This is a transcript from episode 18 of the 9 to 5 Faith Podcast with Paige C. Clark.

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    Paige C. Clark 0:41
    Hello, hello everyone. I hope you’re having a wonderful day. I am excited to be here with you and one of my friends Mark David Poland. How are you doing today, Mark?

    Mark David Pullen 0:52
    I’m doing well. Thank you. How are you today?

    Paige C. Clark 0:54
    I am fabulous. It is hot. And I have my iced tea. Iced tea is my crutch during the summer. Because if it weren’t, I would drink an absurd amount of Diet Coke.

    Mark David Pullen 1:06

    Paige C. Clark 1:09
    I see it is my safe haven, and I drive absurdly far to get good iced tea to really what’s absurdly far, like a half hour each way. Oh, that’s

    Mark David Pullen 1:21
    Not too bad. I would have

    Paige C. Clark 1:23
    like an hour out of my day to get like $1 But

    Mark David Pullen 1:28
    I don’t. I drive that for a good cup of coffee. I don’t know if a half hours of thirdly far.

    Paige C. Clark 1:33
    Okay. I mean, objectively, I’ve had people like hardcore judgment you for, like, our little round trip area, to go get like two containers of iced tea.

    Mark David Pullen 1:44
    No, no judgment here.

    Paige C. Clark 1:47
    Well, much appreciated. So Mark, can you tell us a little bit about yourself? And what do you do, and what you’re about? Sure.

    Mark David Pullen 1:56
    My name is Mark David Pullen. I am a full-time building maintenance worker. Full-time Father, full-time husband, and aspiring full-time author

    Paige C. Clark 2:06
    as a lot of full-time jobs, Mark. Yes, it is.

    Mark David Pullen 2:09
    Yeah. And some of those hats never come off some of our building maintenance hats. I can hang that one up at 330. But the father and husband know those hats seem to work their way on and off the head. All throughout the day.

    Paige C. Clark 2:21
    Yeah. And even when you’re at work, you’re still husband and father. Yes,

    Mark David Pullen 2:25
    Absolutely. Especially when your wife is a teacher in the district you work in, and your kids go to school in the district you work in. So yeah,

    Paige C. Clark 2:32
    that’s cool. Yeah, that’ll do it. I always say so, me and my husband. We don’t have kids yet. And when people talk to me about it, I’m like, listen, I like kids. I adore my nephew and soon-to-be nice. But once you’re a parent, you’re not a parent ever again.

    Mark David Pullen 2:53
    You’re absolutely right. I

    Paige C. Clark 2:54
    am not ready.

    Mark David Pullen 2:57
    Because my mother always told me that you like you need to sleep a good night’s sleep. Because when you become a parent, like that phone could ring at two in the morning and you have to answer when you’re the parent. And I remember we were in the hospital getting ready for my son to be born, and my mom was like, this is the last good night’s sleep you’re ever going to get. She’s like, and it’s going to be a rough night. So you need to savor this. And she was 100%. Right? I don’t think I’ve slept well in five years, six years.

    Paige C. Clark 3:22
    I’m just dropping hardcore truths, right? But like, I’m like, even after, like, once, they go away for college or like on their own. You’re still a parent. Yeah, you’re not a parent ever again. So that’s my go-to line is like, I’m like good until I’m ready to be not never not apparent again. So you always wear that parent hat.

    Mark David Pullen 3:47
    Yeah, I get it. I understand. 100%.

    Paige C. Clark 3:52
    So tell me a little bit about your job.

    Mark David Pullen 3:55
    Well, like I said, I’m a full-time building maintenance worker for a local school district. And that’s pretty much all the excitement there is. I go in and move snow when it snows out. I go in and cut the grass when the grass needs to be cut. And then everything in between.

    Paige C. Clark 4:11
    Gotcha. Do you work on a team of people?

    Mark David Pullen 4:14
    I do. I’m one of six maintenance guys.

    Paige C. Clark 4:16
    Okay, for the whole district? Yes. Is that like too many people or too few people? Ah,

    Mark David Pullen 4:23
    I think we’re good. We’ve got three buildings we cover. I think I think we’re pretty good.

    Paige C. Clark 4:32
    That’s not bad. That’s not too shabby. Yeah, sometimes I’m like, it’s like it’s either like one way or the other. But like you’re hearing, something properly staffed is always a good thing.

    Mark David Pullen 4:42
    Yeah, I feel I feel like we’re good. I really do. Everybody has their own thing that they’re good at. So we’re a pretty good team. We’re more of a well-oiled machine, I’d say

    Paige C. Clark 4:52
    any, and you also mentioned snow which is like a foreign concept to me where I’m just like, oh yes, knows that schools such as Just in other places,

    Mark David Pullen 5:02
    And that’s one of those things all the teachers laugh at us on the way out the door. Haha, see it? Not tomorrow because we’ll be open. It’s no one’s like yeah, we’ll be here. But

    Paige C. Clark 5:11
    still shoveling that snow. At least, I hope you have more than a shovel.

    Mark David Pullen 5:19
    Thank God, knock on wood; we have more than a shovel. And you know, I thought we were gonna get away. Get away. Pretty good this year. But in the last three weeks, I think we were in for more snow removal than we had been the whole entire winter thus far. Yeah, my gosh. That’s great. We thought we thought we had skated by, and then all of a sudden, here we are, you know, every weekend movies now.

    Paige C. Clark 5:41
    Is there still snow on? Oh, no, no, no, no. Okay.

    Mark David Pullen 5:44
    We’re good. Thank God. No,

    Paige C. Clark 5:46
    I know. I know. Like up is in the mountains like it. There is still open. I think it’s still snowing up there.

    Mark David Pullen 5:55
    We’ve had snow this late in the year, but this year, thankfully not.

    Paige C. Clark 5:58
    Thank goodness. Wow, we’re really stereotypical and talking about the weather. I was like, Yeah, we actually talked about the weather, which is like really common for people who like to know I’m in Phoenix because then they’re like, oh, it’s really hot there, isn’t it? I’m like, Yes. Like It’s Hot. Like,

    Mark David Pullen 6:18
    That’s the good seasons, the hot ones. Everybody likes the hot season. No,

    Paige C. Clark 6:23
    not 120 degrees, like, Yeah, it’s funny, though, because we make national news. And I’ll have, like, my dad calling me to be like, Hey, I saw Phoenix is on the news. Are you okay? I’m like, Yes. I also have air conditioning and cold water. We’re gonna be here, apparently. Yeah, apparently, our heat waves make national news. Cool. So what does a day in the life look like a day a week, kind of how you move throughout your day and spend time with the family and do the husband duties and all of that good stuff?

    Mark David Pullen 7:00
    Well, a day at work. Really, the beautiful part about my job is that it’s different every day; there’s no way to settle into a routine because you could think you’re cruising into an easy day, and then the phone rings, and all of a sudden, you’re up to your elbows and could be anything you just you never know. So it’s eight hours of that. And then then I clock out at 330. My wife gets done at about 315. So we have the luxury. I live we live seven minutes from where we work. So we get to carpool. We carpool every day, we meet at the truck, we go pick up the kids, and that’s when the evening starts. You know, that’s when real life for me standards I should, you know, it’s pick up the kids, it’s dinner, how was your day working on homework, you know, family stuff, Dad stuff, you know, some you know, some nights, I got to cut the grass, some nice things have to get done. But we try to do as much as we can as a family. You know, that’s what’s really very important to me, incorporating as much as I can. With them. Yeah. So

    Paige C. Clark 8:06
    and how do you kind of fit in? Like, what is your involvement with your church community look like? You know, are you guys involved in any way? Is your do you do it on your own? You know, what’s that look like? For you?

    Mark David Pullen 8:24
    Sure. We actually just became new members two weeks ago to a new church that we have been going to for a little over a year. So we’re excited about that. Yeah. You know, great kids programs, Sunday mornings, you know, super excited about that. And it’s we’re looking forward to what’s ahead. For us, with that, in always, it’s always exciting to find a place where you can put your roots down and call home, and we’re very excited about that. Yeah.

    Paige C. Clark 8:50
    Yeah. And what does kind of like is it just Sunday for you guys? Or is it throughout the week or what?

    Mark David Pullen 8:59
    Right now? Right now, it’s just Sunday. We are. Actually, we’re about 50 minutes from okay. So, you know, by the time we get out of work and get things situated, we’re pretty whole for during-the-week stuff, but actually, eventually, we would like for them to be a little more flexible there. And that’s kind of gold we’re working towards, but for right now, yeah, it’s Sunday mornings.

    Paige C. Clark 9:22
    Yeah. So tell me a little bit about, like, what your one-on-one time looks like with God, and how do you find the time with everything that you have going on to make sure that you spend that intentional time with God?

    Mark David Pullen 9:38
    Sure. Um, one of the things that I like to do is throughout my day, even though it can get crazy, you know, a lot of people’s jobs can get crazy. I like to seek quiet moments. You know, there are pauses, you know, there are breaks in the day where you can kind of shift in autopilot, and you can keep going and charging ahead, but your, you know, your body’s doing the work your brain is allowed to wanderer, and I really, it’s in those quiet moments that God speaks to me and that we can have that time to just kind of sit. And, you know, be inspired. You know, he can really speak things into your heart and into your mind in those moments. And that’s, that’s one of the biggest things that I tried to do is just seek after those quiet moments.

    Paige C. Clark 10:19
    Yeah, I heard something one time, and I was like, like, it just has resonated with me so much. And it says, like, if you work with your hands, rest with your mind, if you work with your mind, rest with your hands. Absolutely. And that has been like, super, I like life-giving, but like, also, like freeing from like guilt and shame. For me specifically, because I’m like, on my computer all day, I work a desk job. Like, when I get to my weekend, and when I like to have, you know, a Sabbath, or I’m resting and spending time kind of refilling my tank with God and all that good stuff. You know, I want to go outside, and I want to work in my garden like I want to draw, and I want to paint and things like that, where, you know, it’s not restful, and kind of the typical sense, but I work with my brain to rest with my hands. Absolutely. Do you feel like that’s true for you? And, like, how do you guys either find your weekly days of rest? Or if you guys observe Sabbath or anything like that?

    Mark David Pullen 11:24
    Oh, absolutely, I think I think we do a good job of that of trying to take off, take the hat off when we can, and, you know, letting life, I guess, kind of fall into place around us, you know, just kind of take the hat off, take that deep breath and say, Okay, let’s it’s time to downshift for the day time to downshift and just kind of move forward at a much slower easier pace. Absolutely.

    Paige C. Clark 11:48
    Yeah. And, and we talked, you talked a little bit, kind of like, before we hit record about kind of the stereotypes around blue-collar workers and, and faith and God and like, what that looks like, and all that good stuff, can you talk about that a little bit more?

    Mark David Pullen 12:10
    Sure. So, you know, I try to work with dignity; you know, I work in an environment where you can always be loud and robust about your faith. So I try to work, I try to be diligent, and I try to work, you know, with dignity; I would like to, even if I can’t talk about it, I would like people to be able to see Christ through my actions, you know, and I would like for them to look at me and know, there’s something different, and I would like them to be able to, you know, maybe if we have a second, you know, they can quietly approach me and asked, you know, and then we can talk but, you know, not everybody has the ability to talk openly, you know, in their workplace or be, you know, vibrant with their faith. And, you know, so in those environments, there are still ways to exhibit the love of Christ. And you can do that through your actions, and you know, what they will they’ll know what’s buyers? Love? Absolutely.

    Paige C. Clark 13:04
    Yeah. And what, in what ways has that kind of, like, played out in your life and, working with, like, what unique challenges? Do people like in your industry or, you know, another type of, I don’t want to say blue collar, but I’m using your own words, blue-collar workers, like what you need because I’m, I’m foreign to kind of that environment, what kind of what unique issues do you guys kind of face when it comes to practicing your faith in walking it out with God? And what does that look like? What is the solution look like? If anything at all,

    Mark David Pullen 13:41
    You know, it’s there’s days when you’re stuck in a truck with somebody, and you know, you can, you know, these guys are my family 40 hours a week, you know, that’s the way I look at it like I see them pretty much if you factor in time, I see them more than I see my family. So you know, it’s important to cultivate relationships with these with the people you work with, it’s important to, you know, nurture those relationships, because they are, though you see them frequently, you know, five days a week, let’s face it, if you don’t work overtime, five days a week, eight hours a day, you know, and they’re people too you know, they have things going on in their lives that, you know, they need help with, they need to talk to and why not be that person, you know if you have the opportunity, then you can be that ear, you know, I mean, you can shed light on to what they’re dealing with, maybe you can’t maybe you can just be listening here. But that’s the way I look at it is that they’re they are my family for 40 hours a week. So I try to cultivate those relationships. I try to nurture those relationships because, you know, I don’t mind being that guy. I don’t mind being the guy that people can come to, and people can talk to, you know, that’s, I think that that’s it’s an important role, and I think every workplace has that person, so I don’t mind if I am that person and I could be totally wrong. Person. I don’t mind being that guy.

    Paige C. Clark 15:05
    Yeah, yeah. And I think it, like, opens up the opportunity for maybe, like, not at the moment, you know, when you’re telling Jesus to people, but I think what it does is it like puts your foot in the door so that so when they have a situation that they might need support in whether it’s through prayer or, you know, discipleship or whatever it is that they know that like you’re a safe person to go to. And

    Mark David Pullen 15:35
    That Lily and I’ve had, I’ve had instances where they’ve, hey, you’re a church guy, you know, this is going on Ken, can you just I don’t want to pray with you. But can you say a prayer and say yes, absolutely? And then to be able to explain to them that you know what? Prayer and God are not necessarily a Get Out of Jail Free card? You right? Just because I’m willing to pray for you like, the response you get may not be the one you want. Yeah. And then to be able to explain to them, you know, a little more about, you know, how it works. And that, you know, sometimes the answer we get may not be the one we want, but it might be the one we need. And that’s not always hard. They’re not always an easy pill to swallow for somebody. But, you know, that’s I’ve absolutely had those instances where things like that have happened. Yeah,

    Paige C. Clark 16:24
    yeah. And so, like, in what ways? Do you like, let people know your church guy, because I know some people who are like, Oh, I have, like, across to my cubicle, okay, you don’t have a cubicle. Or I’m assuming you don’t have a cubicle if you’re, you know, working around in your truck and on the different campuses and whatnot. So, you know, what does that look like for you?

    Mark David Pullen 16:49
    Well, I, you know, I do try to have that quiet faith, but when the opportunity does present itself, you know, the guys that I work with, they know that I go to church, you know, they know that I’m a Christian, they know that I believe in God. Because although we’re not allowed, necessarily, you know, we can’t be open about it. But you know, if you broach the subject, like, Hey, you started this, I did, you know, so I can kind of, I can write my foot in that door, too. So you know, the guys I work with, they know, because I’ve told them, you know, I’m like, yeah, we’ll absolutely, you know, if there’s anything we can do, we’ll be in prayer for you and their wives like, well, because I believe that prayer is a wonderful thing. Yeah. And that’s, that’s how they know is that although I do try to live that quiet faith at work, I’m also, if you open the door, I’m going to let you know.

    Paige C. Clark 17:37
    I love that too. Because, you know, sometimes it’s just like, you crack the door open a little bit, I like swung it open through both doors. And when you say, like, you’re kind of not allowed to, I think I get what you mean. But are you speaking from, like, in terms of like, a managerial position, and like, these people who you work with are kind of like, under you as, like, as your employees? Or is it more so like? Like, like a work culture? Or is it like an actual rule?

    Mark David Pullen 18:13
    No, it’s not a rule. Okay, more like work culture, I would say, you know, and as Christians, we’re not the most popular to begin with. Right, that makes any sense? Oh, yeah. You know, there’s a lot of things that are tolerated, I believe, today, and being a Christian isn’t one of them. Right. So. Really, it’s this kind of a work culture thing, I believe.

    Paige C. Clark 18:42
    Gotcha. Gotcha, gotcha. Yeah. Because I mean, and, and you don’t have to divulge this, but I know, especially like working in public school systems. You know, that also gets on really shaky territory. And I’m sure your wife has, you know, things to speak to in her interaction with, like, the kids on the campus and whatnot, of where it gets into, like, some real, sticky situations in terms of like navigating it from a Christian perspective.

    Mark David Pullen 19:15
    Absolutely. And she is actually she’s the same way she would tell you that, you know, she will, you know, she has the cross on her Bible. She has the teacher’s prayer on her Bible or on her desk, I’m sorry, on her desk. And she can’t, you know, if a child is like, Hey, what’s up with that? She can talk about it, but if they don’t, she can just say like, Hey, see this, you need to be looking into this. Like, it’s just one of those. Right? If they broach the subject, she can see you can go into a little bit of detail, but she can’t, you know. Yeah. And I mean, things, I guess,

    Paige C. Clark 19:51
    also, if the situation was reversed in terms of, like, you know, if a teacher was a Satanist or something, I wouldn’t want right them to be putting that on my kid, not saying that Christian is equivalent to see. But in terms of belief systems, if someone had a different belief system that I might not want my kids to expose to, you know, I wouldn’t want them to freely give that information to my kids; if I had kids, I’d assume. But on the other side of that, too, I think there’s also, like, the reason, why I asked about, like, the managerial stuff, is because, like, sometimes that can also influence your kind of interactions with not subordinates, but people who report up to you. I just got back from a conference in San Diego with the gal who, the week prior to the conference, was no longer my direct report; she got moved laterally to me. And so when we went to San Diego, I was like, No, we’re gonna have fun, like, I don’t have a page, like, I get to be like coworker page, and we get to have fun like that. And so that’s why I was asking that question. Because I’m like, yeah, there is like a little bit of complication, I guess, when you have like a team of people reporting up to you, and you are held to not your own standards, but like, also like company and like, organizational standards as well. Absolutely. Yeah. So um, when it comes to, like, practicing your faith, like, what is one of the biggest struggles that you have?

    Mark David Pullen 21:37
    My biggest struggle, to be quite honest, is putting God in a box. You know, I work eight hours a day, five days a week. The last thing I want to do by that, I find myself doing more often than not, putting God in that box and then checking him off after church on Sunday, like, okay, you know, crossing them off. Like, is one more thing off the list? Okay, check the box. We did it. You know, and that’s why we believe I believe that would be my biggest struggle. Yeah, I’m definitely working on it.

    Paige C. Clark 22:10
    Yeah. And are you talking more in terms of just, like, your interaction with him because, like, I get like church on Sunday and then like, checkoff, but also like, when people talk about like putting God in a box, it’s like, limiting beliefs about God and like, what he is able and capable of doing in your life?

    Mark David Pullen 22:28
    Yeah, try not to think of it like that because I can look at what he’s done for me, and I can see how he’s guided my footsteps to where I am. Yeah. I would have to say, mainly, for the church thing on Saturday, you know, making it, you know, and does it, you know, are there days where my prayers at night aren’t as strong as they could be? Are they a little bit faster? Absolutely. But, you know, as I said, that’s something that I’m trying to work on. Is that not putting him in that box? You know, because, as I said, I have seen where I’ve been, where, what I’ve come from, like, where he’s guided my footsteps? And he deserves better than that.

    Paige C. Clark 23:10
    Yeah, yeah, for sure. And I also think too, like it, it limits gods, you know, doesn’t limit God, but it limits us to be able to be used by God in other areas of our life. Absolutely. And I think too, like we, when we just kind of use it as like a checklist item, it becomes obligatory rather than a relationship.

    Mark David Pullen 23:43
    Absolutely. And that’s, and you know, it’s days like that when the 50-minute ride to church seems to take 100 minutes, and then the 45-minute sermon takes 90 minutes. And it’s, and it’s usually before the day is over that I’m, you know, kicking myself going like, okay, you know why that was right. And it was because, you know, my up and down wasn’t right, you know, and I find that when you’re up and down is right, though, you know, your vertical is right, your horizontal, you know, everything else falls into place.

    Paige C. Clark 24:14
    Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. And I think too, like one of the things I like, I really want to keep true on this podcast is, is the fact and it’s a hard question to ask because I’m like putting people on blast like hey, like, where do you suck in life? Because we all have those areas. I wouldn’t put it. I’m not going to tell you that you suck, Mark. But we all have those. We are all. We all fall short. And we all have weaknesses. And so I always just like to roll that one in there because I feel like it is so important to talk about because, you know, when I was recording with another couple this week, I asked him, you know, like, what’s your what’s, Is your daily life look like? And with your walk with God, he’s like, do you want the ideal answer? Or do you want the real answer? I’m like, No, I want the real answer. I have an ideal answer my ideal. Yeah, I totally wake up every single morning; I, you know, read Scripture, I have my quiet time for an hour and a half, and then I go to the gym, right? Like, that does not happen before I sign into work every day. The real reason is that I listen to Christian music in my car, and I pray to God before bed on a daily basis; the majority of the time, that’s what it looks like. And so I feel like when we’re able to kind of humanize, you know, the Jesus experience, I

    Mark David Pullen 25:41
    Guess, absolutely.

    Paige C. Clark 25:44
    It feels more approachable to Yes, absolutely. And so, you know, when you’re, when you’re going on that drive, and you know, you’re, you’re going to church, and sometimes, like, I mean, if you want to be like, not legalistic about it, but it like in my mind, if I was like, if I was you, I’d be like, okay, 15 minutes or 15 minutes back, plus, like, a 45-minute sermon plus, like, you know, 20-minute worship, okay, that’s like, three, four hours right there.

    Mark David Pullen 26:15
    With God, right, and then see, but then there’s the, there’s the planning side, too. So you’re doing that math, as opposed to with a six-year-old and a four-year-old, like, okay, they’re gonna buckled in for 50 minutes, we’re gonna get out, they have to sit quietly in church for 45, then when we leave the happy buckled back in for 15 minutes, so we get them home, they’re just going to be complete and total animals by the neck, because of all that pent up energy. So

    Paige C. Clark 26:40
    that’s where you have to find, like, I don’t know, if they have a mount there, but like, like a trampoline park that’s like, nearby the church. And then, after church, you just let them go. And then, on the way home, they’re quiet little angels in the backseat?

    Mark David Pullen 26:56
    I will have to look for something like that.

    Paige C. Clark 27:00
    That’s what I would do.

    Mark David Pullen 27:01
    That’s true, buddy.

    Paige C. Clark 27:04
    Um, is there something that you do or that you see other people do in your life? Or even, like, on TV, podcast, books, whatever, that helps people manage their work and faith like, and what would that be?

    Mark David Pullen 27:25
    That’s a good one. Um, you know, I think, to be totally honest, I think my mom does a pretty good job. You know, telling you the truth. And, well, yes, it tells me the truth. And, you know, she works for the district where I work; she’s not necessarily as reserved as I am, you know, whereas I wait for that door to creak open a good bit before I took my foot in my mom, like, you just got to turn the handle, and my mom’s kicking down the door, you know, she’s got the knob on the other side, and she’s ripping the door open. You know, I’m not as seasoned as she is. But that’s one of those things that that boldness for Christ that I’m definitely I, I would encourage people to seek after you know what, yeah, that’s one thing that you can be 100% sure it is Christ. Like, be a little bold in that; let’s have a little boldness in our faith? Yeah.

    Paige C. Clark 28:30
    And what do you think are some of the I mean, there’s no right answer, and I don’t know the answer, either. But what are you? What do you think? Some of the reasons why Christians are maybe more reserved in that boldness.

    Mark David Pullen 28:43
    You know, what if, as I said earlier, we’re not the world’s most favorite people right now? Right, you know, then we’re really cool people. I don’t understand. But I don’t necessarily know whether it’s fear of ridicule or stepping on toes. But you know, I think that’s, I think we need to get better about that. I think we need to be bold and less worried about what the opinions are because they don’t care about ours. Not saying that that’s the right thing. You know, you don’t care about us; we don’t care about you. But you know, if they have the privilege to be bold about their opinions, we need to be bold about ours as well. Yeah, I think I think that can be a two-way street.

    Paige C. Clark 29:30
    Yeah, my pastor at my church, he calls it a throat punch. And it’s saying the right thing at the right time in the right way. Absolutely. Where like, where the that’s where the boldness comes out of like, I’m going to tell you, you know, a truth, and it’s like, gonna come out. It’s like, I’m not gonna be mean about it. I’m not gonna say it in the worst way possible, but I’m still gonna tell the truth, and I’m gonna say it to you when you need it. I hear it in the way you need to hear it.

    Mark David Pullen 30:03
    Right. And I, you know, I believe that there’s also to go along with that is, you know, speaking the truth in love. You know, if it offends you with your bicycle to truth and love and it still offends you, that’s kind of a huge problem because I come at you, let come at you with my hands up right away saying like, hey, look, your brother or sister like, this is what I see. This is how I can help. And if you still get offended, I think that’s your problem at that point.

    Paige C. Clark 30:30
    Yeah. Yeah. Because there’s something stirring that there’s something when there’s a fence taken. There’s something stirring internally that is two opposing forces. You know, it’s not just one opposing force; there’s something pushing back against it. So yeah, that’s completely true and completely right. And, and I think, too, when it comes to, you know, speaking, the truth and love, I think that a lot of the times, you know, you see it a lot now, where people like you just need to love, you just need to love. I’m like, Okay, if you’re walking across a bridge, and you’re about to fall off, I’m going to tell you that you’re about to fall off, no matter how much you like walking across that bridge. Right? And that’s what love is to me, you know, and I think that a lot of the times we think is like, No, you want to walk across the bridge. Go ahead; I’m gonna let you do what you want to do. Right? So walk across the bridge when rarely, the love part was stopping them. And I always like to say like, if you always have, there’s, I don’t know if it’s a saying or something. But it’s like, if you have the best secret of the world in the world, like, you know, the best thing in the world. Don’t you want to tell the entire world about it? You don’t want to keep it to yourself?

    Mark David Pullen 31:50
    Absolutely. 100%?

    Paige C. Clark 31:53
    Yeah, that’s awesome. And yeah, I think too, like, other people can be bold; we can be bold, as well. And I think that I think there’s a lot of fear, especially in, like, I don’t even know if you want to call it Kancil culture or like, even the fact that like, everyone’s phones are like, around nowadays, like, yes. The fact that we feel like we can always be put on blast and that like, you know, getting fired from your job is like, really, it’s very close. Like, it’s, I feel like,

    Mark David Pullen 32:26
    It’s absolutely closer to us.

    Paige C. Clark 32:28
    now than it has ever been, especially as Christians, because one thing was taken out of context. That’s all if you’re done.

    Mark David Pullen 32:36
    And you know, and you then you think, like, Okay, well, you know, all right, it’s just me, but it’s not just you, you know, what happens to your family, you know, things like that like you run that risk these days. Because nothing you say is secret anymore. Not that you can’t say anything in private anymore. Everything. Yeah, we’ll dig deep enough or dig hard enough is public knowledge. Yeah,

    Paige C. Clark 32:58
    yeah. And I’d probably pull the clip and put it somewhere in this episode if I can find it. But there’s a there’s like a sheriff’s office out here. And he likes the speed traps. And like, that’s like what he does, and they film it, and they make like a, like a kind of, you know, reality TV show out of it just on Facebook every week for the Pinellas County Sheriffs. And there was this guy, and he like, you know, approached a car, and the kid in the car was just like giving him lip and like Sass and back and everything. And then the guy said, you know, if you don’t give me your ID, then I’m gonna have to pull you out this car because, you know, failure to identify as an arrestable offense. And so the kid whips out his cell phone and starts recording it. And then he goes, can you say that for me one more time? And he says, yep. And I’m like, just gave the spiel. Again, I need your identification. And he goes, okay, yeah, here it is. And, like, pulls it out. And he hands it to him. And afterward, the sheriff was like, Did you see that? Like, the interaction up to the point where he started recording was so, like, nasty on the kid’s side. And then, once he started recording, he became the perfect person all over again.

    Mark David Pullen 34:17
    Well, it’s so funny because before I went to work for the school, I worked for a local municipality, and I was building maintenance for the Sheriff’s Department. So I got to know a lot of the guys, and I was there when they were being fitted for their body cams. And of the gentlemen who I cultivated a good relationship with, a good friend of mine, Now I would say, we have since retired, but I remember he was telling me that he rolled up on a vehicle one night and he got to the window to ask for the license and registration and they had the camera out already. They had their phone out. And he waved and pointed at him and said Now you wave to mine. And he was like; it was shocking how quickly the phone went down at that point. rapport,

    Paige C. Clark 35:00
    yeah, but anyways, I’ll have to find that clip because it is really funny, but all that to say, you know, we’re in this world where we’re scared to step out and boldness in so much the fact, as you mentioned, at once one we could be hated, you know people could not like us I always joke I come from a PR and communications background, I always joke that Christians need a really good PR campaign because you’re 100% right, most people don’t like us, for whatever reason. And on the other side, we’re scared that kind of that vitriol toll towards us is going to turn against us and kind of threaten us in a way that is either taking things out of context or, you know, things set at the right time or at the wrong time in the wrong way. Or even so much. So, where we are, we are all sinners, and we will continue to sin. For example, if you have a moment of anger, and that is what is decided to be, you know, pulled out of the situation versus something else. You know, I feel like those are all risks that we run not only in our everyday life but especially in our workplaces.

    Mark David Pullen 36:27
    Absolutely. 100%.

    Paige C. Clark 36:30
    So, what, what is the like spiritual discipline that is most difficult to kind of apply to your life? You talked a little bit about, like, church; I feel like that’s like a logistics problem. But like, like something, something that uniquely applies to you in working, you know, eight hour day, 40 days, we are sorry, 40 hour day, oh my gosh, 40 hour week, working five times, oh, my gosh, working a 40 hour week, let’s just leave you you go, I have to say I’m in working that, like what is a discipline that you think like many other people in your situation would also kind of face.

    Mark David Pullen 37:23
    I would definitely have to say starting the day with devotions. You know, my feet hit the ground. I would not quit running in the morning. But I’d like to think I have decent luck with my stuff. You know, I haven’t slept in six years, I’m looking to add. I mean, and that’s it. And so, my day starts, and then immediately after that, it’s the pitter-patter of little feet. And it’s okay. You know, mom’s up, and she’s packing lunches. I’m up, you know, we’re getting kids ready, we’re getting showered, we’re getting cleaned, like, and we’ve got, you know, 45 minutes before we have to be out the door to get the youngest to freaking. So, you know, it’s that. It’s definitely the devotions because it doesn’t really matter. What time I get up, what time we get up, because it seems that once we’re up, it’s not much longer after that, that the day has started. Because the kids hear us up there up, you know, and then the day has just started 15 minutes earlier, you know? Yeah, so I definitely would definitely be starting my day with devotions down.

    Paige C. Clark 38:31
    Yeah. And I think too, like, I know, there’s like, it doesn’t matter when you get that time with God. But I think there’s something especially unique about having it in the morning. Not only does it like, in terms of not only does it stretch that discipline in you in terms of, you know, getting in Scripture, communing with God. But also, it helps you set your brain and your heart on the right trajectory for the day,

    Mark David Pullen 39:02
    It starts your day, starts your day, and Absolutely, I agree with that. 100%. You know, there’s, I’ve done them in the morning, and I’ve done them at night, and there’s just, there’s a difference between going to bed on it versus waking up with it and waking up with it. It’s exactly that you’re getting your head and your heart rate together first thing in the morning. And you know, you might still have a crazy day, but you started it right. Yeah. You started it with your head and your heart going in the right direction. And, you know, that’s that, you know, I absolutely agree 100%

    Paige C. Clark 39:40
    I feel that way about going to the gym, especially since I know some people love to work out in the evenings. I do not because, guess what? If it gets to evening and I haven’t worked out, I’m not gonna work out. Exactly, exactly. And so that also is like another scapegoat for me of like if I didn’t spend my time with God in the morning first thing, and then it’s also like there’s like you know, you can almost hyper spiritualize it of like, oh, like you’re putting God first there’s nothing else that matters nothing else but comes before him. Yes, that is still all true. But there’s also the fact of, like, Hey, if you don’t do it, you’re probably not going to if your personality is anything like mine. Absolutely.

    Mark David Pullen 40:19
    I agree. I do. I totally understand that.

    Paige C. Clark 40:23
    Because, like, a little kiddo might need to, like, bonk his head and needs to go get stitches, God forbid. But, like, you don’t know what’s going to happen the rest of the day. So just like, started off with some Jesus?

    Mark David Pullen 40:37
    Yes, yes.

    Paige C. Clark 40:39
    Awesome, Mark. Well, this has been such an amazing conversation; I always like to finish off our episodes with one thing listeners who are listening because that’s what listeners do. One thing that they can do to implement a faith-building discipline, or practice into their life, this week, today, tomorrow, anything that they might be able to do to help them kind of grow their faith, move closer to God, and make that boldness a little bit easier.

    Mark David Pullen 41:10
    Door. And as you know, I think I said already, just seek those quiet moments. There are plenty of times throughout the day, I, you know, I’m fairly certain everybody has those moments, just where they can go on autopilot, and then just everything else melts at random, and then you can have that quiet one on one time with God. You know, and for me, in particular, I can tell you that those moments occur more often than not at work. You know, there’s plenty of times where, you know, if my day requires me to be on the mower, you know, I started on the mower at 730 in the morning, my brains on autopilot all day, I know where I’m going, I know what I’m doing. So my mind is free to wander. So why not wander in that direction? You know, wander, wander, and hold hands with God. That’s what I would say seek those quiet moments.

    Paige C. Clark 41:55
    I love that. I love that. Mark, thank you so much for joining us. Where can people find you and learn more about you or your book, all that exciting stuff?

    Mark David Pullen 42:05
    You can find, obviously, through my website; the waist is king.com has a little reach-out section, so you can contact me via email. You can find me on social media, my Instagram and my Pinterest or Mark David Pullin, and Facebook; I am at the real Oasis King.

    Paige C. Clark 42:22
    Awesome. I’m so excited. And all of those links will be down in the show notes. Thank you so much, Mark, and we’ll catch you guys on the next episode.

    Mark David Pullen 42:30
    Thanks so much.

    Paige C. Clark 42:32
    Thanks for joining us. If you liked what you were listening to, make sure you subscribe and hit those five stars, and we’ll catch you on the next episode.


  • 9 to 5 Faith Podcast: Episode 17

    This is a transcript from episode 17 of the 9 to 5 Faith Podcast with Paige C. Clark.

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    Start of Podcast

    Paige C. Clark 00:35
    Hello, everyone, welcome to another episode of nine to five faith. I am so excited to be introducing one of my friends Justin Tilghman. Justin, how the heck are ya?

    Justin Tilghman 00:46
    I’m doing pretty darn good. Thank you for asking.

    Paige C. Clark 00:48
    You’re welcome. So tell our audience a little bit about yourself. What do you do? What’s up? What keeps you busy in the nine to five space and, and beyond?

    Justin Tilghman 01:01
    Yeah, so I’m busy. I’m real busy. So my daytime job is I work in higher education. So I’m a dean at a college and oversee a pretty large program. It’s a student from all over the country. So we stay busy, one of the largest programs in our state, and we’re the largest in the country for what we do. So we stay real busy. Got two young boys, beautiful wife, they keep me busy, a three year old and a four month old. So I got one that’s run all over the house. And one, it’s a potted plant. So that’s, that’s given me plenty to do. I’m fully in the superhero world right now. And also, I’m very involved with our church, I’m an elder at our church Grace fellowship. And so stay busy with that we lead a small group Bible study, my wife and I, and, and then also do life and leadership coaching. So got lots of pots and lots of different fires.

    Paige C. Clark 01:55
    I love that. I love that. And I also like asking that question, because I know everyone doesn’t do just one thing, or at least the people I’m talking to y’all are, you know, people have many talents and many different skills. And so talk to us a little bit about, like, what a day in the life of Justin looks like and how you learn to kind of balance just all all of the things, especially having kids and what that looks like and leading a small group and being in charge and doing all the business things and all the work things.

    Justin Tilghman 02:31
    Yeah. So typical day, I like to start at five o’clock, that’s not happened here. Lately, my life, my wife has been laughing at me waking me up, she’s like, you know, it’s not five, I was like, I know, I know. But because I like to do the business stuff in the morning for me my coaching business as far as the essentials in the morning, because that way doesn’t need in the family time when I get off work. Occasionally it has to, it’s just the way things are. But then it’s my wife and I split the duties of getting the kids off where they need to go. My wife’s an elementary school teacher, so we kind of have to one kid goes one way to preschool and one one goes to our neighbors down the road who helped us watch him. So managing that and then ended up the office, managing the higher ed stuff. And I usually take my lunch breaks, and maybe I’ll coach a client on my lunch break. Try not let that I obviously don’t want that interfere with a full time job and then do do some coaching at night. I try to keep that really limited. Just because that’s I try to like set balance keep up for the kiddos and a wife and and then at night it’s either small group Bible study, occasionally there’s an elders meeting at church. I work with a Christian school here, I’m on their board, so occasionally have a board meeting. But really try to keep those nights for playing superheroes playing Hulk and Captain America and, and, and just loving all my family cuz I don’t want them to get the leftovers. And so prioritize that nighttime is for them. So,

    Paige C. Clark 04:05
    yeah, yeah, that’s awesome. And, and how has that routine kind of transitioned over the years if it has at all of like, you know, kind of refining the different kind of rhythm and routine that you have?

    Justin Tilghman 04:21
    Yeah, that’s great. So it has changed and it’s, I think it’s in flux. It’s different now with two kids and it was with one kid than it was with no kids. And so like, with no kids, my wife and I, you know, we could still, I could do a lot more in the evenings. Because we had space to you know, we could just be in the living room together and working on things and and I was also doing doctoral work at that time. So that gave lots of space to do all that stuff. One kid came along, obviously change that, as he got older, more self sufficient. Could be a little bit more at night, that we my wife and I can still connect because he was gone to bed, and now with two kids, that’s totally different. Which is why I was like, Well, I gotta put some more time on the front end of the day. Because have been two kids at night having to get one in the bath and feed one a bottle. And it’s just gotten to a point where, you know, if we’re gonna get quality time as a family, it has to be very little done outside of family in the evenings. Yeah. And so it’s just been the biggest thing is communicating Shinnok communicating of hey, what do you need? This? These are the things I need to do, how can we make that work? How can we work together? For that we’re both getting what we need, the kids are getting what they need. And everybody as much as we can, is getting what they need to flourish, and the boys are getting what they need from mom and dad. So it’s a it’s a dancer. Yeah, cause and that’s why I like I like balance that I do balance because people think balance is like this, but it’s really Alright, step in here.

    Paige C. Clark 05:51
    Yeah, a little bit of each way. And I mean, I am a huge proponent of like waking up early. I’m like, ultra productive when I wake up early. But my issue is, is I’ll wake up early, get what I need to get done. And then I’ll fall back asleep until I have to start work. Am I back at? Like, all the time, I’ll get up at four. And then I’ll like be like, yeah, like going to the gym in the morning, go off. And then I get home. And I’m like, zombie and I’m, like completely unhelpful until like nine o’clock rolls around.

    Justin Tilghman 06:26
    Yeah, well, I’ll get up at five. And I’ll crank out, you know, podcast episode for the coaching business or something like that. And then the next thing I know, my little boys wrap it on my office door, Dad, are you awake? Fell asleep.

    Paige C. Clark 06:38
    I mean, that’s real life, though. So working in higher education? What does kind of like the integration of your faith look like? And kind of how you carry yourself how you do your job? And then also like, what struggles do you encounter because I also worked in higher education, but I also worked at a Christian college. So that is a little bit different than you know, and also your wife is in education as well. So I’m sure you know, we see a lot of the conversation where just faith has been removed from the workplace, but also from education. And those spheres, we’ve seen kind of a slow transition, and then now it feels like warp speed. So tell us a little bit more about that.

    Justin Tilghman 07:24
    Yeah, so I have always been one that my faith is part of who I am, I try really hard not to have a sacred secular sacred divide in my life. And I’ve always been upfront with the people I work with the students I teach. And I mean, I’ve had staff members, faculty members come in my office, because it straight up say, I know, you’re somebody who prays I’m going through this, would you would you pray with me, and I’m always going to say, if you ask for it, absolutely. You do have to be careful from working for a state college and my wife working state education, you do have to be a little careful of initiating that. But I have found that people are more receptive to that than the news would make you think. Right. And, and especially when they work with you, and they know the kind of person that you’re and if you leave with if you if you work with integrity, so if you are, if you say I’m a believer, and you can make that known, and it’s how you also work that way, and they can see that in the way that you operate. They know that it’s coming from a place of genuine care, it’s not coming from a place of I’m trying to put something in your face. Because I’ve had, I’ve had colleagues that we very much disagree on a lot of things, but they know where I’m coming from. And so when I do share something with them, they know it’s coming out of a place of I this is who Justin genuinely is and he genuinely cares. And that’s why and the door is open for them in the other way. Like it’s not just I’m Justin, I’m a Christian here, take my faith and do something. But it’s also Hey, I wanna have a genuine conversation with if you disagree, it makes me stronger, knowing why you disagree. Right and and creating that space for those conversations. My wife and I will both have both talked about it. And again, the national narrative is what it is. But I have found boots on the ground, it’s different. There’s still those landmines, you have to dance around. I mean, they’re there. But it’s not quite like. And I’m not saying that’s not that’s an overgeneralization for a lot of people, but for where I am I and where she is, in terms of the jobs that we have. It’s not that way. Yeah, we do have to be careful. We do have to do a little bit of a dance with some things. And there’s some things that can’t initiate. But students certainly can. But I do what I can to make it known to students and colleagues if you want to negotiate those things outside of nice having a big fat banner. Right, you know, you can well pray. Yeah, yeah.

    Paige C. Clark 09:55
    Yeah, for sure. And I think too, like, especially over the past few years. Here’s my husband, he’s been like, he was like a news junkie, meaning like, he was always consuming the news. And it just got to the point we actually like, gave it up one year for Lent. And then we realized how much happier we are. And I’m like, you know, if you just like, keep your head down in your community, and like, only involve yourself in stuff you’re involved in, involve yourself in your community and the people around you, your neighbors and your family, you’ll realize the world is a much nicer place than then yeah, you’re being told it is.

    Justin Tilghman 10:35
    I completely agree. And my wife and I have talked about that, in that I feel like with with social media and the 24 hour news cycle, it’s almost like we’re being forced to be omniscient when God never created us to be omniscient. And, and we’re not. It’s a one hand, we think it’s great to be able to know everything going on when it’s happening. But look at the anxiety that’s caused in people and you’re 100%, right, that I have learned in those moments where I focused on where I am, where God placed me in the community, that people he’s placed me with things calm down a lot better, a lot more, because those people know you. Right? And so they know where you’re coming from. For the most part, I mean, again, it doesn’t fit every problem. But you’d like you said the world’s when you take that more circular view of where you are, the world looks different than when if you just stay on the news and social media.

    Paige C. Clark 11:26
    Yeah, yeah, I actually had this conversation with my mother in law just last night. Because she’s getting older, she’s having a harder time kind of like, navigating just like her brain, and you know, all those things that come with aging. And she’s like, I think I just need to give up the news. I was like, you definitely should like, turn off the news. Because she’s retired and home all the time. She watches the news all the time. And she’s like, Yeah, how do you find out what’s happening in the world? And I go, if it’s affecting the people around me, I’m going to find out about it. If it’s not affecting the people around me or myself, or like, my family, or my neighbors in my community, then it’s it’s not really my concern. It’s not, you know, not my, you know, battle to fight in that regard. So yeah, I totally, totally agree with that. Yeah.

    Justin Tilghman 12:15
    And I think, you know, there are people that God has called her and equipped to, to pay attention to that. And they’ve been called and equipped and gifted to do that, not everybody has. And so I think the people that have that gifting and have that calling, can handle it. Not all of us can. And so we shouldn’t be trying to step into something we’ve not necessarily been called or gifted to do.

    Paige C. Clark 12:34
    Yeah. And you mentioned a few times of just having kind of this integrity, and then also having the same of like being known. And I think too, like, as Christians, generally speaking, like, we’re really afraid to be known. Because it shows our weaknesses, it shows our flaws, it shows our mistake. But also, when we’re known, and we are able to act out of integrity, I feel like that’s where Grace shows up. And I think that, that’s really cool to be hearing that, you know, you get to do your job with integrity, but also just like, being who you are. And just like stepping into that is the gateway for people to come to you when they need help and support or prayer or whatever it is in that regard. Oh, absolutely.

    Justin Tilghman 13:29
    And my wife, she preaches vulnerability and transparency and authenticity all the time. And, and she’s so right. And I found that true here in my life, that Christians already have this stigma of having everything together. And so people outside feel like, well, I can’t step into that church, or I can’t do this, or I, you know, until I’ve got my junk together. And I think when we are when we are open about the things that we’re wrestling with, and the struggles that we have, and they see, I mean, even my my colleagues, they see Justin, unfortunately, overreact sometimes, and Justin can get angry, right? But Justin is quick to us to note that and to go back and ask forgiveness. So Justin’s a real person who, who gets mad, and gets frustrated and can say things he regrets a lot. But he’s also quick to ask forgiveness from people and quit to admit that and own up to it. And, and so it builds, it builds goodwill with people and they see, you know, he’s a believer, but he’s a real person. And so then, you know, I’m not perfect so they can see, I’m not perfect, so, Justin’s not perfect. So, but he’s following Jesus, so there must be something to this Jesus thing. We don’t have to be perfect.

    Paige C. Clark 14:43
    Right? Yeah. 100% And I think to just like, I always think of it in the back of my mind because I’m, I’m a marketing person. And so, in the back of my mind, I’m just like, gosh, Christians need a PR campaign. Like Christians need a little bit of PR help to like I actually get like the majority of people like what we actually do and what how we actually act because again, you know, if you look big and you look at kind of the more fringe the outside of people who say that they believe in Jesus where that they follow Christ, you’re gonna be like, oh, I want nothing to do with them. But if you just like, look within your community, you’re gonna be like, Oh, my neighbor goes to church, and she’s a good person to be working with, or I can go to them if I need anything, or, or what have you.

    Justin Tilghman 15:35
    Oh, yeah, because you’ve got, unfortunately, the people that get the most attention, are either the people who are holding up this holier than thou attitude, or the people who said they follow Jesus, but their life looks nothing, no different whatsoever from the rest of the world. And so when they look there, they’re like, you’re not any different from Easter. Why do I need what you have? Right? Are they look at the holier than thou and go? Well? Well, I don’t want to be like you. Yeah. You know, I don’t see that grace, you preach. And I think for those of us that try to live in the middle, or are living in the middle, we don’t get as much airtime.

    Paige C. Clark 16:11
    Yes, that and that. Hence why I say PR campaign. Anyone? I feel like this is a complete side note, but I feel like things like the chosen. I know like some people are like, super like touchy about and whatever. I’m not going into that. But I feel like there’s things like that that are helping progress kind of this this attitude of approachability in terms of not conforming to culture, but meeting culture and showing up in the way in the places that culture is that

    Justin Tilghman 16:43
    what I mean, Jesus was human or human he was it was about humanity. And and I think so many times we try to we focus on his divinity, which is great. But we forget he was a human being. And, and and you don’t people, especially children aren’t drawn to humans who are stiff and stuck up and hoity toity. Right. So we don’t know exactly what he was like. But we would get some clues. Because if the kids were running into him, they don’t run. I know my two kids, they don’t run the people who are scary, and hard and mean, say?

    Paige C. Clark 17:15
    Yeah, and I think that’s been like a really cool thing to see. Kind of just the the intersection of those two things kind of happening. Yeah. So let’s talk a little bit about like your church involvement and what that looks like, within your community. And you said you like you’re on the elder board and, you know, small group or home group or Bible, so whatever you want to call it, you know, you’re you’re doing that. So how do you kind of navigate that in terms of, like, I’ll give my personal experience. I’m just exhausted from the week. Like, I’ll just get to like, home group time. And I’m like, Okay, I’m, like, so tired. Like I could, like, let alone hosting it. Honestly, that’s like, one of the reasons why I’m not like a Bible study host at my church is because I’m like, I do not trust my energy levels. So talk a little bit about that.

    Justin Tilghman 18:06
    Yeah, I mean, it’s your right. And we to thankfully, the elder meetings are once a month, and and our senior pastor who’s one of the elders on the board, is excellent at running a good meeting. And so I never, I never feel like this was a waste of time or anything accomplished, like it is, he is a he’s a gifted administrator. And so that’s helpful. And with the small group stuff, my wife and I talk about it. So one of our core values at our churches is House tours, or small group Bible studies, and, and we leave for all of our new members, she and I lead that portion of the new members class, okay, and we tell them most weeks, if I’m being honest, we get to Wednesday night, and we don’t want to go. It’s like, we can think of 1000 other things to do. But it’s a discipline and, and we have found what’s helpful is, we we have never left a Wednesday night, house church and gone, that was a waste of time, we shouldn’t have gone, it is really a refreshing thing. And, and so I think in those moments where we feel overwhelmed, it’s one of those things where we know Hey, this is a commitment. This is a discipline and we know it’s for our good. And so it feels like it’s gonna be a drain. But God has put this in our life and he’s put our church community our life to be the refreshment and, and, and really kind of like family, family gets the first should get the first fruits of what you got. In my mind, that’s the priority list of my family, my church family, because I’m knitted closer to them than than anybody and then the rest of everything else. And so trying to keep keep that priority list of that balance is helpful. It’s not perfect. That’s always a work in progress. And there’s like I said, there’s So Wednesday nights around, like, I just don’t know if I got the bandwidth for it, but I go, and I ever regretted it. Yeah. So I think that’s, that’s the thing is, is, for me at least, is knowing it’s important. And it’s, I mean, I’m not, I’m not patting myself on the back, but it’s a maturity thing. It’s making decisions that you know, are for your good even when you don’t want to do them necessarily.

    Paige C. Clark 20:21
    Right. Yeah, for sure. And I think to like, I mean, I just think of like, two examples came into my mind of like, okay, like going to the gym, right? But then I’m like, Okay, some days, I’m like, regretting going to the gym, like, so that’s probably not the best. The best example but like, on the other side, like, just going to like more. So like, weekend church, for me is is where I require that discipline. And I do just tell myself the same thing of like, you never go and have a bad time. Not that I’m like, looking for like a good time. But like I you know, you always walk away and you’re like, oh, wow, like that was like actually good and actually helpful. And like, I think to like, even if you don’t get anything out of it, I know. That’s like a weird way to say like going to church. But even if, like you still walk away in like a rotten mood, like it’s still exercising that muscle of discipline, like you were saying. And I see Yeah, yeah. And I think too, like, it goes hand in hand with like, the authenticity piece because I’m like, when, when my small group was meeting, I’m like, if I feel like we’re in pajamas, like I’m gonna wear pajamas, because me wearing pajamas. And being with this group of people is better than me being in pajamas at home by myself, like that, because that is what the Lord has called me to do.

    Justin Tilghman 21:46
    Hey, yeah, I’d agree at it. I like the idea of the muscle, like, it’s one guy in our small group. One was that he made a great point, he said, um, you know, sometimes, you just have to let the emotions take a backseat, and do what you know, is needed. And what you’re doing, like you just said, you’re working at muscles. So you’re storing up, storing up treasure, if you want to call it but you’re storing up. It’s paying to your account. And so it’s some days you feel it. Some days you don’t but you know, you need to do it. And so, like you said, it’s in that way, there’s like a gym like no pain, no gain.

    Paige C. Clark 22:28
    Right? Yeah. And I think too, there’s, there’s this element. I went, I can’t remember what it was. There were I went to church, and there was a sermon or something. And I was like, listening to it. Oh, yeah. Yeah, there was like this, like, big, like worship thing. It wasn’t associated with the church or anything. But it was like really just to, to draw in kind of new believers. And like, you know, that was the message, not that it was antithetical, or heretical in any ways. But I was sitting there, and I was like, you know, like, not like really getting anything out of this. Like, it’s not like, but then I was sitting there. And I was, like, debriefing this with my husband afterwards. And I was like, You know what? That message wasn’t for me tonight, like, not that it wasn’t like my taste or anything. It just like, what that pastor was speaking on stage. Those words weren’t meant to be spoken to me. They were meant to be spoken to someone else in the in the crowd. Yeah. So you know, just having that mindset of like, they’re preaching Jesus. And I felt and I’m like, Yes, like, Yes, I agree. I agree. But I already got Jesus like we could. And, and yeah, I’m like, this is this is, these words are meant for someone here. And it’s not me, but I’m still here participating as the body of Christ. And that is what we’re called to do.

    Justin Tilghman 23:54
    Yeah, that’s a great way of putting it.

    Paige C. Clark 23:56
    Yeah. And sometimes it’s hard. And I think that’s where the authenticity comes in. You have to show up in your pajamas show up in your pajamas.

    Justin Tilghman 24:05
    You’re right. It’s it’s a your, your real people and Jesus calls real people and you’re not doing anybody any favors putting, putting on a facade. So

    Paige C. Clark 24:13
    yeah, yeah. And I think too, like, being that person, to your community, allows other people in your community to be that person to you. That’s like one thing. I’m really big at, like my house and stuff. Or I’m like, if I if I were to walk into your house, I want to be comfortable. I want to be able to take off my shoes and maybe curl up on the couch and like, like, that’s just me. I don’t want to be I remember, I remember growing up in there. It’d be like these houses that were like museums, and they were so unapproachable and like you didn’t want to touch anything because like it was white couch and you didn’t want to get fingerprints. And I’m like, I don’t want that to be my house. I was in. So like, when people come over to my house, I’m like, help yourself to whatever you want cabinets, there’s the water, there’s the food, there’s the drinks, go get whatever you need, help yourself, don’t even ask. Just go and get it. Because if I’m invited into a home, that’s kind of how I would want to be treated, and having that vulnerability and ability of like, if I have to wear pajamas one day to small group, because that’s just where you’re giving permission to other people to be their authentic selves, is what I’m trying to say no, yeah,

    Justin Tilghman 25:33
    that’s right. No, you’re right. And I think, I mean, authenticity breeds authenticity. And so when one person does it, it does give other people the space to breathe and go, Okay, I can be me. And that’s where that’s where real connection and real change happens when people start doing that?

    Paige C. Clark 25:50
    Yeah. Yeah, that’s true. Because I think too, like, if we have just this facade kind of going into everything, then yeah, it’s authenticity breeze on 100%. Because if people people have like a really good BS radar, and if you’re not being real with them, like they can tell that you’re just like putting on face. And I think that, you know, when we’re able to see past the masks were able to really come together and like, actually grow and actually, you know, foster growth. And there’s another word that I’m trying to think of that just like kind of escape from my brain. But yeah,

    Justin Tilghman 26:34
    well, that kind of goes back to what we were talking about earlier of the look, your local community looking different than what the news tells you. Because you’re looking at the mask that everybody’s supposed to be wearing. We’re regardless of political side drum, this is the mask you’re supposed to wear. When you get into community with people, regardless of where they are on a political spectrum as a social stretch, or whatever, yeah, start talking to people, you realize we’re a lot more human than then they’re trying to make us think we are. And so we can actually have a conversation. And we can, we can be from totally opposite sides of whatever the issue is, and realize we can still talk to each other.

    Paige C. Clark 27:15
    Right? Right. And I think too, it’s like, this is off topic a little bit, but like looking at intentions, like that’s one thing that I really try to look at, when, when I’m talking to someone and even in my relationship with my husband, I’m, I think, like, if he does something to upset me, I say, okay, is he purposefully doing that to upset me? Probably not. Like, probably not. So can I be mad at him for upsetting me? Know, Bo, then there’s like, the communication and their growth, opportunity and everything like that. And I think too, like when we look at just whatever issues you want to pull, I’m like, okay, like, we all kind of want to get to the same end result. But how we get there is very different. We’re arguing about the path there. We’re not arguing about the journey. Because if we’re arguing about or sorry, yeah, not, we’re not arguing about the destination. Because ultimately, we all want to love on each other. We all want to be supportive. from a Christian perspective, we all want people to be following Christ and, you know, be able to spend eternity with Him. But the path there is, is where the disagreements kind of come in. And I think that’s what everyone just attacks the path.

    Justin Tilghman 28:35
    Yeah, that’s a good way of putting I hadn’t thought about it that way.

    Paige C. Clark 28:37
    Yeah. And and when you look at things through that lens, it just like softens your heart a little bit, in my opinion.

    Justin Tilghman 28:46
    Or reminds me of the verse that you were, Paul says, You’re our battle is not against flesh and blood. And so the person sitting in front of you is not your enemy. So when you remember that, like you just said, It softens your heart a little bit, and you realize this is another person. Yeah. And they’ve got hopes, dreams, feelings, right? And so being mindful of that is helpful.

    Paige C. Clark 29:06
    Yeah. So let’s talk about like that. And like, the students that you work with, and like, Do you have any like examples of just really seeing God’s hand and his provisioning over what you do every day?

    Justin Tilghman 29:25
    Yeah, um, so I teach mainly, I teach online mostly. And so what I have found, I’ve had students that I knew from the community I’ve also had students who were not from my community. I’ve had students that were believers and we’re openly sharing that I have students who were not and have openly shared that and for me in the classroom, like really trying to model for them what what I do with My colleagues like, hey, we can, because to me, that’s one of the things that we’ve lost the ability to do is to interact with who would don’t agree with. And so modeling that for them, showing that what that showed them, what that looks like to respectfully disagree and to share your thoughts, opens up a lot of doors. And I just think God has been God’s been gracious in my classrooms, to, for whatever reason, make them spaces where folks have felt safe to share things that that have been tough. I’ve gotten emails from students saying, Hey, I know it was out last week. This is why and I’m like, man, thank you for trusting me enough to share that with me and not just saying, I’m gonna be out. And so I’m trying really to see that as, again, talking about the secular sacred divide this, this calling to teach. I mean, I don’t, I do teach. I teach at a couple of different places outside of my full time job, I’ve got some adjunct jobs. But so I teach at a Bible college where I do get to teach theology, and the students are typically right there with me. But my daily job teaching is not at a Bible college. And it’s not in a in a theological background or anything like that. And so seeing both of those as a calling from the Lord and a trust from the Lord, in that the students he’s given me Why yes, they’re mostly adults. They, their his, his, there’s creation, they’re in his age. And so I might get to be hate uses cliche, but I might get to be the only Christian that they interact with. And the only Bible they read is what love people say. And so yeah, really trying to be mindful of that. And and how can I exhibit a Christ like heart here? And come across in a way that’s firm in the sense that I’ve got rules we have to follow we have. We have a syllabus, we have to follow it. But we’re in that can I show grace, even if it doesn’t look like Christian grace? But where can I show some grace, it’s the hey, look, life happens. I know, the syllabus says this, but I’m going to exercise some grace here. And it’s not related to big Jesus follower anything other than it comes from that, that heart of grace, but that even that has opened up doors like man, nobody’s ever done that for me before. I really appreciate that. And that opens up an opportunity to share Well, this is why I do that.

    Paige C. Clark 32:27
    Yeah. Yeah, for sure. And I think too, when, when, when you’re talking with with students, especially, like, generalizing, I know, there’s like a lot of adult learners, but just, they’re in this like, super formative part of their life, like entering into college. And I think too, like, yes, you might be the only person who shows them Jesus. But also, you may be planting seeds that you don’t even know that you’re planting. And I think that’s like, I don’t know, an encouragement I want to give to anyone who’s listening have like, if you feel like you’re not seeking or like reaping the harvest, like, you may be planting something that is yours, you know, in the making. And and that is your opportunity to kind of speak Jesus. And in that place, even though it might not, I guess, like convert in a really quickly I know that’s like such, I’m not saying like converted, like, a Christian sense. I’m saying, like, convert in a marketing sense, because that’s how we talk, but also it kind of worked.

    Justin Tilghman 33:39
    Yeah, no, I think you’re exactly right. It’s it’s, you don’t know, do you use your journey metaphor from earlier, you don’t know where that person is on their journey and what part you’re playing? And I think so many times, I just think that evangelism, especially in the workplace, because I’ve wrestled with this. If I’m not blatantly sharing Jesus, in every conversation, I’m not doing what I’m called to do. And that’s not true. You know, Scripture plainly says, you know, some some plant the seeds, some water, some get the harvest, but God’s ultimately doing the growth and, and you don’t know what role you’re playing in that right. And he might not be calling you to do to seal the deal thing in the end. Yeah, he might be calling you to plant plant the first seed of why did he act differently? Nobody’s ever treated me like that. Right? He didn’t even say Jesus’s name. He just treated them differently. Right. So you’re right. You don’t know where you are in that process. So don’t I’ve tried to remind myself and I would encourage you to listen and don’t beat yourself up. If Well, I’m not I’m not I’m not witnessing more at work. Don’t don’t just have such a narrow definition of what witnessing is. Right. expand, expand that definition to you might be witnessing, but you don’t even know you’re doing it.

    Paige C. Clark 34:46
    Yeah, yeah, for sure. And I think too. There’s, there’s this piece where someone said this to me and it really humbled me in the moment of like, you might be You’re on this earth for that one person. Like, that might be your only only job is one person. And you don’t know who that person is, and you’re just moving through your life. And maybe it was just a sea dropped with this one person. And like, maybe that’s all God wants to use you for. And you’re like, oh, like, hopefully, you know, there’s more going on. And like, do I believe it’s just like one thing? And it’s not a one and done thing? No. Also, like, I think it gets us to pursue excellence and everything that we’re doing, and really knowing that, like, God doesn’t need us, he chooses us.

    Justin Tilghman 35:43
    Hmm. That’s yeah, that’s good. And you’re right, it’s, I think we get so bent up even even ourselves in performance, like, what am I doing? What am I doing? What am I doing? Am I doing enough for Jesus? Am I doing enough? am I measuring up and the good works, he’s prepared in advance for you to do. His descriptive plan says he’s gonna lead you into them. And so just follow him. And be authentic, and be the person who created you to be and let him deal with the work. Yeah. Plant, plant the seed water where you can if you get to reap the harvest, great. But we’ve all got a different part to play. And you’re right, don’t. Yeah, don’t don’t get so bent out of shape. If you’re not doing what you think you should be doing. Like you said, you wonder what part you might be playing, right? I remember that. It might be that moment where you think I do anything right in that situation. And that might be the very situation where you did exactly what you were.

    Paige C. Clark 36:41
    Right. I remember when I was in college, I was applying for like a summer job at this, like Christian camp. And I was like, going through the application. And there was like, one question that like, really rubbed me the wrong way. And I’m just like, realizing how like, like, I don’t know, their intentions of again, intentions. I don’t know their intentions of putting that question on the application. But it was like, Please detail the last time that you lead someone to Christ. Like, like very specifically, like, I was, like, you know, that, like, for me, that was like it like younger page was like off putting it like, I’ve never done that before, because I had it. But doesn’t mean I was in ministering to people throughout my life. I might have just not been there for that turning point. You know, or, or what? Or I didn’t know that they had a turning point or what have you. And so yeah, that was that was like really weird where I’m like, huh, like, I don’t I don’t know how. But also, like,

    Justin Tilghman 37:43
    it goes back to the Yeah, it goes back to that gifting thing. Like, yeah, you don’t like that might not be. The Lord might not be putting you at that point in my journey, because you’re just not gifted in it. I don’t. I mean, I’m not saying you know, you might be an excellent planter, you might be an excellent water. You might be an excellent harvester, who knows, but just trust that the Lord is going into the Lord uses all of us and he’s going to use you’re exactly where you are. Yeah, I’ve seen this question before, and it wrecks my brain. I’m like, Man, I don’t know how to. I know how I can fake an answer, right? Now to do that, but I mean, goodness, you know, if that’s what you’re defining as leaving someone to Christ, and man, I don’t know.

    Paige C. Clark 38:24
    All right. Yeah, I know. I am not a good water. Because in a very physical sense, I’m growing a garden right now. And everything is on a timer. Because if it’s not on a timer, it’s not going to happen. And those seats are going to die.

    Justin Tilghman 38:43
    But that’s why I’m thankful for their remind that reminder app and my phone.

    Paige C. Clark 38:46
    Oh, yes, yes, I have. Okay, this is very much off topic. But I have a, like smart watering system. Like it’s this little box, and it connects up to your hose. And there’s an app for it. And it’s solar powered. So like you don’t have to charge it up or anything. So there’s an app that connects to your location, and it like so if there’s a freeze warning, yes, we get freeze warnings in Arizona still, it still gets that cold freeze warning if it’s going to rain, if there’s gonna be multiple days of rain, so you can set your watering schedule, but if it’s like raining in the forecast, it will skip the day for you.

    Justin Tilghman 39:27
    Oh my goodness, I need to get hold of that. I need that for my garden. And for my chicken.

    Paige C. Clark 39:31
    Oh my gosh is magical. Like it’ll, it’ll skip it for you. You can set the timer. So right now it’s summer. So it’s like every morning at 6am it goes and waters my garden for five minutes. But if I ever need to change that, all I have to do is do a little app on my phone is my absolute favorite thing in the world. Anyways, there’s an app for that. There’s an app for that and that is why I’m not a water. I might be a planter to plant seeds. Yes, I should be pretty good at that. And so, in talking about authenticity and vulnerability, um, I like this question because I feel like it kind of opens the doors for us to like, just be real for a second and like really talk about, you know, where we struggle in terms of like, what our faith disciplines look like, you know, whether it is attending church, participating in a community, serving discipleship, whatever it is. So, like, which one of those is most difficult for you to apply to your life? And why do you think it that like, it uniquely applies to people who work nine to five?

    Justin Tilghman 40:47
    Ah, for me, it’s, I mean, it’s a discipline quiet down. Like that’s, and I hear a lot of people say that, but there’s, and I think it’s because my time is such a, it’s so hard to balance it and manage it. And. And I think, too, when we go into our quiet time, feeling like every time I go into it, I’ve got to come away with this massive feeling of just the spiritual feeling. So when we don’t get that feeling when we beat ourselves up, and as much as they’re actually going, Well, I’m not getting anything out of this. So I’m just gonna do it. And, and so that’s been the biggest thing for me of having to restrain my mindset, kind of like the house church thing of right. Sometimes God’s gonna meet me in this spot in a way that I’m gonna feel it. But sometimes, it’s just the act of me being present with him, whether I feel something out of it or not. And, and so that them and yeah, that’s, that’s the hardest thing for me, honestly, is that, that, that quiet time and then translating that into devotions with my family. And I know that that’s important, but it’s a struggle, like it’s a struggle to find time to do that. When I come home. I’m playing with the boys, I’m talking to my wife. Just to being flat, honest, the last thing I think about sometimes is sitting down and help having devotions as a family. I know I need to write, but it’s a struggle to do those two things for me. Because I feel like I’ve got so much time, and I get so busy. And it’s so easy to put other things in the place of that stuff.

    Paige C. Clark 42:18
    Yeah. And again, it’s one of those things that, you know, going into, it feels like a drag, but, you know, walking away, you’re just like, okay, like, you know, it wasn’t that bad. For me, especially with quiet time. It’s most difficult. Also, because we have a lot of inputs. If you think in our lives, we’re constantly it’s, you know, there’s some crazy number like we see, like 8000 advertisements a day or something like that. We are constantly being bombarded with information and things that want our attention, right, like, Netflix, my computer, like there’s an ad on my computer right here, my work laptop, it’s staring me back in the face right now. Or, like, if I were to open up my phone, or like, you know, here, here’s a good ad on my favorite seltzer from Trader Joe’s, like, you know what I mean? Like, everything is vying for my attention and reminds me and I just little shiny object syndrome for you reminds me that I need to go pick up more of these delicious seltzers from Trader Joe’s. But everything is vying for our attention. And and what we’re called to do when when we step into time with God, is to shut everything down and just like focus on Him and Him alone. And I think that’s why it’s like really, really hard. Especially like in our culture, with our smartphones and all that stuff.

    Justin Tilghman 43:44
    Yeah, and I try to have implemented a little bit of a practice in my life. And with my coaching clients, I tried to do the same thing. I know it’s convenient to have the Bible on your phone, and I have a journaling app on your phone. But don’t let that be where you do your quiet time because it’s so easy. Like you just sit for that notification pop up. And I’m like if you have to do it, put your phone on airplane mode. That’s what I’ve tried to do. Because that when at least nothing’s hopefully coming in. But But yeah, because you’re right, because it’s our the culture around us does not promote intentionality. It doesn’t promote authenticity, and it doesn’t promote quiet.

    Paige C. Clark 44:21
    Yeah, yeah, one one trick that I like to do, because I’m the same way where I, I love having kind of like my physical books, one because it does not allow me to go through web browsers or anything. But another trick that I like to tell people to do is like if you find yourself like Mindlessly scrolling or like just going and logging into an app, rearrange your apps. And then oh, mindlessly go. You might have found a thing because you have to go find it. And then you’re like, Wait, why am I trying to find Facebook? Why am I trying to find my email? And you’re like, oh, wait, I’m not trying to do that right now. So just rearrange your apps and your Fears that

    Justin Tilghman 45:00
    what if anybody out there is listening? It’d be awesome if they created an app where you could press that, and it would automatically rerender for you.

    Paige C. Clark 45:08
    It’s like app shuffle. And it’ll just like,

    Justin Tilghman 45:11
    yeah, yes. Something like that where you know, because? Because that’s a great idea. Yeah, you gotta take time to do it, or, like a feature in your phone where every, every five days, automatically rearranges your apps. That again,

    Paige C. Clark 45:26
    that’s such a good idea. Now I’m like, wanting to Google that and like, see if there exists? And if it doesn’t, you know, any software thing? Go out there and build it. Credit. Yeah. Wonderful, Justin. Great idea. So to kind of wrap us up here and our time together, this conversation has been so amazing. But I always like to leave our audience with one thing that they can walk away with one discipline, or faith practice that they can implement into their lives this week, to help them grow their relationship with Christ. What would it be?

    Justin Tilghman 46:05
    Yeah. I would say it kind of goes back to what we’re just talking about with authenticity. And I would encourage you, you know, I love that discussion we had about planting seeds and watering and, and I think a lot of folks who are in under fives, especially if it’s not an overtly Christian environment, I think we struggle with am I witnessing enough? Am I being a good example for Jesus, if I’m not late, if I haven’t worked out a gospel tract with somebody, have I done what I’m supposed to do. And I would just encourage you learn to be authentic. Don’t be afraid of being who God’s created you to be. Don’t be afraid of the strengths that you have. And don’t be afraid of the weaknesses that you have and learn to be authentic with people try to start doing that. Because you don’t know where you are in that person’s journey. Sometimes, like I said, sometimes the seeds I have planted and people have told me this, sometimes the seed I planted was I got angry. And the way I responded after that angry episode was the seed that was planted. And so if I’m, if I was too busy trying to act like I had it all together, I didn’t ever planted that seed in that person’s life. Now, that doesn’t mean go out and purposely do something you shouldn’t, because you want to plant a seed. But understand that God is much bigger than we give him credit for. And he’s designed you and created you. And so when you are being authentically you, you’re being who he’s created you to be. He’s using you how he wants to use you. And so that would be my big takeaway encouragement is don’t be afraid of being authentic, and being who you are.

    Paige C. Clark 47:38
    Yeah, I have this verse just popped into my mind. You know, Second Corinthians 12, nine, and it’s your strength is made perfect in my weakness. And that is exactly what you just said, there have like, people, the seed was planted for people to know Jesus, in your weakness, because I saw God show up.

    Justin Tilghman 48:03
    That’s great. Yeah, you’re right.

    Paige C. Clark 48:07
    All right, Justin, well, where can people find you? Where can they connect? Where can they learn more about you? And any links that you do mention? We will have them in the show notes down below?

    Justin Tilghman 48:20
    Yeah, so I’m on I’m on all the socials just, you know, just just the Tillman. My coaching stuff, which is kind of what I do a lot of is it’s balanced coaching and consulting. And so I’m on Instagram as the balanced life coach on Facebook as the balanced life coach, and my website is balanced cc.com. And that’s where I park a lot of stuff. Got a blog in there, I’ve got a podcast on how to live a more balanced life. So yeah, that’s, that’s where I hang out on the

    Paige C. Clark 48:50
    interwebs. Do you have a niche for your coaching? Like if someone’s listening? Yeah, so

    Justin Tilghman 48:55
    it’s around? Yeah, it’s around life purpose, core values and aligning those things. Look what we talked about today, like who’s God created you to be? Yeah. And I found most of the time, people’s anxiety and frustration and lack of fulfillment in life is because they’re not living into who God created them to be. They’re not taking the time to find out, what do I value and who am I created to be? And does my life line up with that? And so I do a lot of work with mainly a lot of what our clients whether they’re just, you know, whether their leaders or not, helping them start to live and lead out of who God’s created them to be, and found that they oftentimes when they do that live much more fulfilling lives. Yes,

    Paige C. Clark 49:34
    yes. Awesome. Justin. Well, thank you so much for joining us today. I really appreciate all the wonderful words I had to share and you know, where we’re where we’re at in the harvest we might not know.

    Justin Tilghman 49:48
    Right, well, thanks. Thanks for having me. It’s been a lot of fun.

    Paige C. Clark 49:57
    Thanks for joining us, if you liked what you We’re listening to make sure you subscribe and hit those five stars and we’ll catch you on the next episode

  • 9 to 5 Faith Podcast: Episode 16

    This is a transcript from episode 16 of the 9 to 5 Faith Podcast with Paige C. Clark.

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    Start of Podcast

    Paige C. Clark 00:41
    Hello, everyone. Welcome to another episode of nine to five faith. I’m here with my new friends, Alex and Grace; how are you guys doing today?

    Alex Tran 00:52
    Great. Wow. Well, thanks for having us.

    Paige C. Clark 00:55
    Yes, I’m so excited to talk to you guys. Because also we get to nerd out a little bit together. Because our background in business and everything is so similar that we just kind of get each other. We don’t know each other, but we get each other. Yes. Yeah. So yeah, so can you tell us a little bit about yourselves?

    Alex Tran 01:16
    Yeah, Grace, why don’t you start? Okay.

    Grace Tran 01:18
    Yeah, we, um, so we live in the San Francisco Bay area, like the Silicon Valley. And both of us are very passionate about empowering other believers to live out their faces. So this is why we connected page and why we’re so excited to be here. So in terms of work, Alex works at a company called Udemy is customer success. He’s a customer success manager and basically helps. I mean, you can explain it.

    Paige C. Clark 01:45
    better. What do you do?

    Alex Tran 01:48
    Yeah, so I work in tech. I’m a customer success manager, which essentially means I help our customers become so successful that they are influenced to retain with us; my job is to preserve revenue, and get revenue for our company at the end of the day, to put it very simply,

    Grace Tran 02:10
    and to help them succeed and whatever their goals, our businesses,

    Alex Tran 02:14
    right, so yeah, so that’s the professional side of things. On the more personal side of things. We are small group leaders at our church; we’ve been leading for, I don’t know, gosh, like individually and also together for, like, a few years, like maybe two, three years already. Married we’ve been married since this December 2020. Yeah.

    Grace Tran 02:39
    And for me, for work, my background is in marketing. So I used to work in tech. And the middle of 2020, both broke before we got engaged and felt the call from the Lord to transition into full-time ministry. So actually led our marketing efforts for a local church. It’s like a multi-site church here in the Bay Area. And then last year, I felt another tug from God to actually step out in faith and start getting more creative entrepreneurship, full-time content creation, and just ministry in general. So both of us now lead a podcast called Let’s unpack that with Alex and Grace. And yeah, we just love encouraging people to

    Paige C. Clark 03:20
    live out their faith. That’s awesome. And I kind of love the name of your guys’ podcast; when I saw that, it made me laugh so much because I’m like, That is such, like, a Christianese term where it’s like, let’s unpack that, like,

    Alex Tran 03:32
    no one really said, small group. Let’s unpack that.

    Paige C. Clark 03:37
    No one says that I’m in this writer’s group. And they have a tendency to say, say more words about that. I’m like, I know what you mean. But also, other people might not.

    Grace Tran 03:50
    So I say if it wasn’t words,

    Paige C. Clark 03:53
    right? Like, let’s unpack that. Because yes, that is very awesome. Well, thanks for kind of like that little intro. And also, you guys got married in December 2020. Like, holy cow,

    Grace Tran 04:05
    Pico COVID. And it was fun. The most strict district, I think, is probably right.

    Paige C. Clark 04:09
    Oh my gosh, that’s true. Yeah. Tell me about that. Like,

    Grace Tran 04:15
    it was, was it a courthouse wedding or, like, so? Get in the shuffle. It’s okay. It’s pretty fast. So technically, it was, like, locked down. But we were like, still wanting to do we had a very small, like very intimate, we had like 20, maybe 25 People in arms and just like our closest people. Yeah, we also did a hybrid with Zoom with, like, people on Zoom. Yeah, we were able to host it, thankfully, with our church because, like they had been learning through COVID, how to do church online and how to do hybrid.

    Paige C. Clark 04:50
    Gotcha, gotcha.

    Grace Tran 04:52
    Yeah, it was. It was a wild time, but God pulled through. It’s great. That’s awesome.

    Paige C. Clark 04:57
    I love the stories, and I’m like surprised I’m surprised zoom didn’t come out with like a spin-off product of like, like, zoom events, but it’s like for like parties and everything like we like parties or weddings or like even funerals and stuff, like something that would be like custom made.

    Grace Tran 05:20
    has a great,

    Alex Tran 05:21
    it’s a great target addressable market.

    Paige C. Clark 05:25
    Well, I mean, not even; it was January of this year. My grandmother had passed away. And there were still a lot of people who like couldn’t make it, not for COVID reasons, but just like couldn’t make it, and we still zoom-called everyone in who couldn’t make it to the funeral. And I’m like, you know, zoom if you’re listening. Hit me up. Alright. Sponsor podcast. Yeah,

    Grace Tran 05:52
    I feel like now, too, it’s changed the landscape of events; people will often ask now, is there a virtual option? Whether it’s like a wedding or like a work event? Really? Yeah, at least here in the Bay Area. For when we had, we did a ministry night a few weeks ago. It was like a launch party slash ministry night for our podcast. And we, yeah, I know, people say like, Oh, can’t make it physically. But can I join online? Oh, we’re not gonna have an online option. But thanks for assuming.

    Paige C. Clark 06:21
    That’s so interesting. Oh, my gosh, I like to think about that seriously because I know, like, I know, like work events and stuff, but like, conferences, but like, maybe not. Like, I don’t know, like, team building stuff and everything. It’s like, having it hybrid? Like, I don’t, I don’t know. I don’t know how I feel about that.

    Grace Tran 06:44
    It’s just different here. I mean, even for Alex, your work situation is hybrid and like people on screen, but also people in person, and it just depends.

    Alex Tran 06:53
    Yeah, I feel like it’s just different regionally to Yeah, yeah. Every place has its own unspoken rules now.

    Paige C. Clark 07:02
    Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, my gosh, we can totally, like, feel like we could talk for hours about, like, the tech space and, what happens in there? We can unpack that. Absolutely. So how I like to kind of frame this up just takes me through what a day in the life looks like for you guys. And like how you move throughout your week and your regular day? And, like, Where does God fit in? And where does work fit in? And all that good stuff?

    Alex Tran 07:37
    Yeah. I guess. Do you want the ideal version? or the

    Paige C. Clark 07:43
    actual version? No, the actual version? Do we keep it real here? Oh, okay.

    Alex Tran 07:47
    Great. Well, so in the beginning, God created the world. So, in the morning, I, fortunately, am pretty consistent with my quiet times with God. So what that looks like is I don’t time it or anything. It’s just whatever my first meeting is. But I usually am always in the Word. I like to, so I read the Word. Meditate on it, pray on it. And then I take walks; I love taking walks. Fortunately, we live in a pretty safe area. So we’re we can go out safely to take walks. So I usually put on my air pods and take a walk about a 30-minute walk. And I just listen to worship music and even sing worship and pray during my walk. And I do that pretty consistently every morning. And then work comes. That’s where I’m just doing work. And I wish I could say I involve God more, and I want to do it more consistently. But what I’ve done in the past is I’ve looked through my calendar on my phone and just prayed through each meeting. Like God, what do you want me to say to this person? The situation sometimes even asks God for miracles about difficult work situations. But yeah, I just go about doing my work, and then every day looks different Yeah, every day is .different. My right. There’s no standard day for me. But the one consistent thing is that the morning

    Grace Tran 09:38
    Yeah, I think you can also mention if you’re comfortable, but the ways that you like minister to co-workers and even your managers and like how you integrate favorite that?

    Alex Tran 09:47
    Yeah, that’s right. Yeah, so we do have some Christians at work, so I meet with them, not on a consistent basis. CES, I wish it was more consistent, but I meet with them just to get to know them and hear about their life story. And we pay for each other as well. So whenever we have, Team off-sites or whenever there’s a more in-person event, then yeah, we make an appointment to meet, if it’s virtual is just over Zoom, and we get to know about each other, and we pray for each other.

    Paige C. Clark 10:26
    Yeah, awesome. And Grace, tell me a little bit about that transition for you of going from a secular workplace into ministry and then kind of onto your own; I feel like that is three very distinct and very different kinds of environments. So you’re working.

    Grace Tran 10:46
    100%. That’s what I was gonna say. My answer to this question is it looks so different in the different seasons of my career and work, and I was just even reflecting on, like, how back when I worked in tech,

    Paige C. Clark 11:02

    Grace Tran 11:03
    I had a very interesting it was, like, so clear, like when I brought my Bible to work, or my journal to work, I actually was not distracted. I know other people feel differently, but I wasn’t distracted. Like, I have to get to work right away, I think. I don’t know. I was just in a different headspace back then, like, I read my Bible and read journal; I did my quiet time in the cafeteria, like before I started work. And that was the best way for me to, like, get my head focused. I’m like, What is God telling me today? What do I need to focus on instead of like, rushing to, like, oh, I have to make my commute? And then I’m rushing in my quiet times, you know? But yeah, and then when I try to intrude into ministry, oh, sorry. I’ll go back later. But I transitioned into the ministry; it looked a lot different because now the ministry is everything on the outside is like, everything regarding writing looks like God glorifies or seems like it. And so it’s very easy. I think I was telling Alex this, like, when I joined our church staff, I was like, wow, it’s very easy to, like, lose your true genuine, authentic relationship with God. Because yeah, your performance for God and yeah, kind of subconsciously justify, like, Oh, this is for God, like, I’m spending time with God, but you’re not really like going deep with him necessarily. Yeah. And no one does that intentionally, either. But a common thing. And then now that I am doing, like, more creative entrepreneurship, and I think a lot of people actually are launching out new businesses, I’m seeing, it’s definitely been like, so. Uh, really rewarding, and also challenging at the same time, like seasons, I feel like I’m able to tailor my schedule, like, okay, my energy, like, in the morning, I want to just like focus on God, like really spend time with him, I’m not going to try to book meetings in the mornings at all. So I try to do all my meetings and all my interviews and whatnot in the afternoons. And then that way I can, like, be more intentional with my time with God and just like, making sure I’m not trying to rush or hurry or produce out of my own strength, but I’m really like, daily surrendering to God and asking him to lead my steps as a, as an entrepreneur. And I know you get this too; it’s like very easy for you to want to just rush and like produce things. Let’s just get this done. There are so many things to do. And you can very easily lose yourself in that cycle if you’re not conscious and intentional about the rhythms. So yeah, I feel like it’s looked like faith and work is looking very different. Um, those are just examples of time with God. But, like, even integrating it versus, you know, working in a secular workplace looks different. Working with other Christians looks different, and working.

    Paige C. Clark 13:48
    You look different, too. Yeah, for sure. And to be honest, Grace, like, you’re not the first person who I’ve talked to who has struggled in working in a ministry or working in a church with that kind of balance and that ebb and flow of, like figuring out, like, yes, you do church on Sunday, but like, are you working? Or are you, like, attending and participating? You know, it looks really different.

    Grace Tran 14:14
    And I’ll say it’s really hard to separate, like, even now and not even on your staff, but it’s like, right, because you have that experience and you kind of almost like know too much. Yeah, I have a different lens on it. And I was listening to a podcast from Carrie Neuhoff and John Mark Comer, talking about, like, as founding pastors when they left their churches like how hard it was for them to just receive because we’re so used to like decades of being a pastor and like owning and being responsible for all the mistakes that would happen yeah. So yeah, for me personally, like that’s an ongoing, like, journey and processing, but I do with God of like, Okay, God, what, what are you how are you leading me to really like make sure my soul is filled and not just like making the motions but not really necessarily like receiving from you? Yeah, yeah, and

    Paige C. Clark 15:01
    I think too, and I’ve never worked on staff at a church. But I think my idea of kind of how people go into it is this idea that, Oh, it’s gonna be great. It’s gonna be wonderful because, like, everyone’s Christian and, you know, while that’s true, it’s also like, well, it’s almost a little more difficult because everyone’s Christian, but also everyone’s, like, flawed. And so you’re in this like, really intense space where, like, at work, Alex, you and me, like, we know that, like, if we screw something up, like, aside from and in our own integrity, right, it’s there’s not as much of a focus lens on some of those screw-ups. Yeah, yeah, I

    Grace Tran 15:47
    would say wherever you work, there’s its own unique set of challenges. You’re never gonna enter like paradise, and like, everything is perfect. Because, yeah, for me, personally, I’ve seen that a lot like what you were just saying about ministry, and, you know, everyone’s broken and flawed, but you’re also like, a family and Christ, but you also like, are disciplining people that you’re working with, and everything’s blurred together. So it’s, it takes a lot of wisdom and discernment. And just making sure your heart is in the right place. Whatever you’re doing. Yeah.

    Alex Tran 16:19
    Yeah, I feel like in the tech space, it’s at least where I am in the San Francisco Bay Area. And working in tech, it’s, it can be difficult to be a Christian because you have a lot of values that are counter to your values. I mean, I can already think of many controversial topics. And yeah, we won’t get into that.

    Paige C. Clark 16:45
    I mean, we can get into that. I have plenty to say too. So only if you want to, Alex, but I’m locked and loaded on that if you would like to.

    Alex Tran 16:56
    Yeah, I mean, like LGBTQ. How do you respond to that? As a Christian? Right? Those are things I’m wrestling through, like, what do you do when your workplace celebrates that? Transgender? These are very sensitive topics. Right? That we had to wrestle with? Yeah. And then, and then yeah, there’s at work. It’s the competing priorities and the pressures and the deadlines and all that stuff that goes with it, it’s, it can be difficult to involve God in it. Because for me, I went on, like doing a PowerPoint deck or writing emails, I don’t really think about God as much as I should. It’s more like, I just gotta get this done.

    Paige C. Clark 17:42
    Yeah. Yeah. And I think too, like, I’ve definitely encountered issues that you’re reflecting and, and then some more, that, you know, we’re not mentioning of, I feel like, you know, the LGBTQ is kind of just right there on the surface that, again, it’s very nuanced, and very, you know, personal and situational. And it is hard to balance kind of your own values and your own kind of moral compass when you’re being asked to participate in maybe even a celebration of these different things that you might not agree with. And that’s hard.

    Grace Tran 18:28
    Yeah, definitely. I feel like that’s when your faith is really tested, like, Okay, what am I going to stand for right now? Do it graciously and lovingly, but also not compromising who I am and what I believe in. I always think of an example, I won’t say who he is, but he’s one of our friends. He was an executive at a company very high up and very worked very closely with the CEO, and he’s strong. The guy I’m talking about was a strong believer or a strong believer. And he told Alex’s testimony about, like, how, during pride month, everything was being celebrated. And he, he couldn’t like to sign his name. He just couldn’t compromise. It didn’t want to. And he stood up for that. And he actually expressed like, this is like, I like I support this team and everything, but for this, cause I personally, like my values don’t align with it. And I thought that was so bold. I was like, yeah, that is so great to be able to see an example of, like, boldness and almost a little bit like being in a persecuted, you know, right culture. I know, it can’t compare it to the actual, like, the persecuted church, right, um, countries, but in a way, I think, small in small ways. Christians, we often feel that way when we’re in a culture that celebrates things that are not, you know, aligned with biblical values. Yeah, yeah, for sure. And I think it’s like,

    Paige C. Clark 19:58
    I feel like there are small ways in which Christians get challenged that people who have a more secular view of the world might not even think of kind of the internal kind of head buddy that goes on. Like, I think of something as simple as, you know, putting your pronouns in your email signatures, and if you’re mandated that

    Grace Tran 20:34
    don’t get us started. Yeah, we’re talking about

    Alex Tran 20:37
    opinions. Yeah. And

    Paige C. Clark 20:39
    I mean, here’s the deal. Like, for me, I’ll give my opinion. And you guys, feel free to jump in if you would like. But like, for me, I’m like, I am not against you doing that, if that is what you choose to do, if you want to do that, that is fine. Those beliefs are counter to my understanding of how God created the world. So I do not subscribe to kind of that. Who’s Jordan Peterson? Like? Go Gosh, I’m losing the Word as compelled speech. There we go. I’m not, you know, on board with that level of compelled speech. And so you know, there are very real implications where, you know, someone’s like, no, just put her on, on your, on your email signature, like, what’s the big deal? And then for me, I’m like, No, that actually, like, it means a lot to me to be called a daughter of God. And I hold that really in high esteem.

    Grace Tran 21:47
    Yeah, it’s really, really tricky. We are actually two; I’m thinking about this topic a lot. Because she this past week, I recorded an interview with one of my friends who used to live a very openly gay lifestyle. But Jesus met her and encountered her so powerfully that she left that relationship. Wow. Plus, years, and now he’s a full-time missionary in Mozambique. And yeah, we’re really excited to, like, share that episode. But it really just reminded me again that there’s so much confusion in our culture, right? Like, there’s so much that the enemy uses to make it seem very good on the outside seems like everyone has sepsis or must be right. And the sad thing, the danger, I think that we see, especially in Liberal areas, is, like, it’s very easy for Christians to forget, like, What does God actually say about these things? Because you’re constantly surrounded by these influences. And so yeah, there’s a lot of deception. That’s why it’s more important than ever, I feel, and we talk about this a lot. Like, like, increasingly, we see darkness in our culture. And so it’s more important for us to guard our hearts, guard our minds, and make sure we are very consistent and investing in our relationship with God. Because if we don’t every day, we have so many things coming at us that are trying to lie and take us away from God’s truth. And yeah, just like how does compromise?

    Alex Tran 23:14
    Yeah, I feel like it this can really reverberate to many different areas that seem neutral as well. So like, here, I can only speak for the Bay Area, but there are a lot of compromises with money and career sleeping around. Yeah, and it’s very easy like me working in tech, it’s very easy to be swept into that. Fortunately, I’m married, so I don’t write mostly brown, but I often hear about it often. Yeah. But like one example is something as neutral as money. Like even as Christians, we hang around so many, like Christian tech people, but they have a bent towards making more money. Not it’s like wrong with it. But sometimes, it can be an idol if you’re too obsessed with it. Right? Yeah. You’re not being watchful of your intentions and where you’re placing your attention,

    Grace Tran 24:19
    right? Yeah, like because money and anything like jobs, career, anything, it’s like a neutral thing. But when it becomes idle when you’re so obsessed with it, you’re casually talking about it, like every single conversation, and yeah, that is like a sign, you know, like, oh, make sure you’re not putting your foundation security on these things that the world is gonna tell you as like, this is what you need to live a fulfilled life.

    Paige C. Clark 24:39
    Yeah, and one thing, too, that I have really been kind of just mulling over, especially in the conversation of, you know, gender and sexual orientation and all that is, and it has to do with our careers too, is where do we get Our identity from, and I think to like, our culture doesn’t necessarily accept this idea that we get our identity from something that is much bigger than us. And that, like, My identity is not who I sleep with or how I want myself to appear to the world; my identity is in Christ and in Christ alone. And, you know, you’re talking about money, and you’re talking about promotions, like even that stuff, I’ve noticed, it’s really hard to avoid people who are unable to detach their personal identity from their work identity.

    Grace Tran 25:42
    100% Yeah, I think I noticed this, or we talked about, like, noticing this when, like, you meet someone for the first time. And the first thing they say, it’s like, it’s like, they’re almost telling you their LinkedIn profile. Like, I do this, I’ve done this. And I, it’s like, Oh, interesting. Like, why are you so adamant about others, like talking about all the things that you do? When God actually cares about who you are? Not what you do, like, you just care about what you do. But that doesn’t define you. Right. But it’s so ingrained, especially in Western, I think, American culture, we’re always talking about work. I hear a lot from, like, when I used to work with like, people in like Spain and Europe, they would always say, like, over there people talk about your family, or you like to do for fun, and they don’t talk about work nearly as much as Americans or people in the Western world. Yeah.

    Paige C. Clark 26:34
    Alex, anything down there? No. Yeah, I think too, like, I don’t know if either of you guys has, like, encountered this, but with kind of the job promotions. I’ve told this story on the podcast before, but like, I remember, we had a mandatory like, job ladder worksheet that we had to fill out. Like, where do you see that? Sorry? Yes, it was mandatory.

    Alex Tran 27:05
    Wow. Nothing? I’ve never heard of something mandatory except compliance training. No, no,

    Paige C. Clark 27:11
    no, this was like, like, you had to fill it out as part of, like, your yearly review. And you had to fill out like your, you know, career journey ladder thing that of like, what do you want to do? How do you want to get there? And what are the checkpoints along the way that you’re going to make sure you are getting there? Like, I just want to bring home a paid check. Oh, can I continue to get paid? Like, that’s my career group.

    Grace Tran 27:41
    It just shows again, like, the differences, kind of like what you were saying earlier, like, people don’t think about how much that small thing might mean to someone with different values. Because I’m thinking from, you know, his point of view, they’re probably like, oh, like, this is a great culture building thing, like we are employees when you support them in their career path. Because that is an increasingly big thing that people look for with their managers is like, do you support me not just in my role, but like my whole career journey? But I totally agree. I think back to when I was working in my second environment; I would cause like questions like, what’s your five-year plan? What’s your 10-year vision? I’m like, I

    Alex Tran 28:19
    know, my one-day plans.

    Grace Tran 28:24
    I have no career ambition. I mean, I just want to do a good job. But honestly, I’m here for a quest mission. And I’m not really like thinking about getting to the director level. I don’t even know if I want that. Yeah, I’ll just say the same thing, even for him, like not being sure, like, when people ask him.

    Alex Tran 28:43
    Yeah, honestly, I used to like earlier in my career, in the early 20s. I was; I actually did have a 10-year plan. And then I got older, and I realized, oh, wow, nothing really happens. So I’m just like, scrap that. Yeah, I had plans to go to Harvard Business School and, you know, go into consulting. But yeah, I definitely haven’t done any of that. Nor do I want to, or was I going with that? I just,

    Paige C. Clark 29:17
    you know, titles and, yeah,

    Grace Tran 29:19
    like there’s so much importance and value that society assumes that you should just have, and that’s just what we get confused about as Christians like, oh, shoot, should I care about that was wrong? Yeah, I might not care about that. But I do think that when it comes to planning and vision, I think God will give you his vision for your life. So don’t if anyone’s like listening or watching can relate to that. One thing I’ve been learning, especially in my own entrepreneurial journey, is that, Oh, the vision that God gives each person is different. And that’s why this whole time, I haven’t felt like I fit in a box because we’re not meant to all fit in the same box. So yeah, don’t measure your ambitions or your dreams or whatever it is with what society tells you You should have because there’s no, like, right answer. Yeah.

    Alex Tran 30:03
    Yeah. There’s a Bible verse that I’ve been meditating on recently. That’s speaking to me this season. I forget where it is in the Bible, but it’s something like contentment with godliness is a great game. And I feel like we don’t. We don’t live in that kind of society that values godliness, righteousness, character, and then contentment. Yeah, yeah. Just like, Hey, I’m happy where I am. I am content. But we’re always, especially, you know, being in tech too. You’re subconsciously chasing the next thing, your next role, promotion salary increases. But honestly, God just wants us to be content. And now that I’m older, before I have plans now, I honestly just want to do stuff I enjoy. I just want to, like, work in the intersection of my passions, my talents, my personality, and the need and the needs of the world. I think there’s a graph that shows all that. Yeah.

    Grace Tran 31:15
    Can I add one quick thing? Like, yeah, it’s related, but a little bit of a tangent, but I just felt like, I felt like God like really impresses on my heart. I like when we talk about, like, contentment, and just like not these things that seem countercultural, right, like one example I was thinking of in tech, especially as we’re always talking about year over year growth are measurable impact, like what’s, don’t tell me like what you did tell me your impact, like, there’s so much value on that. And, again, on the outside, it’s like, oh, yeah, that’s really good to think about your impact and measure your growth, like we all want to grow, grow this good thing. But I felt really convicted like this past season; God was speaking to me about sometimes the kind of growth he’s doing actually doesn’t even look like growth on the outside. You can’t even perceive or measure it. You can apply that not just in ministry or business or work, but also your personal life, your spiritual growth, you know, some dry season you’re in, you’re like, what, what the heck, like, why am I not seeing more fruit? And I just think that thinking that society and a lot of our workplaces drilled into us, like we have to always be outwardly growing. And seeping into some ministry mindsets, it can become unhealthy. If we’re like, constantly expecting, it has to always look a certain way when you look at the Bible. And Joseph had a dream, but then he went to prison. Everything went backward for him, seemingly right. But God was just preparing him for that, that call calling and saying with David being anointed, right, but then he was still a shepherd. Right? And it’s like, I think as Christians, we often, like, forget that growth and what’s like, good in God’s eyes. It’s just not it’s not the same as how we measure that in our society.

    Paige C. Clark 33:03
    Yeah, yeah, for sure. I completely agree. And I can completely relate to everything you guys are saying because I feel like there is this real pressure on people who are especially in kind of more white-collar roles to just kind of buckle down and, like, predict your future. And I remember, like, when I was in, like, this review, when I was like, filling out that mandatory worksheet of like, where are you gonna be in five years, I was like, I don’t want to be working here in five years, like, like, I want to, like have my book published in five years, like it like me in five years has nothing to do with this, this or my job, like, has nothing to do with that. Right?

    Grace Tran 33:48
    How honest should I be? Right?

    Paige C. Clark 33:50
    All right, like, do you want? Do you want my honest truth? Or like, just kind of, I think you, you should, I should be saying here. Yeah. So but I,

    Grace Tran 34:00
    I think it’s also like those points, though, are revealing to you what are the things that God really has is stirring in your heart. Because I remember having that exact conversation, I would say, now is 2023. It was like 2018 2019. So about four-ish years ago, like my manager back in my, my tech role, asked me that same question, like five years from now, where do you see yourself and I was like, honestly, I didn’t say like ministry, like, explicitly, but I was like, I really, how this passion. I don’t know what it looks like, but I want to inspire people with my stories. I feel like, you know, I just have a lot of stories and experiences and things that I learned that I want to like use to inspire people to live out their potential and live out their calling. And I remember how ridiculous it sounded when I said that I just felt so silly. But then four years later, it’s not even five years yet, but four years later, this is actually happening through our podcast through what we’re doing. And that’s another arrangement to anyone listening is like, don’t feel like, Oh, those ideas and dreams have nothing to do with what I’m doing now. So it must not be realistic. Because it really is. It could be like God’s planting seeds. And he’s just excited to show you how it’s going to come to fruition later on.

    Paige C. Clark 35:16
    Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And I think too, like, that kind of awkwardness. It’s, it puts Christians who have to answer those types of questions in a weird place because I can explain it, but the person on the other side probably doesn’t understand. Right, right. Yeah. You know, I want to say I want to tell my stories and habit and change people’s lives. And they’re like, Okay, like,

    Alex Tran 35:43
    I want you to meet your OKRs. Right.

    Paige C. Clark 35:46
    Oh, my gosh, yes. And so, you know, it’s, I think, I think that like, awkwardness is like a reason why I don’t want to speak for you guys. But a reason why, for me, I’ve, like, held back in speaking my faith in the workplace, and I hope my behavior has shown, you know, that I love Jesus. But I, it’s all awkward to speak to it because people just don’t understand.

    Alex Tran 36:17
    Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I mean, I talk about faith a bit at work, but I don’t share Jesus that much. Obviously, behaviors and actions speak louder than words. But I think I, I feel like I’ve been thinking about Revelation lately, just like the second coming of Jesus. And I think we all feel like there’s a, there’s more of a sense of urgency to take bigger risks. And so, even today, I was talking with my manager about our podcasts and how she never asked what it’s about. But I did say it’s about my faith. So

    Grace Tran 37:01
    she’s seen all your LinkedIn posts. Oh, I’m sure she knows.

    Alex Tran 37:04
    Yeah. No one asked. It’s so awkward. But I’m just more outward about it. And unashamed. Like, yeah, so one thing is one practical thing I do is on LinkedIn, as a customer success manager, you tend to have a more LinkedIn connection. Yeah. As you grow in your career, clients, yeah. Yeah, with my clients. So and just like the companies you work for and just the people you meet to. But one thing I do is share my faith on LinkedIn because the algorithm is great. And it gets more views than Instagram or Facebook. And also, it’s such a vast mission field if you think of it that way. Because many people on LinkedIn aren’t Christian, but on our Facebook and Instagram, our friends are mostly Christian. That is so true; I definitely share my faith, I give glory to God whenever something good happens, and I share it. Yeah. And it’s just a way to make disciples of all nations.

    Grace Tran 38:12
    Yeah, I think on the topic of specifically work, like, if you think of all those platforms, LinkedIn is the most, like work-centric, that’s where everyone’s saying, I’m humbled to announce my promotion. And like, you know, everyone’s kind of like, side-eyeing each other, like competing and trying to climb the corporate ladder or climb whatever ladder, you know, and, and if you see like a countercultural pose on there, it actually stands out even more. So even when Alex was talking, I was thinking about, like, the layoffs or many waves of layoffs that happened, right? And I remember both of us posted things that are like just reminding people like, hey, layoffs are really hard. And we’re so sorry for people who are going through it. But I also wanted to, like, give you guys a gentle encouragement and reminder that your worth is not in your work. Your performance doesn’t dictate who you are, and, like, wrote things that again, I think, I think we did mention our faith, but just wrote things to be a light in the darkness because there was so much grief going on and people being so angry, so anxious. And I think when you see that happening, maybe like just ask yourself or ask God what some ideas are. What are some ways low-hanging fruit that I can step into that place of darkness and be your reflection? Are you the light of your reflection on your truth?

    Paige C. Clark 39:32
    Yeah, and that’s one of the reasons so I wanted to start this podcast because I’m like, I feel like there’s like a lot of, like, secret Christians out there. Like, not so much.

    Alex Tran 39:43
    There definitely is, yeah; when I posted on LinkedIn, a bunch of them came out.

    Paige C. Clark 39:49
    And I think too that’s just like an encouragement for us to step out in boldness, you know, and step out and courage because like the bait, yeah Because like people will help me too, or like, yeah, that’s me. And then you can have a further group of community than you had originally anticipated. And also just like make more of an impact on your workplace.

    Grace Tran 40:15
    That’s huge; I’m very passionate about that. Like, the fact that most people try to, they’re like, Oh, I know, I have to be on a mission for God. But then you’re trying to do it alone. When whenever you go on a mission trip abroad, you always go with a team; you always have people praying for you intentionally, like, we’re not meant to do a mission alone. And I think a lot of people get that, get that wrong. And then they’re like, Oh, why is it so hard to feel frustrated, because like God designed you to, like, partner with other believers, whether it’s maybe it’s not in your company, necessarily. It could be in your industry, or in your area, whatever it is, but I have seen personally, like, so much fruit come out when I’m not doing things by myself when I’m, like linking arms with other believers in my workplace or in my area, and just being like, Hey, we’re both doing this. We’re both trying to, like, bring heaven into this workplace. So how can we like do that together? Yeah. And I always, like, make the analogy of, like, The Avengers, you know, like, you see, like, Captain America is so cool. And like Hulk, so cool. But then they always have weaknesses, everybody has weaknesses, and only when, like, they all come together. That’s why it’s so powerful whenever we see superhero movies, and like, everybody comes together, like, get each other’s backs, because that’s exactly what we’re designed to do as Christians. And, you know, Alex has a lot of, I don’t know, if you want to share, like, some testimonies of how you found Christians at your workplace, and then how you, like, started praying with each other and just feeling that encouragement. Like you’re not alone. You’re not the only Christian trying to like to do your Christian thing.

    Alex Tran 41:44
    Yeah, in every company that I’ve worked for, I made it a point to connect with other Christians. Some companies harder than others, I would say, like the company now, probably, I can count the number of Christians on the one hand, unfortunately, you know, of that I know of yeah, that have come out. So to speak. Yeah. But yeah, I mean, really just, I make it a point to connect with them, to pray for them, pray with them, get to know them, and just rally people together. I think one of the most memorable times I’ve had was; I’m not going to name names and companies. But at a previous company, one of the executives, like a C-level executive, was Christian, and he invited me to go to what was a work conference. So he invited me and a bunch of other Christians who go to his hotel room and just have fellowship and pray for one another. And that just sparked, like, so many things for me. And after that, I began to intentionally connect more with Christians. And yeah, really rally and pray, pray with each other. And I’ve sort of carried that over to other companies, too. Yeah. And

    Grace Tran 43:07
    then that’s also recently found out that one of the directors on his team is Christian. He’s like, what I had no idea, but because she had commented on one of those podcast posts, she was like, Why is she Christian? So it’s like, always, the more like, you’re just naturally a light. And the more you like, pray, pray for, and seek out other believers like God will highlight and bring them into your life and might not be immediately, but like, I do think it’s so powerful to look for that and know that you’re not supposed to do it alone. One other, like many testimonies to, I remember, like, talking to this one particular person, like I knew he was Christian, but I would, you could, you could tell he wasn’t very like confident about, like, bring his work, bring his faith to work. He was like, Oh, this is where I work. And then faith is kind of like on the side, like my rifle thing. But then many months after, I talked to him because we just connected, and I was like, sharing with him, like, you know, there’s a lot that I feel like God wants to do in our workplace. Many months after, he just suddenly randomly reached out to me and was like, Hey, Grace, I really feel like God actually wants me to start bringing my faith into my work more like, I kind of had this like vision or thought of like, just praying together and like maybe starting a prayer group. And what’s crazy is like, literally, I think it was that week, like the week before. I had the same conversation with another girl I was talking to who said she was starting to also like pray more and intercede for our workplace. And so I was like, Wow, that’s crazy. Well, let me like, connect you guys because you guys had the same vision. Fast forward. It’s been like, I think, it’s been at least six or seven years. And that group to this day is still existing in two people, but three of us, I guess, three of us meeting together every week. And it grew to a global thing where like, I think, 3040 People now from all over the world are tuning into that prayer and intercession group every week. And it just goes To show, like, you know, in our workplace, we talked about the importance of meeting and collaboration and, like, not doing double work. You know, it’s the same in God’s kingdom, like the more we seek out connections and work together, the more we can synergize and be like, wait, I have that vision. You have that vision. Let’s do it together and see what he does from that.

    Paige C. Clark 45:18
    Yeah, that was a very marketing term, by the way. Synergize very marketing. That’s a tough

    Grace Tran 45:25
    business jargon inner. Okay, no,

    Paige C. Clark 45:29
    no, I did get this resigned. Oh, like, my ears perked up. I was like, yeah, that’s like one of those 10 Point words. And if you’re listening to this, and like, you’re hearing this, like, maybe it’s, it’s you, who needs to be that light in, in your workplace? And to step out in bold this, because if, if it’s not someone, then who, right? Like if it’s not going to be you, then who’s going to do it? And, maybe God wants to use you as kind of that. You know, that hub to kind of turn things around?

    Grace Tran 46:07
    Yeah, exactly. It’s like that cool. Like, be the change you want to see in the world is, I think thing when you’re thinking if you there’s burnout in your heart, like, where’s my where, why isn’t this happening? Why isn’t that happening? Like it could very well be God is asking you to be the one to start and initiate and lead something and don’t put pressure on yourself. It has to look like this amazing, big movement. And just like that little step of obedience, that’s what really matters. And yeah, I’ll come up to God like what he wants to do. But yeah, I think often we get in our heads about like, Oh, I’m gonna like a powerful leader, or, you know, I can’t; I’m not a minister, like people are gonna judge me or, you know, I’m gonna say the wrong thing. And that’s just the enemy trying to dissuade you from doing God’s work. Yeah. Oh, yeah, sure. That’s why it’s so powerful to link arms with other people because then they can you can encourage each other instead of Yeah. What about, like, I can’t do this?

    Paige C. Clark 47:01
    Yeah, that’s absolutely beautiful, too. And a fun fact, that’s how this podcast started because I had this idea for five years, five years. And

    Alex Tran 47:11
    wow, congrats. Taking the step.

    Paige C. Clark 47:15
    Thank you. I was like, Yeah, this still doesn’t exist in the world. Post, pre, and post-COVID. So I might as well do it. So that’s how we landed here. All right, you guys. And to kind of wrap up this conversation. I always like to leave our listeners with something that they can walk away with and implement in their lives today, this week, this weekend, whenever they’re listening to this, to help their faith grow to help their discipline, and spiritual practice grow. So what can they do? What do you do that they can do in their lives?

    Alex Tran 47:55
    Well, there are so many things, gosh, which just choose which one to pick. Okay, really practical one. When you’re communicating with people, whether especially through email or we use Slack, pray for them. Super easy. Pray for them. Ask God, what do you want me to say? How do you want me to write this? And just that’s just the practice of involving God in your daily life?

    Grace Tran 48:26
    Yeah. For me, I would say, oh, gosh, I’m so tempted to do too, but

    Alex Tran 48:31
    I will just do one.

    Grace Tran 48:35
    Yeah, I would just say, ask God, how can I partner with you, God in whatever you’re already doing? How are you showing me how you’re already moving in my workplace or in whatever sphere of influence? God doesn’t expect you to create your own waves like you don’t need to create something out of anything. Like he’s already always moving and working. It’s just about hopping on his train, like getting surfing the waves that he’s already making, and asking him like, what’s my role in it? And you’ll be very surprised, like, once you start intentionally asking God, he’s gonna open your eyes to see how he’s working and how you can be light and how your why he picked you to be there at this specific time and place. So yeah, I think that gives you a lot more clarity and vision for your kingdom purpose,

    Paige C. Clark 49:28
    wherever you are, and be willing to act on it. Yes,

    Alex Tran 49:31

    Paige C. Clark 49:33
    Awesome. You guys. Thank you so much for joining us. And where can people find you and find the Let’s unpack that podcast?

    Grace Tran 49:40
    Yeah. So the podcast is called. Let’s unpack that with Alex and Grace. There are actually a lot of lessons packed by podcasts. So it’s the one. I mean, you’ll see her. Yeah, so yeah, he’s talking about all sorts of things just like real life. We love talking about faith and work too. That’s actually one fact. It’s one of the reasons why we even met was because I was talking about faith and work, and Alex slid into the DMS. That’s a story for another time. You can find us on Instagram outside with the trans. That’s my last name, Tran. And also Facebook and all the other social media. So

    Paige C. Clark 50:16
    awesome. Thank you guys so much. And we’ll have to do this again. absolutely for sure.

    Alex Tran 50:22
    Yeah, yes. Thanks, Paige. Yeah, thanks.

    Paige C. Clark 50:26
    Thanks for joining us. If you liked what you were listening to, make sure you subscribe and hit those five stars, and we’ll catch you on the next episode.

  • 9 to 5 Faith Podcast: Episode 14

    This is a transcript from episode 13 of the 9 to 5 Faith Podcast with Paige C. Clark.

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    Start of Podcast

    Paige C. Clark 0:41
    Hello Hello, everyone, and welcome to another episode of the Nine to five faith podcast. I am here with a fellow podcaster Yvette Walker. How are you doing?

    Yvette Walker 0:53
    I am well. I just got home from work, and I’m really happy to be talking to you. Yeah,

    Paige C. Clark 0:58
    me too. And then, if you’re not watching the video version of this, she is like matching in an amazing way, like this a flaming red shirt and these beautiful red fire engine glasses,

    Yvette Walker 1:12
    and I signature color.

    Paige C. Clark 1:13
    Oh, is it? Here for it? Well, I’m like wearing my white T-shirt, you know? And you have the red lipstick to Oh,

    Yvette Walker 1:22
    yeah, I had to go put on that red lipstick.

    Paige C. Clark 1:25
    I love that. I love it. It’s very like Anna Wintour, who she’s like always with black sunglasses and wears like black capes and whatnot. But it’s like, pop in red.

    Yvette Walker 1:35
    Thank you so much.

    Paige C. Clark 1:36
    It’s wonderful. So fellow podcasters. Do you have a podcast called positively joy? Yes. Let’s talk about that.

    Yvette Walker 1:46
    Yeah, positively. Joy was born. During the pandemic, when a lot of other podcasts were born. I was actually going to do a podcast on hair and beauty. I’ve been wanting to do it. And it always seemed like there was just always something hanging me up. It was too difficult. I don’t know. But there I was at home; you’re very fortunate to be able to work from home. And I said this cannot be that hard. I should be able to figure out the software. And I did. I said, Okay, good. I’m gonna start this podcast. And then God said, Yeah, you’re gonna start a podcast, but it’s not going to be on here. It’s going to be on joy. And I’m like, Okay, Lord, because that’s what you say to God. But I really didn’t know what he wanted me to talk about other than joy. And I didn’t understand where it was coming from. And it’s funny because the name did not get picked. Until after, like, episode one or two. If you go back to, like, way back, because I’ve done about 200 episodes. Now. You go way back to episode number one; you will hear me say welcome to the finding joy podcast. But then I realized very quickly that there are a million shows that are either called finding joy or finding joy or something like that. And I said, now we’ve got to pick a different name. And I know we’re going to talk a little bit later about me being a former journalist; I work as an educator now. But in my mind, the Lord gave me this name, positive joy. And I said, No, Lord, that’s not grammatically correct. I am a bit of a word nerd. But that’s what he said. And so I said, Well, okay, we’re gonna do it. And it’s funny because a lot of people think it’s funny, or they think it’s catchy or whatever. So, right, you know, don’t question God.

    Paige C. Clark 3:39
    Yeah, I, I kind of got hung up on it a little bit. When I was like, repeating it back to you. I was like, it’s not positive Joy’s positively joy, which is also really interesting. I can go on a little showboat here. But, like, I like that approach because a lot of people assume Joy means happiness. Mm-hmm. And, like, right, adding the positive in front of it helps kind of reframe that mindset; at least, for me, it does.

    Yvette Walker 4:09
    I think it makes you kind of pause for a minute. Because this after I had been doing this for a while, he began to reveal to me, you know, really, what he what I feel like wanting me to communicate. And that’s just what you said, that the true joy of the Father is not how you feel. Right? In fact, its joy is not a feeling; it’s faith. And we can be walking in the valley, we can be in a bad spot. You know, he never told us that we were going to live pain-free or fear-free or anything like that. But, he guaranteed He promised us that he would be with us no matter where we were. And so we can find joy in that. And yes, I definitely, you know, people think joy is happiness. Being content, there’s a level of happiness and content. No. I think when you realize that he’s with you, even though your life has blown up, you know, and I definitely want to point out that I’m not belittling, or I’m not minimizing, people’s pain. But when we do, I mean, this happens; we do have things that go wrong in our life. We’re very fortunate if we don’t have something to go wrong. But often, he’s working. And us during those times, and there’s a level, you know, there’s a level of joy, I think we can take with us. And so that’s what we try to come to put out there in the ether, through the show. It’s an interview, mostly an interview show, because I love talking with people. And, you know, we tell some really great stories. Some stories are big and tragic, and other stories are not because that’s another thing I realized; as far as testimonies, you know, we play the compare game too much, especially when it comes to our testimonies. I know I did. And you know, for a long time, I was like feeling impostor syndrome, saying, Lord, my story isn’t as interesting or big as the person who lost a family member but was able to come back or the person who, you know, suffered an accident was able to still love you. You know, that’s not my testimony. But all our testimonies are so important. There’s something to learn in every single one of our stories because we’re all unique. And he made us that way.

    Paige C. Clark 6:35
    Yeah. Gosh, I love that. So let’s talk a little bit about you because I could talk about joy and the Lord’s sovereign nature all day long. But you’re an educator, a former journalist. Yeah. So let’s like, talk about, like, what you’re currently doing, and then like, I want to go into it.

    Yvette Walker 6:56
    Okay. Well, I am, you know, I’m probably more of an administrator now. But I do teach, okay. And I love teaching. I teach Intro to Media. I actually work at a Journalism College. So you know, I couldn’t get it. I couldn’t get too far away. Because I love journalism. It’s what I’ve done my entire career. So I work at a Journalism College where I’m, you know, I guess my main job is administrative. I do teach the intro class, and I also teach journalism ethics. And I love that. Because some people might argue there was no ethics in journalism, you know, that’s kind of like a, ya know, kind of like a joke. But I mean, there are lots of things that we do think about. So I, yes, I’m doing that now. And it’s, it heartens me; I feel great to know that there are all these young people who want to do this. They want to go to school for this. They want to write stories; they want to report stories. They want to serve as the watchdog for, you know, for citizens, for readers, and all that good stuff. The reason why I got into it, they still want that. So that’s really exciting.

    Paige C. Clark 8:00
    That’s like a really unique term that I’ve never considered before because I was a comms major but like a watchdog?

    Yvette Walker 8:09
    Oh, yeah. Jaren. Most journalists who get into this, they want to, and it’s not like we’re trying to say gotcha, all right, people, but we want, we want to be able to report stories, to help you live your best life, we want you to know what’s going on in your neighborhood in your community, we want you to know that they’re putting the Walmart in down the street. And if you don’t like that, you can go to the city council or city planning meeting, you know, we want you to know that we can, we can get copies of police reports. You can, too, by the way, but you just don’t know how to do it. Everybody, you know, there’s certainly, you know, we have rights to these things. But most people don’t know, so we can get a copy of the court transcripts. And we can get a copy of the police report and give you information that many, many cases, people don’t know they can do. So yeah, the watchdog term is a term that I think a lot of journalists kind of fell in love with journalism for that reason.

    Paige C. Clark 9:07
    Yeah. And I feel like it’s so fitting to, you know, whatever your opinion is of current journalism and news reporting, and whatever is out there. I feel like watchdog is the ideal, I guess, in its terms and how we want to be thinking about journalism. So that’s really interesting. So, you, former journalist, let’s talk about that. How did you start in that? How did you jump into that? And then also, we’re gonna get into, like, where you found God in that?

    Yvette Walker 9:43
    Right, right. Well, you know, like, I think a lot of journalists, I like to write. I’ve always liked to write when I was a little girl. I mean, you know, I called myself a word nerd a minute ago when I was a little girl. I would read the encyclopedia. I read the, you know, there’s like dictionaries that come with the encyclopedia, I would say those dictionaries, I would, I would create many newspapers, and I write like my own comic strips and like, put headlines on there. I mean, just, you know, as nerdy as can be. I just always knew that I wanted to do something like that. And then, you know, as I continued to grow up, and I realized, oh, yeah, I can actually, you know, major in that and, you know, get a job in that. And so, I think from the, from very, very early on, I knew that I wanted to do something like that. And so I worked on the high school newspaper and yearbook, Of course. Then I went to college and went to a college known for its journalism. Did internships while I was in college; I did internships, summer internships, at the Muskegon Chronicle in Muskegon, Michigan, and then the Yonkers Statesman, I think that’s the name of it, Herald Statesman, I’m sorry, if there are people in Yonkers listening, or watching, I used to, I shouldn’t know that. I shouldn’t know the name of that newspaper. I did that. And then graduated. And my first job out was at a newspaper in Gary, Indiana. So that was pretty much my career. But I will say this, there were some of those experiences in college that I wanted to do, like, I wanted to backpack across Europe or some of those things. And I was on a, I was on a track. So I had to, you know, do this and get the experience that I needed. So by the time I graduated, I knew that I would have a hell of a job waiting for me now, where God came in at the very beginning. So I was raised Catholic. So no matter what you feel about that, I was raised Catholic and went to church. Every Sunday, I went to Catholic elementary school and Catholic High School, and I never thought about whether or not I wanted to go to a Catholic college. But you know, again, journalism was driving me in that decision. I grew up in Chicago. And when I was very young, I would spend a lot of time in church. I mean, the church was like, a solace place for me, like, I could just go and sit down, and just be with God. And we would talk, and I felt like I could hear him. And so, ya know, it was great. I loved being at church; then you get older, you start getting involved in, well, what am I going to do? And where am I gonna go to college and boyfriends and all that? And I felt like I was, you know, getting more into the world because that’s kind of what happens; I still went to church and never stopped believing. But I felt like I was getting maybe farther and farther away from him. And until I couldn’t hear his voice anymore. And I don’t think I even realized that until many years later. And when it kind of hit me, I said, I can’t hear him anymore. And then that took me down another path that we can get into later. So ya, know, God was there at the very beginning, but journalism was too.

    Paige C. Clark 13:03
    Yeah, yeah, I love it. And, I think, I don’t know if it’s unique to people who are writers and whatnot because I am also a writer. And I remember the bookstore, like the children’s bookstore, being one of my favorite places to go. And I would write authors like authors of children’s books. Like when I was a kid, I probably have the letters somewhere, but it is ingrained in you like it is very core to who you are. So I definitely resonate with that. So when you were working in journalism, what were some of the struggles and some of the conflicts that you had, if any, with your faith coming into play in the workplace? Yeah.

    Yvette Walker 13:55
    So it’s so interesting, and I’m going to answer your question, but I just wanted to tell you that I, I find the whole concept of journalists and their faith. So interesting that I just started a new podcast, as I want to say just last year, called journalist advancing Ministry, and the day we’re talking, I just dropped a new episode. Basically, I’m finding that there are journalists who have moved into Ministry in some way. Yeah, I find that so fascinating. Because when I was in journalism, they were very much separate things. Your faith is separate from your job. Right? Um, when I was growing up, you know, and I was in Chicago, and I’m in Oklahoma. Now I feel like it’s easier to talk about God in Oklahoma for some reason. But in other places, I’ve worked, you know, you kind of didn’t do that. So I hear I was a young reporter covering police because that’s pretty much the first beat they give you. Either police or education. I don’t know why. Because it’s very, it’s well, and I say that because it’s very important. In concentration, people need to know what they’re doing. And they gave it to a brand new person. But you know, I saw people. I didn’t see people getting killed. But I saw dead people, I saw bodies, I had to cover murders had to I had to cover a serial killer. I did have to cover a courtroom proceeding of someone who had killed someone. And I do think that, and as I said, I just talked to someone in the episode that I dropped today. And I said, you know, what do you think? How did that affect you? And he had covered a murder. And he said one of my co-workers very kindly asked me if I was okay. And he says, You know, I was okay. And I’m not sure if it’s because I knew Jesus or if it was because I just, I was a crusty old reporter. But I think it was because I knew Jesus. Because I was okay. And when I didn’t, that was when the day came that I wasn’t okay. Where I felt like I was allowing myself to become numb to this kind of work, I left, and I moved to a different, I moved to a different newspaper, and I got a different job; I became a copy editor instead of a police reporter because I saw something happening. And I’m like, You’re too, you’re too young. I mean, I was just 25. You’re too young to be cold and jaded. And I feel like I was beginning to get that way. And I don’t think God wanted me that way, either. So right, but I quit that job and went to a different newspaper.

    Paige C. Clark 16:32
    Yeah. So let’s dig into that because I’m curious if that is the solution? Because ideally, we have, you know, workplaces filled with Christians, and you know, someone’s gotta do the job. So, you know, what I mean, not to like, not to shove off your experience or anything like that or invalidate it, I hear you, and leaving toxic environments is very important. And something I’m very passionate about, but how do we find or create workplaces that are able to balance both things at once?

    Yvette Walker 17:17
    So I think that at this time, you know, I’m, you know, it’s this is, this is my first job. I mean, I’m a young woman, right? So this is, yeah, that time. So this is my first job; I’m away from home. I’ve got friends, and I’m in. I’m not too far from home. I mean, it’s, you know, I’m in Chicago, and Gary, Indiana is not too far. But you know, I’m living on my own and, whenever you move to a different new job, a new city, you find a new church home. And so it could have been that I wasn’t fully involved in a church home at that time. Maybe I didn’t have the support. I don’t know. I mean, every time I moved, you had to find a new church home. And sometimes, I was very successful in finding one. And then, sometimes, I was not like when I went from Gary to Dallas; I was very successful in finding a church home. I mean, I’m still very good friends, with my church pals, from when I was in Dallas. And so I think it just kind of depends at that time. As I look back, perhaps, you know, whenever there’s a difficult time, I’m going to say I wasn’t leaning on God enough. And so I’m thinking perhaps, that was, and I think it kind of snuck up on me too with the serial killer. It was a man and a woman who were kidnapping young women. And in this case, they came to Northwest Indiana, and they kidnapped and killed two women. This one young woman, and really, I shouldn’t even say young woman, was a girl for some reason. I always thought they were going to find her and she was going to be okay, oh, they’re gonna find her, she’s gonna be okay. But then, when they didn’t, or they found her, and she wasn’t okay, that kind of rocked me to my core in a way that I didn’t expect. Yeah. And then the very next story that I covered was the murder of a Bible school teacher. And it just, again, that just rocked me. And I was like, I can’t do this anymore. I need to; I need to go now. Should I have stayed? Should I have found a way to work on that? Should I have talked to, you know, a minister or pastor and got some counseling? You have to remember, though, in journalism, you either stay in one place for a long, long time and work your way up to the top, or you move around and continue that climb. Yeah. And so for me, I moved around a lot to find new opportunities and to try to climb as high as I was going to climb. And so that was the last time I left the paper for another opportunity, but I very, I strongly remember that those two stories were like, I’m too young to feel like this? Yeah. Where am I going to be when I’m 40? Working? You know, working in the media. So, yeah, for sure me, and I feel like it was good, you know, I and I hear what you’re saying, Yeah, I

    Paige C. Clark 20:17
    don’t expect you to have the answer. And I don’t have the answer, either. I just, I just like to kind of push on these things, because I’m like, he’s there, like, like, real questions that we gotta we gotta face as Christ followers.

    Yvette Walker 20:31
    Absolutely. And but I would say anytime I was in a situation where it was tough, I would say, I wasn’t leaning on God enough. Yeah. And now and now, I actively seek the opportunity to lean on him. You know, I was, you know, I was, even though by the time I was 25, I’d been in church all my life. But I would say I wasn’t mature in my faith yet at that time.

    Paige C. Clark 20:55
    Yeah. And, and as you were talking, I was like, okay, like, community, like, what you have created this community, with your podcasts of journalists, who are also, you know, Christ followers and stepping into maybe ministry roles. Is that, potentially, a solution to that problem of, you know, being kind of torn down from a job that you’re trying to do, objectively, but you’re also a Christian?

    Yvette Walker 21:28
    Perhaps, you know, that’s one thing that I think we do wrestle with because we are, you know, the, the traditional teaching is you’re supposed to be objective and provide all sides of the stories, right. And you’re not supposed to bring your own point of view into the story. Now, we all know that there are lots of different kinds of journalism that do that. Analysis, advocacy, journalism, solutions, journalism. You know, there’s, there’s lots of journalism, where we understand that we are looking for a point of view or a solution, right truth, but traditional, traditional kind of hard news journalists, we don’t do that. And since that’s what I did for a lot of my career, I felt like I had to keep that part of me. Uh, you know, asleep while I was on the job, but I mean, as far as who I am, and encouraging people and building up people and just trying to be like Jesus, I mean, I’m always gonna do that. But does that translate to the work? And that’s kind of that’s, I have found that to be interesting.

    Paige C. Clark 22:36
    Yeah. When I found myself in jobs and roles where I might have to shut down that piece of myself. I always found it like, even more difficult to kind of, like, step back into the glory of God; I guess, like, it’s hard to turn off a switch and then actually get it back on; I think of like, a power breaker that like, the power breaker flips, and it doesn’t want to go back on. Did you ever find yourself in that kind of situation? And, like, how did you get through it?

    Yvette Walker 23:12
    Well, I would say the next time I began to want to wrestle with things, it was when I was in more of a management role, where I had responsibility for what was on the front page. And again, wanting to make sure that I was objective, and I was doing that. I mean, there weren’t, there weren’t stories per se, like, like, I didn’t have to make a decision about keeping a story about religion off the front page. That’s not what I’m talking about, right. But just talking about, like, for example, and one newspaper I worked at, there was a little girl that had been kidnapped. And they were trying to find her, and they found her body. And we, as journalists, talk about how to gently tell these stories because we are writing for a mass audience. And you know, we’re editing for a mass audience; we’re presenting the way the design looks. It’s all for a mass audience. And so we’re trying to be gentle about that. And I guess I would say that, in my faith, I definitely would want to, you know, be able to tell the story, but do so in a kind in, let’s say, Christian way, right, to be able to do that. And so, while I probably wouldn’t have those conversations, necessarily, that’s what it’d be in my mind because it makes up who I am. Yeah, so yeah,

    Paige C. Clark 24:41
    yeah, for sure. So let’s bring it back to the present. Are you interfacing with students? Are you guys in person? Are you teaching? Yeah,

    Yvette Walker 24:50
    yeah. Well, let me so sometimes we, sometimes we teach online, but we’re in person, we’re back. Okay.

    Paige C. Clark 24:54
    Oh, that’s so exciting because I feel like that like opens up a whole other realm to it. What does your face look like in your current role? And how you’re teaching ethics, journalistic ethics, you know how one how do you balance the two? And also, like, how are you able to, like, I guess, speak to the next generation of journalists that’ll be out there?

    Yvette Walker 25:21
    Well, I mean, I work at a public university this last night, the kinds of people, so I, you know, I don’t bring, I don’t bring my faith on the stage as except to say it’s part of who I am. Right. So what I saw in the ethics class is interesting because a lot of ethical principles are based on Judeo-Christian societal principles. I mean, that’s what made up this country. So you know, a lot of that, I mean, basically, I just tried to stick to the facts. I mean, I do, I do. But when we’re talking about morals and values, you know, you do have to reach into yourself, and I tell them to reach into whatever makes up, you know, them, and try and try to think, what do you think is the right decision here? What do you think? Is, is the best thing to do? How does it make you feel just because there is a, there’s a little bit of a gut check that you can take. And that’s an act that itself is actually part of a societal or not a societal, but part of ethical principles by sisal. Bach has a three-step way to look at things before you make a decision. Check your conscience; I call it a gut check. Yeah, then talk to somebody you trust. And then if you have time, or if you can take the conversation to like a larger, a larger conversation with stakeholders with people who have, who have something invested in the situation. But it starts with doing a gut check. And for me, you know, my gut check is going to my faith is going to be in there somewhere. And it might be in there with my students, too. You know, I don’t talk about faith in the classroom. But you know, but it’s, it’s part of who you are. The funny thing is I’m very active in my community church. And a lot of my students go to that church. So I will be serving fun, they’ll go, Oh, do you walk or Hi, so and they get a kick out of seeing me there? That’s awesome.

    Paige C. Clark 27:25
    And that was going to be my next question of, like, what does your faith look like, kind of outside of everything? And also, like, kind of was depth back a little bit? Because I, I only asked this question because I think it’s like good for context for the listeners to be able to see themselves in your shoes of, like, are you married? Do you have kids? Like what does that look like? Because also, I don’t have kids, but I am married. So like, my daily life might look radically different than someone who has, you know, four kids for absolutely,

    Yvette Walker 27:59
    I am married. And we do not have children. But we have two for kids. A black lab and a big cat. They both shed way too much. We’re both active in our church. We both serve. I have taken on a leadership role in my serving area. I just always do. Like if I go to church, and I start self-serving, I’m just gonna do it. You know, that’s just who I am. Yeah, there’s another, you know, so where we live now, which is where the university is, before that, I was living in another city nearby, and I was going to, you know, another church that I still hold very near and dear and sometimes I will attend that other church too. And I’m elector there. So I’ll read the Word at this other church just because I still love that church and I love reading the Word, and so sometimes what a Sunday morning I might go to do to services, we’ll see, you never know. But I primarily spend most of my time in town, and you know, I love serving, I love helping people I meet; we call it the GET TO KNOW desk. So it’s basically the info desk, helping people kind of get situated, knowing what to do, helping them sign up for baptism, which is always awesome. And one of the special things I get to do is if they find salvation and service, then they’ll come over, and then you know, we’ll pray and give the Bible, so that’s pretty awesome.

    Paige C. Clark 29:32
    That is awesome. So you’re a life educator and slash administrator. You’re running two podcasts. You’re also a writer on the side. You got your own book projects. How do you make sure that you find time with God?

    Yvette Walker 29:52
    That’s a really good question. And I tell other people how to find time with God, and sometimes I need to take my own advice because I will tell you this, the fact that I don’t have children makes it possible for me to do a lot of the things that I am doing because I realized it’s a lot. Right. And I very much appreciate the moms out there who have who don’t have as much time perhaps as I do. But I still need to make time. And so right now, you know, but there’s, there’s, there’s different ways of spending time with God. So there’s, you know, there’s reading the Bible, obviously really important. Right now, I’m doing a Bible plan. The Bible project has a plan for YouVersion. It’s my Bible in a year plan. Yeah, I’ve been. Yeah, they’re really, really great. I love, I love, I love the Bible project, and all their videos and their videos are interspersed with the readings. It’s awesome. I think they’re great. So right now, that’s what I’m doing. And that’s great. But that’s, that is not the same thing as taking a minute, go sit in my chair, where and I can take the Bible there, or I can take another book and just commune with Him. Turn off everything and just sit with God. And I will be honest with you, that I haven’t done that as much lately with all the projects as I would want to do and as I counsel people to do, yeah, so that is something that I am, you know, reminding myself right now just turn everything off and just go sit in that chair and just be with him.

    Paige C. Clark 31:27
    Yeah, and I think I think, too, that was, like, good. And he just answered my next question, which was like, What is the biggest struggle when it comes to practicing your faith? And I think I include that question because I want people to realize, like, we’re not all perfect. We don’t all have it together. And in very seriousness, like, I struggle, like, I struggle with quiet time, like, like, not just like, oh, this is my one on one quiet time, which like silence, I love being surrounded by noise, I love music, or the TV on or a podcast on like, I always love to be surrounded by noise. And so, like, absolute quiet is like what I really struggle with. And I don’t want anyone listening to this and be like, oh, man, like, I can’t do that. Or like, you know, my faith doesn’t look like that. Because guess what? None of us actually have it all together.

    Yvette Walker 32:24
    You’re absolutely right. We don’t. And that goes back to that imposter syndrome. Don’t feel like you have to have it. And there are so many different ways to do it. It’s okay; I’m like you. I like to be surrounded by a lot. I mean, I, I basically grew up in newsrooms. I mean, it’s busy, it’s crowded, it’s, you know, and now I’m with students who are always, you know, talking. So I’m very used to being around a lot of things and, finding quiet time, or even being in quiet, it feels strange, just like this isn’t normal. Like, what is this? And we have to find quiet if we expect to hear his voice. So I will say, the pandemic, in a lot of weird ways, allowed that quiet back into my life. Yeah, I remember. And I wrote about this. I remember being in the house, I was sitting in the dining room, and I heard a noise. And I was like, the birds are so loud. I mean, I remember saying that, why are these? Well, they weren’t loud. I just hadn’t been listening before. You know, so things like yes. I mean, there was just a lot of Revelation. And COVID. And I just, again, do not want to minimize people lost people. Right? Yeah, I still have long COVID. I mean, yes. That it was it was a very difficult time for a lot of people. Yeah. But there were other things that happened to, yeah, that happened to me. And so the beginning of the book came from that time; he just keeps giving me a lot of things to think about and to write. Again, I remember that just one day when the birds were just so loud, and I just thought something was weird. Like, what’s going on? No, they’re not weird. You’re weird. You haven’t been listening. And so I agree with you about turning things off. And the same thing at night when you go to sleep, just turning off your brain. I do. Listen, that’s when I do listen to my Bible plan at night. And sometimes, in the morning, there’s another it’s. Not it’s not YouVersion plan called Lectio 365, which is a year-long, wonderful audio app that I also very much enjoys. But I’ve also tried something called centering prayer, where you’re not really praying, but you’re trying to have just complete silence in your mind and become silent so that you can open your mind to His prompting; yeah, that is something else that I think is really important that we need to open ourselves to his prompting,

    Paige C. Clark 35:07
    yeah, and what you said about the birds. I’m just like, I want to have to chew on that for a while. Because, like, isn’t that true of, like, our relationship with God and how we listen to God is like, Isn’t his voice so loud? No, you just haven’t been listening to it. Right? Like,

    Yvette Walker 35:26
    yeah, yeah. And that is why so the first book that came out it’s called whispering in his ear. And I could have well been whispering in my ear. I really couldn’t write it, because I thought that he had stopped talking to me. When of course, that wasn’t true at all. I just stopped listening or forgot how to listen.

    Paige C. Clark 35:45
    Yeah, yeah. And one thing I do like to kind of associate, especially with younger believers, who are kind of trying to find their footing and everything. I always say, think about your relationship with your best friend. What do you do with them? Do you sit with them? Do you talk with them? Do you hang out with them? Do you learn about them? Do you do things that the other person likes? Do you do things that you like with them? And that is how your relationship with that person deepens. Now? What are you doing with that with God? Yeah. Because that’s how we have a relationship with God, we get to sit and do those things together and learn about him through Scripture.

    Yvette Walker 36:35
    And, you know, there’s always the mary martha comparison. And you know, so many of us were the Martha. We’re running around trying to get stuff done when in fact, we want to be the Marys.

    Paige C. Clark 36:46
    Yeah, for sure. And what you said about kind of the pandemic and everything, I’ve had a similar experience to what you had of like, and, again, with the caveat, I understand it was hard for a lot of people, I do have acquaintances who passed away during that period, and it is hard, and it is troubling. Also, I got a lot of blessings out of it. Especially, you know, not having kids. And me and my husband being held, like held up in our, in our house for, you know, months on end, I’m like, When else would I be able to have this time with him? Like, when else that there’s no, there’s no chance that that would look maybe when we’re retired. But also, I’m like, 60 years away from that, right, like, and so, you know, I always like to say, I’m kind of counter to people who say, like, God makes everything happen for a reason. I kind of hate that thing. And I’m like, No, God can make a reason happen out of everything.

    Yvette Walker 37:58
    Hmm, I like that. Because if you say God

    Paige C. Clark 38:01
    makes, you know, there’s a reason for everything. Or if God makes everything happen for a reason, you think God is, you know, like the puppet master. And then you’re like, Well, why is everything bad happening? Whereas God can make a reason out of everything that happens. That’s that he gets to restore it, and he gets to bring life back into it. So when I think of, like, the pandemic and everything, did God cause that to happen? Probably not. Like, I don’t. I don’t want to speak on behalf of God. But right, like, they’re like, we’re human, sinful factors going on? Maybe probably. But was he able to redeem relationships with himself, relationships with spouses, relationships, you know, with kids throughout that whole thing? Now? Salute That’s the coolest thing about God.

    Yvette Walker 38:51
    Yeah, no, I totally agree. I like you, your, the way you’ve turned around that expression? Because I think that makes that does make a lot of sense. Yeah. And we find ourselves in a lot of different situations. And you know, we do have free will. Yeah, and we can go one way or the other, or the other way or the other way. And, but if we allow him to do what he does, what only He can do, he can. Yeah, he can just change situations and turn things that were bad into good. And, and all of that, and I just think that we have to trust him. And as I said, open yourself. So when I say open yourself. I encourage people, and I mentioned this in the book, I encourage people to pay attention to the little things. To question things as, you know, I don’t believe in coincidences, just me personally. I don’t believe in coincidences. I do. I do think that things have then. And maybe it’s not for a reason, but you can, you can take whatever that is and do something with it. Yeah. So one example that talks about in the book is, I was getting ready for this very busy day; I had these two back-to-back events. And I had prepared. I had, like, all my taking my clothes with me because I wasn’t gonna be able to come back home. Everything is organized, ready for me to just take and go in the car, right? So I’m in the car; I’m about a mile away. When I realized I had forgotten a bag. I mean, how is that possible? Everything was there. And so that meant I had to make a decision, I missed the first thing or go back, go back really quick, and try to get to the first thing. I’d be late, but I could probably still make it. So as I’m thinking about this, I just happen to look over to my driver’s side seat. And there’s a there are two letters sitting in the seat. Now I’d written these letters about a week ago, I was supposed to mail them. Speaking of journalism, this was during the time of the wildfires in Australia. And journalists, the journalism world said, Hey, let’s all write these encouraging, inspirational letters to these Australian journalists that were working so hard. Yeah. So I wrote these two letters, and of course, mine were faith-filled. And I just had forgotten to mail them. So at that moment, I made a decision. I said, Okay, I can go home, get this bag that I missed, go to the post office, I’ll just make it and miss the first event. But I can, I can, it was a woman speaking at a women’s breakfast that I really wanted to go to; I can hear her again and then make my then make second event. And this, I’ll never know; there’s no way that I’ll ever know whether or not those letters made an impact or touched someone. There’s just no way for me to know. Right. But I just think he wanted me to go to the post office.

    Paige C. Clark 42:02
    Ah, gosh, I love that I actually had a very similar, not similar, but a similar way. And like it was just like a little thing that God kind of planted in my life last week. So there’s been a lot of talk on social about, like, women in the church as pastors and whatnot. I’m not going to comment on that. I’m just saying there’s been a lot of chatter on Christian social that I’ve been following. And it’s caused me to just not question my faith, but like, re-analyze, like, okay, like, what do I believe? Why do I believe it? Bla bla bla. And then I’ve been, I was just like, you know, kind of going through it and just praying like, Hey, God, like, you know, show me what you want, like, show me your truth and all this. Then I volunteered at church on Saturday. And guess what the sermon was about? Tell me, tell me, it was wonderful. It was about, oh, my gosh.

    Yvette Walker 43:10
    It was probably about the large part, the large role that women played. Yes. And I’m laying the church, right.

    Paige C. Clark 43:18
    Oh, my gosh, I’m so blanking on the name. I’m so bad with names. Two.

    Yvette Walker 43:22
    Women played a live Oh, yeah.

    Paige C. Clark 43:27
    I’m googling it right now. But clearly, I hear I was like, yeah, it’s Deborah. It was about Deborah. Okay. I was like, I know what Bible verse it came out of, but the name tees have been hard for me today. That’s the second time that I couldn’t remember what a daffodil was called earlier today. I was gonna call it a dandelion. Man. Oh, man. Oh, man. Oh, man. Oh, man. It is. Thank goodness it is Friday. Anyways, so it was about Deborah. And just, you know, that we have a big idea every Sunday or every church weekend, and it was that God can use him and her, and well, it didn’t give me a specific answer. It was just God’s little breadcrumb of like, Hey, I’m listening to you. And like, here’s something that you can, you know, in Scripture that you can go to. So yeah, it was just those little things. And at that moment, I don’t know if I have a journal somewhere. And at that moment, I like opened my journal, and I was like, I need to write these things down. Just these little breadcrumbs of like, where are we see God’s presence in our life?

    Yvette Walker 44:36
    Yeah, yeah. I agree. And he drops those, you know, things. You know, the idea of coincidences and things being random. I mean, we can look at it that way. But I think that if we allow ourselves to see how he is moving in our life, then for me the idea of a coincidence just becomes something that is less believable for me.

    Paige C. Clark 45:04
    Yeah, yeah. And you might come in contact with this, especially working with college-aged kids. But one thing I really struggled with when I was in college was like, God’s plan for my life, right? Like that was like, what was God’s plan? What does he want me to do? And I hit a point where I was just, I don’t, I must have read it or something. But it was the reality that there’s nothing you can do to screw up God’s plan, like urine, not that important kind of thing. And it was just like, this really specific moment of truth where I was like, there is nothing that I can do to screw up God’s plan. So if I choose the road, if I become a nurse, which is not gonna happen, if I become a nurse, or I become a journalist like God is going to use me in whatever I decide I’m going to do. While he might have anointed some of us to be in specific positions. There’s not a decision I can make that’s going to screw up God’s plan. And that is a wonderful feeling.

    Yvette Walker 46:15
    Oh, that’s great. Yeah, you can maybe delay it a little bit, but you’re not going to totally screw it up.

    Paige C. Clark 46:20
    Yeah, yeah, exactly. It is all in his hands. And absolutely, the fact that we don’t have to worry about that. That’s, you know, pretty dang Nice.

    Yvette Walker 46:30
    That’s true. And then when you are older, like me, and you go back, and you look, and you’re like, that’s really interesting. He is so-so; for example, in one of the internships I told you about when I was in Muskegon, Michigan, my roommate I didn’t know or my roommate that they put me with turned me on to contemporary Christian music. I didn’t know about it before. Hmm. And that has been, you know, a lifelong love of Christian music now, right? Yeah. I mean, just little things like that.

    Paige C. Clark 47:04
    Mm-hmm. Gosh, for sure. And, yeah, just thinking of the individuals that you are talking to and interfacing with, especially like in the newsroom or at work, kind of bringing it full circle when we’re at work. And we might miss an opportunity for whatever reason, or the situation might not be like, I guess, the most appropriate for today’s workplace; I guess that is the best way I can say it; we still have to trust that God is going to work through it, even if we don’t take advantage of an opportunity or if we don’t move in the way he chooses to use us. And so I think I think if we have that mentality and can apply it to the workplace, right? We don’t want to yield to the guidance and the leanings of the Holy Spirit. But also, like, don’t beat yourself up about it because God’s sovereign and bigger than you are.

    Yvette Walker 48:06
    Yeah, no, definitely. And you know, and it doesn’t have to be that complicated. I mean, in fact, it can be very simple. If we just go back to the 10 commandments, Don’t lie, don’t covet. You know, just those two things, be nice people. I am wildly paraphrasing. Can change the culture in an office?

    Paige C. Clark 48:30
    So change the culture of the world?

    Yvette Walker 48:32
    Absolutely. Absolutely. So you don’t have to, you don’t have to feel like you have to proselytize in the office. You just have to, you know, what would Jesus do? Have some What would Jesus do moments, and, you know, and just be the kind of person to try to be like, I just posted something. Let me see if I can find it really quick on Facebook the other day, and it was like it was a list of things that Jesus would do. And it was like, I want to be like Jesus because he would do all these things. So let me just call it afro. Yeah. Cuz it’s like, yeah, he would do all those things. Yeah.

    Paige C. Clark 49:11
    While you’re pulling it up. That’s one thing that I specifically try, kind of to go the extra mile, not to showboat my faith, but when I encounter people who probably have a crappy job, like let’s be real, that what the specific one that I do is TSA agents. They have to deal with everyone who’s traveling, and they probably have to deal with the ugliest people. Yeah, and so I always try to be above and beyond Nice. Yes, agents, because guess what? That might be the only light in their day.

    Yvette Walker 49:48
    I completely agree. I completely found it. Alright, let’s get this list this year. I want to be more like Jesus. Number one, hang out with thinners. Number two upset religious people. Number Three tells stories that make people think, ah, journalist; oh, number four, choose unpopular friends. Number five Be kind, loving, and merciful. And number six, take naps on boats. I do want to do that more.

    Paige C. Clark 50:17
    I’m gonna, I’m gonna add like a number seven is just like go away for 14 days and not talk to anyone. All right, I can use a little bit of that in my life. And I’m sure we have any moms or dads listening, but that sounds pretty nice a little bit. Not here, mom, mom, mom all the time. So I hope I didn’t, you know, bury the lede here with what you’re going to finish out with. But what is one thing that our listeners can do to implement faith-building, discipline, or practice into their life?

    Yvette Walker 50:56
    Mm-hmm. And this is part of the, I need to listen myself to what I’m telling you, right? Because I don’t always do things. Okay. So you have to make your faith a habit; you have to create a habit. And I actually have a free resource that talks about this; just go to positively joy.com. And you’ll see a little booklet called Bigger, better faith. And the idea is that you create that habit. So that means that you find time in that in your day, either. That means getting up earlier or doing it in the evening, finding your time finding a place. Such a wonderful woman. I know; she actually has a new book out. Her name is Mary Jo Pierce. But the first book I read from her was called Adventures in Prayer. And she talked about creating this place in her house. Now, for some people, it’s a chair in a corner because that’s all you have. For other people, you can have a whole prayer room, sometimes, it’s closet, but you have a specific place that you go to spend time communing with God. So you find your time, you find your place, and then you and then you make choices that you’re going to do this, and it becomes a faithful habit. I would like to say that, yes, we want to do it, of course we will. We will do this every day because we want to do it because we love Jesus. We love God. And things get in the way, right? Yeah. So if we just say No, I mean, even put it on your calendar, I mean, just create a faithful habit. And so if people would like to get that free resource, it’s there. But if nothing else, in the show notes as well. Yeah. But if nothing else, I think just think about it as this is something I get to do every day. And again, I’m speaking to me, I’m speaking to me, because I’m talking to you now. I’ve got an interview later on tonight for my show. So we’re busy. We’re doing stuff. I know. I’m gonna listen to the Bible Project Bible in a Year tonight. I know that. But beyond that, I you know, why wouldn’t I want to spend? You know, even if it’s 15 minutes with my Lord, why me? Why wouldn’t I want to? Oh, my goodness, I get to do that. Right.

    Paige C. Clark 53:11
    Get to that, like, I like almost cry. Great. I know, it doesn’t sound like it to anyone who’s listening. I laugh when I cry. But, like all, we get to be in God’s presence.

    Yvette Walker 53:30
    Yeah, we are. So I mean, and I know you probably have listeners all over the world. But in this country, we are so fortunate to be able to have, you know, to be able to do that. So look forward to it. Like just like you said, when you’re talking to young people, you know, you’re going to spend time with your friend. Or your daddy. I mean, I know people who call they don’t they don’t say God; they say they call him Papa. Yeah, they call him they call him Alba. You get a chance to spend some time with your Father or your friend.

    Paige C. Clark 54:05
    Yeah. Wow. Okay, I need to, like, do you get deep breaths because that is like laying heavy on me, Yvette. Thank you for sharing that. I think that is an awesome thing to kind of end on here. So we will link to that resource in the show notes. But where else can people find you? If they want to get in touch, they want to follow you. They want to read and listen to one of the podcasts out there or both of them. Let’s snap both of them, guys. Where can they find you?

    Yvette Walker 54:34
    So the one-stop shop is positively joy.com. You can find me on Facebook and mostly on Facebook and Instagram. I am on Tik Tok. I haven’t don’t have as much content up there. And you usually will find me under the Positively Joy podcast. But on Facebook, I do have a community. It’s a group. It’s called the Positivity Joy community, where we do live together, and you know we encourage each other. So I encourage you to go ahead and become a member of that. But I also have a newsletter, which you can also find about finding out about it all those different places. Newsletters come out every Wednesday, and we talk about just all different kinds of things. So yeah, get to the podcast. That way you can, you can find out my books and find out about my books there as well. All right,

    Paige C. Clark 55:22
    so you guys have your task item. Go to all of those websites; the link will be in your show notes. I know you’re listening to this on your phone. So we’re gonna make it easy and just link it right there. And you’re gonna go click and follow. You bet. Thank you so much for joining us. And I can’t wait to go listen to all the new podcasts that we just talked about and get that resource as well.

    Yvette Walker 55:47
    Thanks so much, Paige. Have a great day.

    Paige C. Clark 55:51
    Thanks for joining us. If you liked what you were listening to, make sure you subscribe and hit those five stars, and we’ll catch you on the next episode.


  • 9 to 5 Faith Podcast: Episode 15

    This is a transcript from episode 15 of the 9 to 5 Faith Podcast with Paige C. Clark.

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    Start of Podcast

    Paige C. Clark 0:41
    Hello, everyone, and I am so so excited to have my friend Tonya with me. Tonya, how are you doing today?

    Tonya May Avent 0:49
    Well, Paige, how are you doing?

    Paige C. Clark 0:51
    Good, good, Tanya and I go way back. Was it last year?

    Tonya May Avent 0:55
    Maybe? Maybe two years, I think yeah,

    Paige C. Clark 0:57
    I was just gonna say, like, there’s more than a year ago. But yeah, we’ve been working together as writers and all that good stuff. And I’m so excited to have you on the podcast.

    Tonya May Avent 1:09
    I’m so excited to be here.

    Paige C. Clark 1:11
    So tell us a little bit about

    Tonya May Avent 1:12
    Yourself. So as you said, I’m a writer. We met through Hope*writers, I think probably one of our first Hope circles that we have met, and kind of been connected ever since. So by day, I am an IT director and project manager. And my passion. My ministry is writing, blogging, podcasting, as well. I have a ministry called Faith-filled Moms. But we have a mom’s writing program every Tuesday night. So I just did my show last night, and it was amazing. And then also blogging via my website, autonomy. event.com. And I have a book that we’ll talk about in a bit as well, just moving along; I write for Guideposts magazine as well, and I have a story coming out there this year. That isn’t all the thing I am, and I just I’m loving it. I just feel like ministry, and my goal is really my primary, and the target audience is just moms. But my goal is just to minister and nurture. So women, especially moms, because moms and women are naturally nurturers, and just really, we’re always nurturing and given out, and sometimes we need our own soul nurtured. So that’s the ministry that I wouldn’t really focus on.

    Paige C. Clark 2:17
    And if you’re not watching the video, if you’re just listening to the podcast, you look great, by the way; you look glowing like you are like on cloud nine with what you’re working on. So I can’t wait to dig into it a little bit more dies. So if you’re just listening to this, go over to YouTube and watch it watch this, and see the glow that Tanya is putting out. And so all those exciting things, and we’ll definitely be hitting on them. But let’s talk about like kinda like I mean, I think it’s like, more boring but like might be exciting to you. Is your IT work?

    Tonya May Avent 2:50
    Yes, about that. How

    Paige C. Clark 2:52
    Long have you been working in that? How did you end up there? All that good stuff?

    Tonya May Avent 2:56
    Yes. So about 136 years now. I just can’t, and I probably stumbled upon it. I remember math major my degree in math. And I flew out to a company in Virginia called sprint communications. Remember, the phone companies trained me, and I’ve been kind of going ever since, and I always say I don’t love what I do. Which is why I love the ministry because I’m passionate about the ministry, right? Also, have an analytical mind, and I love the analytics of what I do with it. I love the challenge that I have. So I work with many people even in my job now to out the world of India, Costa Rica Poland, but like my one client with a Bacardi, I have clients they are in Switzerland and Spain, so I’m working with Europeans now that I’ve never had to interface with and it’s yeah it’s still ministry there’s it’s interesting to be able to work with people from different cultures and things to me we’re not used to in our everyday lives. So I’m growing, and I’m enjoying it. I really

    Paige C. Clark 3:56
    that’s a long time to work in the same field. I feel like, nowadays, that is kind of rare to find. Employees, and, you know, regular white-collar workers, are kind of a dedication to a field.

    Tonya May Avent 4:11
    Yeah, well, I say it’s paying my bill. So it allows me to do ministry. I have a daughter in college right now. So that’s important to be able to pay that tuition and all those so and another blessing about my job is I’ve been remote since I had my sister. She’s 18. Now, when I had, we were living in Maryland, and my family’s in New Jersey, and I just would work from home a lot and have weekend work that I would be working in the midnight hour from my home and confined computers like when Wi-Fi or you know, the internet was writing Wi Fi just it was plugged in the internet. And so I wouldn’t do. I would work after hours at home for maintenance and things like that. I’m like, Well, I can do this from anywhere. So I propose I don’t even think till telecommuting was a thing then, right. I proposed it. They said yes. And I would move back to New Jersey, and I would drive back. Every two weeks, I drive to Maryland, but I’ve been a work at home Full Time Mom my whole career. So I always count that as a blessing that God allowed me to be able to still here and raise my children. And even when they went to school, I could kind of come and go for school projects. If someone’s sick, that’s been a blessing. So it’s another reason why you said it for so long because it just fits. And it just works with me being able to be, like, really hands-on with the kids as well.

    Paige C. Clark 5:20
    Yeah. So if you’re working from home, I think the leader in that, Tonya made it happen. But I also feel like the type of work that you do lends itself a little bit more to kind of remote working than other jobs.

    Tonya May Avent 5:39
    I have been working with people for 1015 years that I’ve never met in person. Never met them, you know, so I’m not a totally social person. So if you need that interaction, that water, that winter corridor, right, you know, conference room chat, I’m not that kind of person. So I’m literally in this office again for 18 years now. Office, I’ve got to do desk and do things. But really, it’s just been me on the screen. Or one video, a lot of times it was more so phone conferencing, and just recently since COVID, we’re kind of getting on the screen where I mean getting, you know, behind from behind just the phone and on the camera, but it was just me on the phone for years just talking to people and had no idea what they look like. And I would come up with my mind. But I wonder what they look like when you finally see a picture. Like I didn’t know, I had no idea. You look like that. That’s not your voice. So Right.

    Paige C. Clark 6:30
    I think that happens, especially with, like, fiction writers, whenever I’m reading a fiction book, and I’m like like envisioning the characters; this is why I hate books to movies. I should love that because it gets more people to read. But I hate books to movies because you have this image in your head of, like, what that character looks like. And then you see that it really is

    Tonya May Avent 6:57
    Why I always say I’m going to read it first. Yeah, then I’ll watch the movie. So it’s funny. There’s a show on Netflix. Like God, I think it’s called okay. I think that’s what it’s called. But it’s like probably the top 10. Right now, I want to watch it so bad. I said, Oh, what’s a series? Nope, I’m gonna; it’s my summer reading. I’m gonna read the series first. And then I’m gonna watch it because I don’t want to ruin it.

    Paige C. Clark 7:16
    There you go. There you go. And that’s why I pride myself on reading a lot of nonfiction. The majority of my library is nonfiction. So let’s talk a little bit about, kind of, like, what your day-to-day looks like. And like how you move throughout the day managing being a mom, and also this ministry that work that you are doing and writing. And then also on top of that, you know, doing the corporate thing.

    Tonya May Avent 7:44
    Yeah, yeah. So that’s all kind of intertwined in my day. So my day starts off, obviously, obviously, but with devotion, you know, time with God; I really want to make sure that I’m setting the tone for my day and then getting my family up and out the door. My husband is also an educator, so he follows the same schedule as my kids did for school. So we’ll get them out of the house, get their lunches and everything out of the house. And then it’s my time. And usually, I use that quiet time to do the writing; my creativity and inspiration come in the morning and nighttime; you can forget about it, but that morning time. So I’ll use it. Usually, I have like a 90-minute block; I’ve gotta be online by nine. So I’ll do ministry at maybe 730 to nine, then literally log in at nine o’clock; I always have a conference call. So I’ll start logging in. And doing that till about five 530. And most days, I can; I don’t have to do a lot of overtime. There are times when I do certain projects that I make, but for the most part, I can get off, and then I gotta go pick my daughter up from school. And she may have sports. So I tell you, from the time that I wake up to the time I hit the pillow, I am doing something for someone else, usually or ministry. And so I think one of the things that I struggled with is finding that time and that self-care for me; like you, I love to read, but I find that I’m not. I don’t read as much as I want to unless I’m on vacation and have that time. I don’t have that daily cadence of reading. So I think that one thing that I would want to change and improve is just making taking 30 minutes just for myself each day to read for reading for pleasure. I may read for ministry and things like that, but just reading right is your pleasure.

    Paige C. Clark 9:14
    Yeah. And that’s where I save my fiction books, for I really love some, you know, just light-hearted stuff that you don’t really have to pay attention to. Because I get really intimidated when I’m listening when I’m reading fiction or nonfiction because I’m like my notes. I tilt to, like, okay, yeah, I’m a note-taker. I am a riot. Like I am an underliner. I’m like, oh, I want to look that up for later. I get way too into it, and it’s worse. Yeah. So after working from home for the last 18-plus years, what is your trick? There are a lot of people who can’t handle it.

    Tonya May Avent 9:54
    Like comes with a personality like I think I have the personality for it but discipline as well. Oh, and it’s interesting, you think, because I work from home, but my discipline is not taking breaks. I feel like I spent a lot of time here, and I probably need to get up. And I probably would be a better housekeeper if I maybe had a morning, 15 minutes where my break was probably, you know, putting in a lot of clothes or getting a crock pot ready. So I feel like that’s one of the things that I just feel like I’m into work all the time. And so yeah, you think my house would be much better kept? Is it much lifted? Yeah. Because I’m sure, my husband comes home from work. Like, I don’t understand you’re here. I’m truly, truly working because we go across different time zones. Yeah. But like I said, definitely, it’s, it’s for me, it’s discipline. It’s, there are things to complete. And I just, I am, I’m fulfilled with accomplishing tasks and completing tasks. So

    Paige C. Clark 10:48
    yeah, and you also have the designated office space. Yes, I think that’s huge. I think that I mean, it is a privilege to be able to have that if you have, like, the actual physical space to be able to do that. But I think one thing that people underestimated, especially like, in the shutdown, and with COVID, and everything, is having that designated workspace helps not only with your own productivity but also your own discipline,

    Tonya May Avent 11:19
    And not just a designated workspace but a workspace that you enjoy being in. So I know for years, my desk, it was like, like a corner desk, and I’m facing the wall. So about two years ago, I got this nice executive else is this, and I can have the window. Now that window was always to my back. So now I can look out and see that I’m putting paintings and things and painting the wall. So creating that ambiance that you really want to be in that’s, that’s refreshing to you. Also, you’re in a room where she’s dreary, and you’re not feeling it, that’s going to impact you as

    Paige C. Clark 11:47
    well. I’m in that season right now, where like, we’re moving a lot of stuff, and like, my office is a wreck. And it is driving me mad because, like, I have out now, like, a treadmill, so I can walk while I work. But also that takes up a lot of space. And it is not Q in my office. So I’m still figuring out how to make

    Tonya May Avent 12:09
    That. Make it your space. Yeah. Yeah. I spent a lot of time there.

    Paige C. Clark 12:13
    Yeah, yeah. And also, I think it helps with the work-life balance in terms of, like, leaving things kind of out and behind and then transitioning into your out-home time. And it allows for you to kind of like take that mental break because, for some people, they have their commute to be able to do that.

    Tonya May Avent 12:34
    Exactly. My commute is down the steps. Yeah.

    Paige C. Clark 12:39
    Yeah. And then also like having doors on your

    Tonya May Avent 12:43
    Last, a lock. The locks are good. Yeah, I

    Paige C. Clark 12:47
    think doors are really underestimated to win when it comes to, like, working from home. So my husband works from home, but he has his like the den, which doesn’t have any doors or open space. And then I keep telling Harry’s, whose voice carries and also just like, it’s, it’s again, that physical reminder of like, shut off, open up, like that.

    Tonya May Avent 13:10
    Very physical reminders can help us in a lot of ways that we don’t anticipate. Yeah, especially if you use the den for other purposes, too. Yeah. So your it’s not just that dedicated workspace, you know, when you go when it’s just for work, and then when I leave, work is over. Yeah,

    Paige C. Clark 13:26
    I think that was one thing. I was like a habitual working from bed. At least when the pandemic started, I would work from bed to terrible, don’t tell people that. But I literally would wake up, pull out my laptop, and just work from bed like you would when you’re like sick or something. But it also got to the point where I started doing a lot of research on sleep. And like how your bedroom is only supposed to be for sleep, right? No

    Tonya May Avent 13:58
    TVs, anything I read. Yeah,

    Paige C. Clark 14:01
    just for sleep. So like, I try not to hang out in there. Sometimes, I just kind of want to lie down. We have a guest bedroom. If I’m just like, during the day, I just want to be horizontal for a moment. I go into the guest bedroom and just like lay on the bed in there because I’m like, I’m not sleeping. I want to sit on my phone, but I also want to be like, in a reclined position. Yeah. So there’s that. Um, so what does like your community involvement with, like, your church and your ministries and all of that look like for you?

    Tonya May Avent 14:35
    So I have been in children’s ministry for probably eight years now. So that consisted of at least once a month that I want Sunday, I’d be in children’s ministry, and our church has two services. So that would probably start like maybe 815 and go till about one o’clock 130 In the afternoon, but I love that I do morning mostly with the parents checking in and out, not necessarily ever being in the classroom, probably for about four years now. But still, just that was one of the things that was really the main ministry that I was in. But at the beginning of the year, my writing and my ministry were picking up so much. I knew I needed to take a sabbatical from that because that’s part of ministry for me. But yes, the ministry was just making it too much. And so I decided to really just take this year to focus on everything that I had going on. And I can attend church when I need to, maybe just one service, and because that was really my whole Sunday to write. And then by the end of that, that serving period, you’re tired, and you want to rest, and there’s no creativity or anything. Yeah, for the rest of that day. So that’s just a decision that I took to step away. So it’s been about five months now. And

    Paige C. Clark 15:43
    how’s it been going?

    Tonya May Avent 15:45
    I’m still busy. As I said, you know, I swiped my plate is still full. So I feel like it was definitely a good decision. And I’m working on reducing stress levels and things like that. I missed alcohol like I’m gonna be doing for Mother’s Day; my daughter is going to praise dance. So I called and said, I’m available if someone wants to take off, so the director is, like, the last guy to serve. And it’s Mother’s Day. I’m like, when you take off, I can step in and serve. So I will, but I’m unable to but just the rigidity, rigidity of having to serve and be on the schedule. I kind of

    Paige C. Clark 16:12
    Yeah. Do you feel like now that you’ve taken a step back, you said you’re so busy. So is that busyness? Was it? Were those empty? Places, those empty kinds of time slots filled with new things? Or was it like your plate, and you were overextending yourself? Does that make sense?

    Tonya May Avent 16:32
    It does, I think, more so overextended, but I think in okay, we’re in, there’s always work to do. Yeah, like I said, I spoke out. So I’ve got to promote my book. Yeah, has a podcast. So I have guests that I have to edit their blocks and write the script for our show. You know, I make special assignments for Guideposts magazine. And that’s usually like a three or four-week window for them. But then there’s training; there are different things. So there’s, to me, there’s always I have a list, there’s always something for me to do to improve my track, to get more information. So it’s, it’s just, I just feel like there’s never going to be. I have to take and make the time because there’s always going to be something to do.

    Paige C. Clark 17:12
    Yeah, yeah. And I think that’s too like a wisdom thing of, like, what? What can I do? And what should I do? Good. Those are two very different things. That’s actually something I’m working on right now of, like, I’m gonna hire an intern here, like, for the summer. And I’m like, I need them to run my social media. I do that professionally. If you’re new to listening to the show, I run social media accounts professionally. But also, can I do it? Yes. Should I be doing it? Now? Like, I’ll be at the gym. As I’m like, trying to get my daily engagement going, I’ll be at the gym on the treadmill working and turning on my phone, can’t turn it off. So I’m, I’m doing this, should I do it? And the answer is no. And I outsource it. And I think when you make margin in your life, you’ve realized really, how kind of, like, packed tightly. Yes, your things are.

    Tonya May Avent 18:10
    That’s another question to ask yourself. Is this urgent? Or is it important, or it can be both? Yeah, so a lot of times, the urgency has to be done in a certain time. I can’t write if I don’t do this, what’s going to be the cost of me not doing something can be very important. But I could get to it maybe next week or even next month; it’s still important for me to do, but there’s no urgency and criticality. So even as we take on tasks today, I’m wanting to I need to book a hotel for a trip with my daughter in the summer. Yeah, I was gonna stop what I’m doing to reach. I’m like, Tanya, you don’t need to do this right. Now you have, right? It’s important that you do it. But this isn’t an urgent task. Focus on what’s urgent.

    Paige C. Clark 18:48
    And I sometimes think too, like, if anyone out there or you have like anxiety brain where like, the task seems so much bigger than it actually is,

    Tonya May Avent 19:00
    Until you start it right until you start it and you’re like, Oh, why did I wait so long? Right?

    Paige C. Clark 19:05
    Why did I not worry about getting my dogs groomed? Really? Yeah, like, like making an appointment to get my dogs grouped. Make an appointment for

    Tonya May Avent 19:13
    Anything, just even women, I’ve to do to schedule a doctor’s appointment for two weeks now. It’s just a matter of picking up the phone, dialing the number, and you can multitask while you’re on hold. But just

    Paige C. Clark 19:25
    I will say like to give myself a little bit of an excuse. Our dog groomers are a pain in the butt to book with. Like, they never answered their phone, and if you leave a message, they don’t call you back. So like, sometimes you have to try to

    Tonya May Avent 19:40
    Avoid that. That pain and the frustration, basically, right

    Paige C. Clark 19:43
    avoidance, I need to talk to my therapist. But I have a random question. I’m just kind of curious. Why did you decide to volunteer with the children’s ministry?

    Tonya May Avent 19:57
    I just again Because I think my ministry is for parents and for mothers, I’m concerned with. And I’m raising my own children. So my own head for starting in the youth ministry as well. And just really want to make sure that children have that strong foundation in the Word of God. Yeah, when I was young, we had Sunday school, and then church, and I was in a very grew up in a very religious family where I went to church Sunday morning, afternoon, and evening. So Sunday all day with the church. Monday night was choir rehearsal. Wednesday night was Bible study. And then Friday night was just, you know, service and revival, it could be, you know, the weekend, so I just always had a very strong biblical foundation in the Word of God, and my children did, and that’s, we’ll talk game we’ll get into, but that’s one reason why I wrote the book as well. Because as I’m raising my children, I’m like, they don’t have that foundation. So I wanted to become involved in children’s ministry to do my part, to be able to teach young children how to understand the word of God and how to use it. I can remember listening to Bible, reading it, you know, it was a tape that you put the tape player and push play, you know, those tape cassette tapes, I would listen for hours and hours to different Bible, Bible stories about Elijah about Daniel in the lion’s den. And our kids are on phones watching the video. And they’re not watching those kinds of things. So a lot of those things were missing. So it was just, I think, near to my heart to be able to do my part to teach children what I do, what I grew up learning. Yeah,

    Paige C. Clark 21:27
    I love that. I was just curious because I think that everyone kind of has their own reasons for being in certain ministries; my friend she’s really, really passionate about, like, pregnant mothers, especially single pregnant mothers like that is like her thing. And so she’s like, actively like going and seeking stuff out. And whereas me, I’m like a pragmatist. And I’m like, I do social media; I will watch your social media feed during the live streams on the week. Yes, exactly. Like, it’s a little like, I can just like to check out a little bit, and I don’t have to, you know, be on all the time. Um, so you shared with me previously a story that I wanted you to share here about a work situation and your ability to kind of minister to people in your job and in your work that you do. So can you share that story?

    Tonya May Avent 22:32
    Sure. And so, like, like I said, I grew up in the church, but I did not freely share my faith. At work, a lot of times were no separation; there were certain things to talk about. So I just kind of really adhere to that, and really wouldn’t talk about my beliefs or my religion that much. And there I was promoted to a new job. I was a manager of project managers. And there was a team of all men, they were very senior SAP, is that the application? That we will. Yeah, that was gonna be managing. And so there when I tell you, like, heavyweights in the industry, and here I am, their manager knows very little about SAP. Right? I was just very timid about having to take on this assignment. So my first day of remote, so I’m calling them on the phone to introduce myself. So the one gentleman Gil, who I called, was on disability, and his leave was starting that day, but I wanted to still call him and do some, let him know that I would be his new manager. And so we had, I called him, and he’s like, Well, thanks for the call, but I probably won’t be coming back to work; I’m probably going to die. That is literally what he said to me. This is mine, I don’t know if it was his second or third occurrence of cancer, but he said he was starting chemotherapy that day. And, like, literally, he was probably gonna die. And I just felt something. I’m sure it was the Holy Spirit. But inside of me, like, No, this does not have like, don’t set it over yourself. This is about what has to be your future. And so I asked him if I could pray with him right on the phone, and I began to pray with him. And I told him, I said, Do you know God? And I just explained Jesus and how he got on the cross and that he was a healer. And by that time, he was in tears; I led him to the Lord over the phone. And as he was even going through, we just stayed in touch. And he got through that chemo and came back to work and, and just kept staying in your room, the big guy upstairs. So he always said, you know, the big guy, you know, the big guy, but just the fact that he got through that. I can remember he would call me back when he could test it and give me his numbers, and they’re still low. And then I’d say a couple years later, he was diagnosed with an, I want to say that maybe leukemia was another type of cancer, maybe in his blood, and again, dismal prognosis. And I’m like, Gail, there’s this is no, no different like we still believe God for your healing. And this was a more intense treatment. He was she was traveling to Houston, which was like a half a day’s travel for her to go to a special treatment center. But I’m still praying for him. I’m still encouraging him throughout this whole time. He’s going through that. And I think he has to be on medication for the rest of his life. But I called him earlier. And I’m like, we’re going to be, I’m going to be telling our story. I said, When was that? I couldn’t remember. It was actually what it was in September 2014. So 10 years, almost 10 years, 10 years ago that this gentleman thought that he would have been added here

    Paige C. Clark 25:23
    in a few months or weeks. Yeah, yes. And who knows?

    Tonya May Avent 25:27
    I always say, who knows what would have happened if I had not shared my face if I had decided to be like, I always was and not share that. So we have a great relationship. We’ve, again, we’ve never met in person. So this September, I’m coming to see you. We’re gonna celebrate your 10 years. Yeah, no, that anniversary of our meeting, we’re going to celebrate that. But I’m just saying it’s a great friendship; we stay in touch. He just turned 70. He just turned 70 in February. And I just love it so good. If you’re watching, I love you, dude. I’m so glad that you’re still here with this and in our relationship. But that was also something that allowed me to be able to do this a couple of different times, and another team member different team now that I had; I remember him calling me again, I’m manager, I’m going to be out. My grandmother is not doing well; we’re just all going to say goodbye to her. So I’m like, again, that feeling inside of me. Can I pray down? Can I pray for your grandmother? We pray, and I can. He was literally on the phone crying on the other end after we prayed. And I want to say, like, four days later, she was released from the hospital. I’m like, and so just these tangible, and even when I’m praying, I’m praying, and I believe like I’m strong like, God, I know that you’re a healer. So please allow this to be the way that I can minister and share salvation with my co-workers by you showing your hand in their lives. Yeah. So yeah. Yeah, take

    Paige C. Clark 26:55
    a deep breath after that. Because, like, more credit to you, you kind of skipped over some, like, big significant parts that I just want to highlight because that was your first conversation with Gil.

    Tonya May Avent 27:08
    Yes. And like I said, my heart’s pounding was really easy. Get through your own fear. Like I had to work through the fear of what’s this man going to say? How was he going to respond? Could he report me? Verifications for that?

    Paige C. Clark 27:26
    So someone just going on leave to where that gets even touch here, in terms of, like, legal, HR, all that good stuff?

    Tonya May Avent 27:34
    Because, really, he’s not supposed to work. And really, you probably shouldn’t be talking to work anyway. Because you’re officially right. We’re talking disability. So there was so much in there, but I, yeah, I just felt like I could not at that moment pass. Yeah, it was critical for me to be able to speak life. Yeah.

    Paige C. Clark 27:55
    Gosh, that’s such a good story, Tanya, and I think, I think it’s also like a really big encouragement too because, like, in my mind, I go, one, I’m a woman, so I’m younger than them three, I’m a new manager for it’s my first day talking to this person, all everything. Five, also the industry that you work in, like it’s not like you work in, like the healthcare field, where that like, I don’t know, kind of an emotional connection might be more like surface level, is it where the dudes are like, kind of in a box, I would say is a way to describe some, some IT folks, they’re very kind of straight and narrow people. And you got a lot working against you. But I think that’s like such a powerful testament to God, like what he’s able to do,

    Tonya May Avent 28:47
    And what he’s able to do with us. And we would just step out on faith and move past that line of fear. Yeah, you know, to be able to, and for me, it was just a matter of, like, he’s telling me he’s going to die. And that was not acceptable to me. I know someone that’s a healer. And that power I wanted, I could not keep it to myself. Yeah. This is what I’ve been doing my whole career, kind of just keeping this amazing gift that I have in salvation through Jesus Christ. I was keeping it to myself, and there could have been conversations if you’re going out for, you know, meals or whatever. Afterward, there were probably still social periods where I could have shared my faith. And I just kind of kept that boundary. But for me, at that moment, I just was; I just wouldn’t accept that that would be his future. Like I can do something about it. I’m going to pray for you. I’m going to step in, and I know that I know someone who has the power to heal you, and I’m going to pray for you.

    Paige C. Clark 29:45
    Yeah. And do you feel like that? That was the pivot point for you in how you conduct yourself in the workplace.

    Tonya May Avent 29:57
    It made it easier, I wouldn’t say, a complete 180 Turn in that direction where again, so the next time an opportunity comes and I think I still, in those situations, I still get the butterflies, I still get off fluttery, like, are you going to do this and you’re going to do, or just the Holy Spirit really try to do this. But each time, it’s I think it gets easier. Being able, it’s usually again, if someone’s sick, if there’s something really dramatic or drastic and hopeless going on, I just, I definitely more freely share my faith. It’s interesting. Some people we chat a lot on Messenger and Teams and things like that. And there’s one friend that will put g dash D; she doesn’t spell that out. It’s g dash D or, you know, somebody still kind of funny about that. But no, I will say, God, I’ll say, Jesus Christ, you know, our, if we’re talking in a social setting of that, of that manner, I do I feel my boldness. It’s, it’s, it’s. I’m not preaching. I’m not one of though, you know, not sure, but I feel like when the situation lends itself, and someone is needing encouragement, they’re in a spot where they’re needing encouragement, I just offer it because if I probably was face to face with them, again, in the water, by the water cooler after out to lunch, things like that, right? You grow to have relationships with people; you just want to be able to share the good news that you have. Yeah, to help them in their lives.

    Paige C. Clark 31:17
    Yeah. And I think too, as you said, that kind of practice of doing it every time because I feel like what I’ve, what I might do in that situation is kind of discount the intensity and like, the, like, miraculousness of that situation, which is why I wanted to call out like, all those things that you had working against you.

    Tonya May Avent 31:46
    I didn’t think of all those, right? You’re right. I didn’t think of all those things that were really working and converging together at that moment. Yeah,

    Paige C. Clark 31:56
    yeah. And I think like, when, when we do it once, it’s like, okay, like, you know, it’s, at least for me, it’s easy to kind of, like, blow it off and be like, it wasn’t really that big of a deal. But then, like, the continued friendship that you have with Gil and the way that you’ve been able to minister to other people and see him through other obstacles. I think that is just, like, a really great indication of, of God’s kind of character and consistency of character as well.

    Tonya May Avent 32:27
    Absolutely. And I’m thinking about as you’re saying it as I’m thinking about different times that I’ve shared, their response always kind of confirms that it’s just you so much, thank you for being concerned about me as a person, not just as a worker on the job, but you’re really concerned about me. And so one of the reasons I would always say to God, why want to do ministry full time? But he showed me what I’m doing in ministry because how many of us have had bosses that we need and can’t stand? We make it miserable to go to work every day. And so I’ve always wanted in my position that my team is comfortable, they’re not anxious or have anxiety about coming to work, anxious or having anxiety about telling me the bad news; I just always want it to be that safe space where it’s someone can breathe a sigh of relief, at work of having a boss that is not one of those crazy bosses has been right work miserable. So I’m able to minister to the people that I work with in that manner just by being nice and kind and just showing God’s love in ways that I’m able to.

    Paige C. Clark 33:31
    Yeah, and the reason why I asked about kind of that pivot point is something that I’ve been kind of thinking a whole lot about recently, and we can talk after the fact, but my husband, he’s sick right now. And he’s battling a lot of stuff, and we were driving in the car literally just to go, like, pick up a croissant from my favorite bakery. Today, we were driving in the car, and I was just kind of thinking through all this, this, and one thing that sticks out to me when you’re kind of in the middle of what you would call like a storm or an obstacle or valley whatever you want to call it is that it’s not only for you. Like the valley is not just about you in this situation. Meaning like for, your situation, like Gil’s cancer, was not just about him because it gave you the opportunity to grow in your faith and give you the blessing to be able to pray through him through it beforehand.

    Tonya May Avent 34:40
    Yeah, and for people following him as well. Right, like, and even when you mentioned it, I get that feeling like, are you going to pray, Tonya, so we’re gonna pray before we leave today as well. It’s like those opportunities, like, yes, he’s shown it before. Yeah. And I’ve shown who I am before, so when you see someone in need, absolutely his word says I have to approach my throne of grace boldly, so that you can receive mercy and grace in your time of need, invites us to do that. So how many times do we know that we have a need or that someone that we’re meeting has a need? And we can approach the throne of grace on there? Yeah. Yeah. Just petitioning God for them.

    Paige C. Clark 35:21
    Yeah. And I think one thing too, especially in our culture, is, I think, why people are so receptive, but besides the fact that the Holy Spirit is moving in them at that moment. I think that, like, religion is seen as a super private kind of like, intimacy. Like, like, I have my thing with Jesus. And like, you know, it is private and intimate. Yeah. But what you’re doing by talking to other people is like, you’re inviting them into it. It’s like saying, like, Oh, this is my home, people think like, Okay, this is my house, and then you like, open the door and be like, Nope, you’re welcome to move in. If you want, it’s your home. Do you know, and you’re inviting them into that? I don’t like secrets. That secret is related, but I guess

    Tonya May Avent 36:12
    Like that, but I’m thinking as you’re talking, even, Well, if you knew a renowned podiatrist, okay. So you know, you’re very close. And he traveled across the world, you know, dressing squid issues, and you know, someone who was just diagnosed with a foot issue, would you tell them about your friend, right, that you know, can help them. And so the same thing, when we are men or what we’re going through, again, the valleys, the hurdles, the mountains, whatever term you want to use, when we’re going through those, we have someone who can help in those. So why would we not share and be able to give those in our lives hope? Give them love and care, and just all those things that our relationship with Jesus Christ brings things we have; we have something amazing to share. So why would we keep it to ourselves? Instead of sharing that

    Paige C. Clark 37:00
    with? Yeah, yeah, for sure. One thing I do want to hit on, too, is kind of your role as a manager, and like, like, how do you balance that? Because we’ve had a few people on this podcast that are in a managerial kind of position. But I want to talk like, it sounds like you’re like you’ve had teams as I had, I had a single direct report. But you’re out here leading teams, on teams on teams; what has that been like? It’s been

    Tonya May Avent 37:31
    Interesting. And it’s even interesting now that I don’t have a team now because they laid off all the US that don’t know about it; that happens frequently. Yeah. And so and all of these, these folks, I know, Gil, retired, but then some of the other folks that we had there were laid off, and having to even walk through that and say, I’m still praying for you. And if you need a referral, I’m still having to be there and minister to people that have lost their jobs. But I’ve had to manage our teams at one time; I had a full team of resources in India. And so I did learn about the Indian culture; I had to really be able to listen and be able to pick up their dialect and their language to make sure that I’m not always saying excuse me, or What are you saying? I wanted to make sure that I was learning about their holidays. So yeah, I’ve had mostly men, very few women that I have managed because, again, this is usually a very male-heavy industry. So I’ve had to deal with men who maybe don’t want to take instruction from the females Well, or maybe have grown up in a certain atmosphere where women are not held in higher regard as so so even all of those, but it’s still been knowing who I am, and being confident in who I am. And just really understanding that I’m in this position for a plate for a purpose. And really, again, my goal and being a manager was just wanting to impact the lives of the people that I am coming in contact with; a lot of times, people get nervous around their manager. I know, sometimes, you know, one on one, or you’re still kind of a little bit anxious. And I just, I don’t want to have that kind of relationship. Just I’m a human being just like you; I’m helping you succeed. But you can come to me with anything, and I don’t want you to feel anxiety; I want work to be a place that is enjoyable for you and not a place that causes stress.

    Paige C. Clark 39:17
    for you. Yeah, and I think that is an underestimated position, or, you know, the responsibility of a manager is to ease anxiety and worry, because like, I mean, kind of the higher up you go, you know, with a team, kind of the more experience that that team has, and how advanced positions are and all of that stuff. And so, like likelihood is that they have had previous jobs with previous managers who might not have been the best.

    Tonya May Avent 39:50
    I’ve had that experience myself, and I know how it feels right. I think that’s driving me. I know how it feels. I remember I had one who sat next to me and every day happened to come in. It was just a horrible thing to sit next to me, who would keep leaning over and looking at my screen. Yeah, it was just so uncomfortable every day having to be in that position. So I know what it was like to come into it. And that was before I was annoyed, obviously, but having to come into work and really having just a bad day almost every day just because of the fact that situation, the environment that you’re in. Yeah, I

    Paige C. Clark 40:27
    heard a story one time where this gal her manager had, like, put on, you know, a virtual like, video call with her for, like, two or three hours on her calendar. And the manager just goes, Oh, no, you just share your screen, and I’m gonna watch you work. Oh, I was like, Oh, my gosh, like

    Tonya May Avent 40:56
    How terrible is that? Like how there’s nothing to be beneficial that comes from that, even when you’re working if and if you’re those that are working remotely. Sometimes you get to share your screen to present something. And even I’ll get old and fidgety typing; I’m typing wrong. I know how to type, but I’ll be typing errors. Because people are watching, you’re not going to be your best. No, it’s like

    Paige C. Clark 41:19
    going to the auto shop and be like, here, my car makes this noise when it starts, and you turn it on, and then it doesn’t make the noise. You’re like, that’s right. Nothing happens. But yeah, I think, Well, I think just like good leadership, I think leadership really focuses on right now is there, you know, their servant leadership. And it’s more around how do you serve kind of the team? Like how do you make the team kind of work together in the best capacity? But I think there’s this other element that’s not talked about as much where it’s like, no, no, how do you serve the individual? How do you serve that direct report of yours?

    Tonya May Avent 42:00
    And empower them? How do you empower them? Yeah, it’s another; how do you empower them, Tanya? You give them the freedom to utilize the gifts and talents, and knowledge that they have and trust them and give the assignment to stress and not to micromanage. That was, I think, as I transitioned because I was so hands-on and not being a micromanager and allowing people to have that freedom again because you’re micromanaging, you’re making them nervous, you’re crouching over them, you’re questioning. So giving them that freedom, and then that builds my confidence in themselves and in their abilities, as well.

    Paige C. Clark 42:34
    And I think that that goes to even like you and me as creatives. I mean, a lot of people don’t realize this, but your brain is actually at its best when it’s at rest. That’s why like, when you like, lay down like, at night, your brain starts to go a million miles an hour off, like, all these like cool ideas and business ideas and things you want to do. And all this stuff is because you’re at rest. And so I think like, you know if your team is always having to be on, on on on, guess what, the production product that they turn out is not going to be as good. It’s not the best. It’s not optimal. Right? That’s a good way of saying that. Because we always get like in marketing, we go good, better, best. We good?

    Tonya May Avent 43:27
    Best, exactly.

    Paige C. Clark 43:30
    Awesome. And I want to hear about this book. And I want you to tell the audience about this book that you’ve, like, sprinkled here and there.

    Tonya May Avent 43:38
    Yeah. So this is my book that came out on my daughter’s 18th birthday. It’s called using God’s playbook for the game of life. That is the title. And the subtitle is 52 Scripture that young athletes should know before sending them off into the world. And again, it ties into children’s ministry. And again, being a mom and my daughter, both of my daughters are athletes. And so my oldest daughter, Kennedy, got hurt to the point that she could not compete at the same level. She was never able to return to track. And she was literally on the national level, just a talented athlete. Yeah. And so we went through a period of questioning God. She went through her own period at 14 years old, losing her identity and going through a period of depression and suicide, and it’s interesting some Olympians just passed away. Toria, we think her name. Yeah, I saw that. Yeah. So we don’t think about a lot of the pressure that athletes face. But now, even young athletes who are still developing their brains are still developing. So it was just important for me that my daughter is going to leave in experience. And she may come back; she may not like you. Who knows what happens after college or your job and things like that. So As parents, we only have 1718 years to really build an In and speak and nurture into our children’s lives. And I felt like I needed to make sure that both of my daughters and then children, anyone who reads this, has a strong foundation in the Word of God. So I wrote this to make sure that I was just passing all of the biblical, not all but enough of the biblical knowledge that I had enough of their sections, who was God, who’s the Holy Spirit? Who is Sheezus? Who are you? Why were you created? Who’s your enemy? What does the Bible say? What are the promises? I just wanted her to capture that. So it’s 52 scriptures, one ScriptureScripture a week, and there are seven workouts. So each day, there’s a workout related to that ScriptureScripture; you have to repeat that ScriptureScripture as well when the goal is to know that ScriptureScripture in your heart, but you must also know how to apply it and what it means in your life. So by the end of the year, you would have 52 New scriptures in your heart, being able to use them. And as you’re going into adulthood, you have that foundation that you would just carry on carefully for the rest of your life. So yeah, that’s the book. Thank you. It’s just amazing. Um, it’s just been a blessing. And I, if you follow me on Instagram, and I’m gonna tiny my event there, each week I go through, I think we’re in week 16 now, but I just kind of go through each of those at a high level and talk about what each of those scriptures is a snippet of how to utilize them in your life. So I

    Paige C. Clark 46:18
    love it. It’s actually really funny. I’ve, like, even though it’s been a hot minute since we talked last, I thought of you the other week because of my cousin. She is an athletic director for the town where I grew up at. And she was like, coming to me, and she’s like, Paige, Kid doesn’t know sports anymore. Like having kids at like entry-level, you know, they have like little Pop Warner, like football and stuff like that. She’s like, they don’t know what a football is. And she goes, when you go into the bookstore, are there any books about sports, like for kids? Like, there are biographies of, like, sports stars and things like that. But no, she’s like, Do you know any? And I was like, I know what it was like; I know of one of them. But anyways, yeah, I was thinking that, and I want, I’m gonna give you, like them, the stage a little bit here because I want you to talk about this. Because I’m curious. On this podcast, we talk a lot about identity and the struggle of, like, being in the corporate world and having that pressure to climb the ladder. And then, especially like you just talked about, like having layoffs where it can be hard because people put their identity in what they do. That’s right. And you’re talking about your daughter, and you talk about it in your book of people having their identity in, what they do, and the sports that they play, and not being able to kind of fulfill that anymore. So here’s the floor. Tanya, what do you do with that?

    Tonya May Avent 48:03
    So and it’s interesting. That’s the section rollin’ literally, that’s what I do every morning on Yes, it’s, it’s who am I, and this week’s ScriptureScripture was, I will praise you for I’m fearfully and wonderfully made. And so to that, I say you were made specifically. Each of us was made specifically handcrafted by God. And that’s another scripture in the book that my mother is pulled out from fearfully and wonderfully made. And week 17, you saw me before I was born; every day of my life was recorded in your book, every moment laid out before a single day passed like your whole life already is laid out; God knows exactly what’s going to happen. We’ve spent a lot of time worrying about what tomorrow is going to hold on next. And I’m talking to myself, even now. Yeah, we do. But he knows. He already knows all of that.

    Paige C. Clark 48:52
    We kind of do you want to hear a crazy thing. But I read that psalm last night that you really read out loud to my husband and me before we went to bed, Psalm 139. Before we went to bed last night, that’s crazy.

    Tonya May Avent 49:05
    It is. But it’s true. And that’s where we start just finding out who we are. And there are no accidents, there are no mistakes. And that was one of the things I talked about. We look in the mirror, we may not like what we see, we wish we look a different way. But God created us. And when we don’t like what we see by rejecting His creation, we’re rejecting his specific design and plan that he planned for us. So again, that comes as having a relationship with Him. And it makes all the difference in who we are. And it’s not easy, but learning how to trust him. Regardless of what happens, regardless of the diagnosis, regardless of the job loss, regardless of whatever those negative things happen. You can know that you trust and serve a good guy who has seen every day of your life planted out, and he’s in complete control. And if you trust and if you can trust the nature of God and you can trust that nice good. You can trust that you can hold his hand as he will Extra through whatever they go through. Yeah. So yeah,

    Paige C. Clark 50:04
    I kind of want to end there. I loved that, and everything that you said there is completely true. And I think that, you know, we just need that to that to kind of sit on.

    Tonya May Avent 50:15
    A reminder, sometimes it’s a reminder.

    Paige C. Clark 50:16
    Yeah. And I will say that sometimes you just need to hear it. Maybe hear it a specific way, as you might know, it, but sometimes you just need to hear it to

    Tonya May Avent 50:26
    Remind us, Yeah, because there’s so much going on. And sometimes we do; we just need to be reminded about those things. And again, so from the book, it’s a matter of, it’s deep in our mind somewhere. And hopefully that seven days, it’s, it’s deep, I always think of the movie. It’s an inside-out Disney movie where long-term memory gets processed. So when you read the book, and you learn the scriptures, it’s in your mind somewhere. And it’ll come out when it needs to. Just make sure that you know it and have it in your heart, and it’ll come out when we need it. We’ll be

    Paige C. Clark 50:56
    out of it. For sure. That is amazing. Thank you so much. Tanya, I want to close out with one takeaway that our audience can do this week to help them grow their faith.

    Tonya May Avent 51:06
    I always, always, always plug for this; if you think of your phone, you do not go to sleep; most of us do not go to sleep any night without plugging in our phone to charge the battery. Right, we have to stay connected to that power source. Our phone needs power. We need power. And so when we wake up in the morning, I always say our power comes from that quiet time, devotional time with God. So one tangible thing is to commit; if you’ve got to work up, wake up maybe 1015 minutes earlier, or set that time in your morning schedule, in the quiet of the morning, to connect to your power source. And that’s it for me; I use the YouVersion Bible app on my phone. And they have a wonderful scripture of the day; someone comes and explains the ScriptureScripture. And it’s a nice devotional. And there’s prayer time when you can go to God with whatever is on your mind; it gives you a chance to meditate and just pray. So whatever you utilize, I would say daily in the morning, connects to your power source to give you the power to be able to run throughout that day and handle anything that you need to handle whether at work, home, whatever it is that you faced, connect to the power to get you through your day.

    Paige C. Clark 52:11
    I love that. Tanya, thank you so much. Where can people find you?

    Tonya May Avent 52:15
    Yes, Tanya May, Amen. All my social media, Facebook and Instagram, are my main ones. I’m on Twitter, but I don’t really tweet. But my website is

    Paige C. Clark 52:26
    awesome. And we’ll link all of this as well as your book, in the show notes down below. Any final thoughts? Tanya?

    Tonya May Avent 52:34
    Thank you, Paige, for having me. I appreciate you, and just to be an encourager, again, I think what I would ask anyone to leave with, you know, someone who can help those that are around you, he can help you and those that are around you. So I would say just right if you feel like you’re not able to freely share your faith if you have some fear or concern. The Bible says We’re not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the power again; power is the power of salvation, the power that we need to live our lives, and the power that others need to be able to get through whatever they’re facing is found in Jesus Christ. And that’s it.

    Paige C. Clark 53:10
    Thank you so much, Tanya.

    Tonya May Avent 53:12
    Thank you, Paige. I appreciate you. Thanks for joining us.

    Paige C. Clark 53:16
    If you liked what you were listening to, make sure you subscribe and hit those five stars, and we’ll catch you on the next episode.


  • 9 to 5 Faith Podcast: Episode 12

    This is a transcript from episode 12 of the 9 to 5 Faith Podcast with Paige C. Clark.

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    Start of Podcast

    Paige C. Clark 0:36
    You’re listening to the Nine-to-five Faith podcast. Hello, everyone. Welcome to the podcast. I’m here with my friend Tanya. Tanya, can you say hello to everyone listening?

    Tanya Tenica 0:47
    Hello, what’s going on, guys?

    Paige C. Clark 0:50
    How’s it going?

    Tanya Tenica 0:52
    It’s fantabulous.

    Paige C. Clark 0:54
    Good. So can you tell our audience just a little bit about you right off the job? Yeah, yeah, sure.

    Tanya Tenica 1:01
    Um, my name is Tanya Tenica. I have been in business and ministry for over 20 years. And I am equipped to train and unite a lot of what you would call, we call them fivefold, but you can look at it as leaders in the industry, whether they’re mentors, whether they’re coaches, ministry, leaders, whatever that looks like. So I help them understand, you know, get clear, become productive. And so that way, they can see the results and take action.

    Paige C. Clark 1:33
    Oh, that’s awesome. And how long have you been doing that?

    Tanya Tenica 1:36
    It’s been over 20 years?

    Paige C. Clark 1:38
    And how did you fall into that? Did you like decide to do it? Or, like, was there a journey path that you just like decided to take? I don’t get

    Tanya Tenica 1:48
    I heard anybody that actually is in a level of influence or leadership say, I jumped right in because of all that comes with it. Essentially, my high school sweetheart, we got married, and we had our first son. And then I got pregnant with my daughter. And the day that I got pregnant, I was able to he came home from work, and I was actually able to tell him, we’re pregnant. And at that point, I never saw him again; he got killed in a hit-and-run motorcycle accident. And at that point, it’s like I became psychologically unemployable. And I saw how my the job cheated me and how all that journey and the unrealistic ability to heal in a lot of areas before I went back to work, and so I started doing photography, because I was like, you know, I wanted more memories, and I didn’t get enough pictures. And photography was something I was; I’m such a creative, and I’m really good at, so it just snowballed. And then, lo and behold, how God works. A lady came to me from a networking company or networking place; it was like BNI. And she’s like, I would really love to sit with you. And I’m like, okay, and I’m an activator. So I don’t just like to speak on certain things; I should actually show you how to get it done. Right. And so she’s like, I’d really, really love to speak with you. And I said, Okay, so we had lunch, and lunch became another lunch with three more women, and then 15 men and women, and then it grew and grew. And I was like, yeah, there might be something here. And I started meeting with them monthly, training them, and then having them come up and start coaching them through some areas biblically because I got to see the word of God. Like, I always see it through business and biblical and building. And then, lo and behold, it just never stopped. Wow, that’s awesome.

    Paige C. Clark 3:57
    Group. Now, I actually, like, if you’re comfortable talking about it, you said something, and I’m like, Ooh, I want to like to dig into that more of, like, you said, I was psychologically unemployable, which I totally understand what you mean by that. But, like thinking of people who are going through that as the employee’s side and the employer’s side, okay, what is something that would have made that more manageable or net-like, easier to navigate from your perspective of someone who might be going through either a tragic death like you did, or even something that they feel psychologically unemployable?

    Tanya Tenica 4:45
    What do you mean like, how, how they can identify that or Yeah, and if I bet, How could they jump out? Or yeah,

    Paige C. Clark 4:55
    if they want to, if they wanted to work through it and stay in the workforce, or either if you want to talk about it from an employer perspective of, like, what could employers do to help kind of ease that burden and to help their employees better navigate like a tragedy like that.

    Tanya Tenica 5:16
    So what I’ve realized, God has blessed me to be able to see through Ephesians four that there are different functions there are different profiles. One of the things we see the apostle, prophet, evangelist, teacher, pastor, but what we don’t also see in there that we also have, in general, we have what the deacons and we have the elders, well, what does that look like, in the workforce? Well, you have those, I would say; the elders would be the intrapreneurs. So if you want to stay in the workforce, you want to stay where you want, agree with the vision, and that you can be able to come and collaborate and that that employer honors your beautiful creative brain and all of the attributes and the way that you want to distribute that right. And so that would be like, you have an employee. And they love that I’d say, oh, my gosh, do you like marketing? Do you like communication? Do you like this? I want to make you the director of this because I know that you’re your brain; you don’t want to. Actually, you’re still entrepreneurial. But you don’t want to actually be the entrepreneur; you want to be able to come along, still have all the benefits, but not take on some of those things; you can be a multimillionaire as an employee just the same. It depends on where your employer caps you out. So what I would probably say is, look at a company, a, somebody who is in business, that is in an area that you absolutely love, you want to start to follow them, you want to start to do that and make sure that they’re making, I’m gonna say anywhere between 250 to 500k, you really want them in a different space, and start going there and saying, Hey, this is what I’m looking at. Because you have to yield to your creative brain, you have to yield to the fact that you want structure because there is safety in that; you want that you like that. But you don’t want to have the structure of prison; you want to know that you could and piece together this and, you know, reestablish and say, Okay, I’m going to take down this wall. And I’m not going to take away the prime part of peace. But I want to add that I want to make the living room more spacious. You want to be able to have that. So that’s honestly that that’s what I would say you want to collaborate and be wherever you are. That’s going to help you do that. So let’s just say you’re even working for Geico. Well, if you are just taking calls, that’s not really where you’re going to be; we’ll see if you can get into the marketing department, see if you can, you know, explore and do something that would be more creative. So it’s really just yielding to how you operate. If you’re evangelistic, you’re going to want to be on the communications. So then climb up the communications ladder. Yeah. Makes sense. And again, the innovative ideas, but just make sure that they’re not going to cap you out, which is why I essentially say, you can rub elbows a little bit more with someone other than GEICO because you can only go right. You can’t like to say hey, what’s up, GEICO owner all-rounder.

    Paige C. Clark 8:33
    work. Right. Hopefully

    Tanya Tenica 8:34
    that answered that question. It’s, yeah, being where you are. And that you’re entrepreneurial. But it doesn’t mean you have to own a business.

    Paige C. Clark 8:42
    Yeah, who. I like that. I like that a lot. Because honestly, that is a little bit of, like, where I fall because I have many side hustles, but I also work very full-time. And you know, work for a different company. But I have those elements that I can not get fulfilled in my job. But I have found other creative outlets to be able to kind of foster my strengths. So nail on the head right on. So talk about kind of what your day-to-day looks like and how you incorporate, like, your time with God, your time with a community, your time with the church, in the midst of a crazy work schedule.

    Tanya Tenica 9:35
    So for me, then I don’t separate them. That’s number one. Yeah, a lot of times, what we do is separate God’s relationship and everything from what we do. So I’m not religious about it. So, for instance, if I wake up at four in the morning, and I’m feeling I need to go work out. I’ll go work out, right? I’m not going to freak out because I didn’t read three scriptures and chant five things. And it’s just not what I’m going to do. Right. But I’m always acknowledging God. So what I got to do in my life was always acknowledge His presence and be in gratitude for his presence. So while I’m working out, believe it or not, I’m talking. I’m like, Father, God, I thank you, I am mighty, I am strong. Oh, my gosh, you know what I just want to get, but I’m going to put this first. I know, I can do this. God, I know I can put my health first. You have so much for me. You know, and I’m literally this is how I’m talking to God in my workout. Right? So it’s like, we think that we have to be, like, right here with a pen and paper. So in this little person, right, oh, it’s not that. There are times that I’m like, I incorporate going for a walk. I just keep my phone off. And I literally just talk to God on the way; I’ll be in silence. And I’ll just be like, Lord, just just speak to me. Just pour out your love. And I just want to acknowledge who you are right now. And I’m grateful for everything. So what I’ve done is I’ve incorporated him in everything I do. I don’t care if I’m washing the dishes, I’m talking to the Lord, or praying in the Spirit. I, I’m doing a marketing campaign. God would put this here. I don’t know. Does this even sound? Right? Okay, let me read it again. Like, what’s your thought process on that? And literally, Holy Spirit will just like, change this. I’m like, Oh, my God. Great idea. What do you think about that? I’m literally talking to God like this right away.

    Paige C. Clark 11:45
    Right away.

    Tanya Tenica 11:47
    I don’t just pick up my Bible and flip and then just say, What am I going to read? I’m like, Father, God, what do you have to speak to me too? Or what’s going on? Or where are we at? What do I need to heal from what is this looking like, and then I go find what that looks like. Community, I’ll be an honest community, and I incorporate rest, a lot of rest. I’m a creative person. So I changed my environment a lot. I know that I need to get out of my environment of sitting at a desk in order for me to be creative. And in order for me to be present, I need to have rest and family time, alone time, and self-care; I need to feel good and look sexy like I need that in order to really be present for anyone. Yeah. And even present for myself. And so when it comes down to that’s like the rest, so I don’t get caught up with a lot of the volunteering at church and community stuff because it is always there. So I’m not going to convict myself. I’m a wealth builder. And I know my place. And so I am actually more effective in certain areas than to be volunteering. I have gotten into that place where I worked almost 80 to 6080 hours in a week. Okay, volunteering, doing all that while my family went to crap, my marriage was going to crap, and my business was pretty much nonexistent. My lights were shut off, my food and my kids were not being paid, and nothing happened from it. It’s not like I was supported or helped. Yeah. So I would say be careful because I don’t want you prostituted either. Yeah. So if there’s something that you know you’re gifted in, and your heart is like, oh, my gosh, and you want to do that every other week or something? Go for it. Yeah. If you know that you’re supposed to be in the church. That’s a different thing. I get it, but Right.

    Paige C. Clark 13:51
    Yeah. And I think that I think you hit on something to have, like, you know, going, going to where your strengths are. If you do feel like you’re, you’re kind of limited for bandwidth because one thing that I do is like I volunteer in my church is like a production crew, but I monitor their social media live streams. But I do social media for work. So for me, it’s like not a huge like leap to take that next step. And just like, hey, like, Yeah, sure. I’ll sit, you know, on I’ll watch some streams for a few hours, a couple of weekends a month, and that will be the

    Tanya Tenica 14:30
    feel how to do you this is the key? Do you feel like you’ve fulfilled something for God, and you’re excited to do it? Because you’re like, it’s like an extension. You really already love what you do. Yeah. And then it’s just like, God, I’m doing it for the kingdom, and you feel refreshed. It’s not like, right, you just want to like, yeah, you’re not because yeah, you’re pulled every which way and guilted into that, not trying to speak badly. Right. But I think that if we are right, If we could stay in this place that’s going to stay, God is always going to rejuvenate. And Phil, and yeah, he’s going to stretch us, and things will be uncomfortable. And we’ll go into those places that are a little bit uncomfy. But you’ll have the grace for it. That’s how you know; even if you don’t want to do it, you’ll be graced for it. Yeah.

    Paige C. Clark 15:17
    Yeah, for sure. And I think, I think one other thing that that you hit on, and I’m curious because I think he’s looking into like the Bible, you see this kind of theme reflected. And I’m, like, curious if it’s going to come out in my conversations because so far with the women, I haven’t talked to any men yet on this podcast, but with the women, they just say, Yeah, I incorporate God into my life every day. And I don’t have to, you know, set aside a specific time and as, as I work through which, like, is a theme in the Bible, where you see the women just kind of going about their day and encountering Jesus, where the men, they always have to retreat. And so I’m really curious when you’re like, oh, yeah, I just go to the gym, and I and I just pray to God, I’m like, Yes, like, absolutely. But I’m curious to see, like, in future conversations with the men if, like, they’re like, No, I have to lock myself away to, like, be able to spend that time with God.

    Tanya Tenica 16:16
    Well, you see that this is, I think, this is also the beauty of how God made men and women. Yeah. And women because we are responsible in that home. And we have a little bit we have, you know, you’re really, let’s just leave a look at the Proverbs 31 woman because she’s an entrepreneur, right? And so she, you know, she, you can tell she cooks, she cleans, she made her husband’s name great. And she, you know, sold her kid’s clothes and all that. And it was seasonal. So ladies, don’t go straight to do all that at one time. But, you know, then you look at it. And the men, yes, they always went away because they’re very focused, they have to be very focused, they have to pull distractions. Women can have a lot of different distractions naturally around. And I wouldn’t say it’s multitasking, but we can have little things around us. And we can zone things out. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. I think it just really just attributed to how God speaks differently to men and women and how we are created. Yeah. Which is, which is actually, you know, it’s it is it’s great. Because it doesn’t mean that I don’t need to retreat either to go away. Yeah. It just means that you know, I’ve learned to adapt.

    Paige C. Clark 17:29
    Yeah, yeah. And I find myself if I want a lot of depth and insight and wisdom, I do have to retreat because I’m a little bit like shiny object syndrome. But my every day, everyday encounter and relationship with God does look like incorporating him into them. Like I work out to like worship music, like straight-up worship music, my sister works out to Christmas music like that’s for, and I wish out workouts. Right. And I work out to worship music. And so I think I think it’s kind of interesting to see, like, just the different facets that that it does show up for men and women.

    Tanya Tenica 18:14
    Just do what works for you. And, like, I’ll be really honest, I’m not; I like to expose you to new things, but I don’t want; I would rather you find your own thing. Yeah. You know, what works for you.

    Paige C. Clark 18:29
    Yeah, well, and if something doesn’t work for someone, they’re not going to keep up with it. Right? Like, that’s where we’re talking about working out. That’s diet mentality. One-on-one, if you don’t like something and it’s not working for you, you’re less likely to keep up with it than something that you do like and something that fits into your lifestyle and your workflow and all that good stuff.

    Tanya Tenica 18:52
    Unless, and I’ve seen this happen, where you’re this like people pleaser, Oh, you are trying to fit into this cookie cutter, or you know that this is the road to success. And so you just want to make sure that you follow that thing. And so it’s like, you know that this is what needs to be done. That’s why I tell her I’m like, Okay, if I give you like these different steps, still do them, but modify them to see what works for you. Right? If your time is in the evening, okay, fine. I’m not gonna like shooting you because of it. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, it’s like, you know, like, I know, some, like, want to be a part of that 5am club and, and, and be able to grow in that area. And I’m like, Okay, that’s great. But that doesn’t mean waking up. 5am your first day. That means set your alarm clock to 10 minutes, a little earlier, right? Every three, four days, and then eventually in the next three months, you’re gonna get there. It’s like,

    Paige C. Clark 19:45
    right, it’s a given. Yeah, it’s like do what works for you, like yeah, I also think too, and this is like completely a little bit of a side topic. But I think that when you’re saying like, Oh, when when I work out and when I who, when I, you know, just go on walks with God. I just keep thinking like, you know, that we were driven in a very like image-based society, and like how people perceive us and how we’re perceived, I think of like social media just because that’s what I do all day of like, what if people were just like, I’m like, bent over, like heaving at the gym dripping in sweat. And I’m like, worshipping God, like, hashtag bless, like, what was the experience versus like, I’m injured and like, the lights are dim, and my hands are raised. Like, what if it looks like me dying on the gym floor and set up like in a church?

    Tanya Tenica 20:43
    I look. I like it. I like the

    Paige C. Clark 20:46
    idea. I like the idea. It should definitely be a thing. Yeah, I

    Tanya Tenica 20:50
    mean, honestly, I’ve had those moments. I’ve had those moments. Yeah, cuz I haven’t seen this lake right behind where this pond is right behind. And I’ve had those moments where I just sat there. And I was about to go for a speaking engagement. And so I always take about 24 hours to 48 hours before the engagement and then after the engagement to completely, like, draw away. And I literally was, like, snot dripping. You know, those ones that come up? I mean, the whole gamut. Okay, I was not cute. And, um, and I’m outside on the park bench, you know, outside, but I couldn’t control what that looked like. And the Lord hit me. It’s not like, Hey, can you come back later? Because I don’t want to, you know, not look cute. While I’m outside. Like, it’s right. You know, I think when it really looked, when it really came down to it, and God showed me the walk is going to just be between him and me, people are going to come and go, there’s going to be people you think you’re going to be in your life forever. And they were in their first season. I stopped caring about what that looked like. And just, if anything was left behind, it would be just the pure genuineness of who I am. Yeah.

    Paige C. Clark 22:12
    I love that. I love that. So you work with ministry leaders, but is there anything that you see is what, like, I mean, I’m curious of like your clients, but also yourself of like, what what are some of the biggest struggles that you see when it comes to practicing faith and like everyday life?

    Tanya Tenica 22:35
    Um, um, so I work with. Yes, I work with ministry leaders and entrepreneurs the same. I’m going to say incorporating God. And I know this sounds crazy, because I’m just like, Dude, you’re a minister like Hello. We’ve been taught. I think a lot of times in church, we’ve been spoken at. And we haven’t actually been shown how to activate and apply these principles into our lives and what this actually looks like. And so you’ll see, and I say, ministry leaders and entrepreneurs as the same because you still have bills to pay, okay, you still have to market, you still have to, you know, you’re still hiring people, you’re still this is what we’re looking at. And they don’t know how to incorporate them. They’re taking principles that they learned. But it’s like, That’s not biblical. That’s a Babylonian system. I love, like, why are you doing that? Why are you marketing this way? Why are you? Why do your sales look like this? Why does this look like that? You know, and they’ve really just copied. They’re like, who they are. But they’ve copied false systems that are not going to work. They’re not either biblical; they’re manipulative. So that’s been big, they don’t operate. It’s like, there’s no partnership with God. The witch then now breeds into every believer who feels like they’re going to run a business feels like they need to have to speak to believers. And I’m like, yeah, no, that’s not the case. You can still have; I just started teaching believers four years ago, okay, four years ago. All the other years out of the 20 I was teaching nonbelievers, now you would see believers be like, um, what you’re saying sounds like this scripture. I’m like, and lo and behold, it is, you know, yeah. And so they would see that the, like, I would describe marketing like, Okay, here’s your out your ad or your inner and, you know, like that holy place. And they had no idea that I was equipped, you know, right, right. There are foundational things. So a lot of them are distracted by thinking that when they build a business, they have to build it, and they’re not going to glorify God if they’re covert. Mm. They feel like they have to be over. And I’m like, No, sometimes God wants you to penetrate some spheres of influence now. So I really have to say the biggest issue that I see is being able to incorporate God into your business and the biblical principles. When I say incorporate God, I mean partnering with him, asking him if this is the direction, and not getting caught up? And when you get a coach, a lot of times, we’re like, yeah, I just got this coach. I’m like, Yeah, but they’re mastering Facebook, and you’re called to Instagram; what is this going to do for you? Right? Right, or like, you get an evangelistic coach, and then it’s just like, and you’re really like, apostolic builder, and it’s like, it’s not helping you at all because they don’t understand you. Yeah. Um, so yeah, that’s what I would have to say. Like, yeah, there’s not a lot of understanding in that.

    Paige C. Clark 25:52
    Yeah. And I think too, like, I look at some of like, the businesses who we now know, are, you know, Jesus-loving businesses, such as, like, Hobby Lobby and Chick fil A, right like to have like, the big ones and, and they don’t sell Christianity. Right. Like, like, their ministry is not to be over in that way. But it’s things like having a really good workforce at Chick-fil-A, they’re, they’re known for their kindness. They’re closed on Sunday to respect, you know, employees, either, you know, either way, you want to look at it, they respect employees’ time off, or they’re respecting the Sabbath. But, but it doesn’t have to be, you know, we’re not selling Jesus isn’t carved into the chicken sandwiches like,

    Tanya Tenica 26:48
    yeah, like, I think that when people say, hey, you know what, I have a Christian business. I’m like, what, what is that? Like, what is a Christian business? You have a Christian owner who reflects Christianity, or the right will ever be within, but there is not a Christian business? That doesn’t make sense. Yeah, a business cannot be Christian, and Christian is a physical being like it’s a, you know, so when we’re looking at that aspect, and I think that’s, that’s really this disconnect here. Yeah. And then, you know, you have those that are so used to the ministry aspect, where everything has to be free, right? Everything has to be this, and then all of a sudden, now, I’m prostituting God because I’m charging for consultation or this or that. I’m not charging you for prayer. I’m not charging you for prophetic words. I’m not charging you for that. I’m charging you for your wisdom and understanding. It just so happens that in my consultations, I’m gonna give you some prophetic words. Okay, just so happens. Gonna happen, and I’m going to,

    Paige C. Clark 27:48
    yeah, also, this is, this is another, like, out there Christian company that, like, people don’t really realize in and out if you’re a West coaster. They’re so right. Perfect. You wouldn’t think of it, but you flip the little flip fry container on the bottom, and there are Bible verses; you look underneath the cup, and there are Bible verses.

    Tanya Tenica 28:12
    get out; I never heard you.

    Paige C. Clark 28:16
    Yeah, they are on the bags,

    Tanya Tenica 28:18
    so that it’s holy, we’re not going to gain weight, we can go to

    Paige C. Clark 28:22
    doesn’t count those. Those are, are only calories.

    Tanya Tenica 28:26
    There’s a holy gallery folk are a holy cow, oh, my gosh, I did not know that I have that.

    Paige C. Clark 28:31
    So it’s, it’s those little touches that can show up. And, you know, demonstrate faith where you don’t have to be, you know, selling prayer, for

    Tanya Tenica 28:42
    example. Now I’m gonna go like, into, in and out, and I’m going to be looking for all.

    Paige C. Clark 28:47
    these. So if anyone’s listening to this, and they’re on, like, the West Coast and have access to in and out, this is your justification for going get in and out and go prove mine, my asportation True. I love it. So I want to circle back on one thing that you said of like, you know, sales and marketing practices, specifically, because I feel like that those are mostly the most public or like forward-facing practices that can be manipulative, and that can be kind of unethical and unbiblical. If we have listeners listening to this, and they’re like, well, two parts of that question one, how do I know that I’m involved in, you know, practices that might be, you know, less than savory? And also, like, what can I do about it? Like, I just work for a company, and this is how they told me taught me to sell. What can I do about that?

    Tanya Tenica 29:47
    Yeah, so you’re gonna want to test every Spirit, right? And we look at it from that perspective. So let’s just say I’m giving you this. I’m selling you This product. And in the end, how do you feel? You know that you feel some kind of way when you’re not only giving and selling the product, but then you’re making your people feel a certain way too. So when you’re looking at it, like fear-based marketing, right, that manipulation, the gate is closing this, and then you look back three days later, and the price never went up. They lied. Okay, and then you know that the door did not close. And then all of a sudden, you know, afterward, it’s like, you know, a week into the program. Oh, they reopened the gate for their last people. I’m like, Dude, that is so manipulative, right? Yeah. But manipulation. That’s a form of witchcraft. And so this is a worldly system. But if God is one, it’s by the goodness of God that people get caught on to repentance, that God is the foundation of your business. If he is, you’re operating in love. Foundation. Yeah. So my marketing is going to be different. It’s not going to be all this fear base that’s going to make you actually activate a spirit of fear or pass on a spirit of fear, any of that, right? It’s actually going to make you feel hopeful. It’s going to make you feel amazing. It’s going to make you feel connected, it’s going to make you feel like, oh, my gosh, familiar, like, Okay, this is good. Right? So we’re talking about all of the positive things. Right? So it’s not like, oh, my gosh, are you constantly stuck in this and constantly can’t get out of this? That’s all fear-based. That’s all drawn off of the Woe is Me. victim mentality. Think about it, guys. Yeah. Right. I mean, it’s all victim; you’re teaching and confirming and affirming a victim mentality. Right. But if you’re like, you know, get excited to spend time with your family, go on the trips that you want to be able to go on, learn how to be more productive, and get your message to the four corners of the earth. Now that’s exciting to me. Because now you’re I can see that you’re going to come with me and collaborate and push things forward. Right?

    Paige C. Clark 32:13
    Yeah. Yeah. And I think I think one thing that is kind of, maybe not hit on as much in the corporate world is like providing a good or service to actually better your customer or your client, and not just create, like, a line item or like, like, check, I hit my sales numbers for the week, but like, actually wanting to like to provide them some relief. And I think that starts with producing a product or a service that is actually helping people.

    Tanya Tenica 32:54
    I can agree with that. And I think it also has individuals that so you have to be convicted, buy that product, like oh my gosh, it’s a great product. And you know, hopefully, use it because that’s kind of weird if you’re selling something you’re not using. But I think the other thing is to make sure you have the right people there. So if you look at the evangelistic model, whether they’re commissioned as an evangelist, or they have that edge, I call it, they want, they’re good at sales, they’re good at connecting, they’re good at drawing people in, they’re good at the building have enough relationship to be trusted enough to then resource them. Yeah. But a lot of times, you’ll find those that operate in different functions, right? They might be more creative, a builder, which is a reference to an apostle or a prophet, more detail-oriented, like a teacher, so you’ll have these different things, right. And we’ve like forced them to learn sales. So they’re, like, grueling, and instead of helping them understand sales, in there, the way that will help them right, I adapted into their natural speech, I realized when I would sell it would be in my live streams, I could close like 10k 15k in a live stream. And I knew that when it was if it was a live event or lived in general like that, it was my anointing that everything happened. So for me to do these ones on one call with everybody to try to do closing would be grueling. Yeah, it wasn’t at my highest point of activation. But I think it also matters. Knowing how you operate, how God created you to function, and being okay with that. It’s absolutely beautiful, and you have a place.

    Paige C. Clark 34:53
    Yeah, man. I think that that last part that you said of, like, operating like within yourself and like within your capabilities, I feel like we try to force ourselves to be like one trick or an all trick pony, where it’s like we can do what is the masked? Master of None. What’s the first part of that?

    Tanya Tenica 35:16
    The All Trades master of none.

    Paige C. Clark 35:18
    There you go, jack of all trades, Master of None in our culture, because just because of everything that is going on, and really like we can, I love to reference this quote because I feel like it not only like spiritually, but like, culturally, it’s like really appropriate and fitting, but it’s just, you can’t be anything you want to be. You can only be more of what you already are.

    Tanya Tenica 35:43
    I do, like, okay, so I love this quote. And I love what you just said. Yeah, I like that. Can I share my part? Yes,

    Paige C. Clark 35:52
    absolutely. Push back on it.

    Tanya Tenica 35:54
    Yes, this quote jacked me up for years. Because when you speak to a creative, remember, you would say that to a Proverbs 31 woman, and you read that scripture, and you’d be like that she’s a jack of all trades, she needs to just master one thing. Here’s the key. We try to master everything all at the same time. Yeah. So I remember my mentor, this is actually how I got in, my mentor said to me, you’re a jack of all trades and a master of none. Do you know that that shook me? And I actually closed off the areas of that God; I would start, I would finish, I wouldn’t finish, I would self-sabotage. It wrecked me. Until one day, I went to go teach that. And I had no conviction on it. It was just; it was so detrimental to my growth. And he said, Can you go read that again? And um, I literally, like, heard it. I was like, I’m gonna go, Okay, let me go look at the script, this phrase again, yeah, the actual phrase was a jack of all trades. And a Master of None is oftentimes better than a Master of One. And what that showed me was that there are some individuals that are going to master different things in their life. And because I mastered different things in different parts of my journey, I am able to be the most versatile midwife to entrepreneurs and ministry leaders because I have been around the block in many areas, and I’m able to see, and it actually makes me a better builder. Yeah. But I love what you’re saying. Because there’s, there’s that part too, yeah. Where, you know, just stay within your zone of that zone of genius. But you can explore other areas to see if you can bring an additional skill set or elevate that or bring a different mastery. But don’t dive so deep into something that the minute that you feel that it’s stressful and it’s not what it is that we can just continue on.

    Paige C. Clark 38:08
    Yeah. And I’ll give you an example of, like, very recently, where I saw that in my life, like, I love to cook. I am, I am proud to be a millennial who can cook really well. Because we have a really bad rap for just going to get takeout all the time. I love to cook, and I love to be in the kitchen. And I’m, you know, on my own health journey. And it just got to the point where cooking my healthy meals every week was so draining. So like, like, emotionally like, I was just like, no, like, I’d rather not eat than go in the kitchen and cook.

    Tanya Tenica 38:48
    And really, so you went from loving cooking to then. Yeah. And it

    Paige C. Clark 38:53
    like took away this huge piece of joy. And I was really wrestling with it one day, and I was talking with my husband. He’s like, Well, like, can’t you like, pay someone to do that? And I was like, Yeah, but like, I can do it. Like I can cook. Like why would I go pay someone to like to make me some grilled chicken when I can do it. And he’s like because it’s stressing you out. And it’s like taking away this joy you had in your life. And that was like a really big point of, like, just because I can do something doesn’t mean that I am meant to do it. And that man there’s so like,

    Tanya Tenica 39:29
    they’re like, well, but you know what, in your brain, it’s so interesting because, like, it’s like, what happened? Yeah, what happened? It could be like, you know, this, this one lady I had five years ago and a similar situation. And she was just like, she said the first thing she did with the money that she had, which changed my life. Instead of putting it into marketing advertising, whatever. You put it into a chef that would make her five meals a week. And it was they did all the vegan that like they did for Whole Health thing and allows you to do is pop it in the oven, they throw that for her. And in that time, that hour and a half, two hours, five hours of grocery shopping prep and roll that out of the week. She spent with her sons. Yeah. And it was common sense for her. And it was like, Well, that was not common sense. Do you want to know why? Because a wife cooks and she cleans, and she doesn’t ask, and she does that. Right? Are you gonna eat? Okay, whether I go get it delivered or whether or not I will have big family dinners for Sunday, you can eat all of my cooking. But yeah. And love how your husband said that? Yeah, he

    Paige C. Clark 40:42
    was just like, like, what? Like, he’s so pragmatic. He’s, like, the pragmatic soul to my heart. But it was just like, why wouldn’t you like it if this is stressing you out? Like, this is something, and I was like, but I can’t do it. And like by me, you know, in my head by me like accepting like someone else cooking for me. That was me admitting that, like, that was my weakness and that, like, I couldn’t do it. But I was like, No, it’s not that it’s that. This is something that is outside of my zone of, like, where my focus is right now. And guess what? Now I’m cooking more than ever new foods that I’ve never tried and that are delicious. So now I have lunches taken care of for the week because I work from home. My lunches are taken care of, and I have the energy at the end of the day to like go make some like pork steamed Bao buns. And guess what? They’re delicious.

    Tanya Tenica 41:39
    That’s great. So that’s what I’m saying. Like, you were like, Okay, it’s not fun for me; can I do it? But I want it to be fun again. So what can I do? Well, when you went and had some hired somebody to do the dinners, or whatever, you know, actually released you back to having fun.

    Paige C. Clark 41:57
    Yeah. And I feel like with entrepreneurs and people who are working, they like the kind of get, they kind of get stuck in this mentality of like, but I can do it. Like, that’s not where my zone of genius is; that’s something I said was used a lot in my old job. Like, where’s your zone of genius? Like, where? Where is it? There’s a book called The. I haven’t read it yet. But the premise is like your blue flame of like, where’s the hottest part of like on a matchstick, the blue flame, the part in the very middle, where it’s the hottest, where’s your blue flame? And that’s what I always think of, like, okay, this isn’t in my blue flame; I need to go do something else.

    Tanya Tenica 42:40
    And be totally okay with it. Yeah. But that’s where we have to relinquish all of the status quo. And other things, what works for you, and your family is not going to work for others, but your husband is still the head of your home. You know, it’s kind of like, let’s, you know, grow with this. Yes.

    Paige C. Clark 42:58
    And, and also, like, one thing that was like, a really big mantra for me in the past few years is like, two things can be true at once. Like, I can be a really good cook, and I can also outsource my meals, like, those things are true. And you know,

    Tanya Tenica 43:15
    that stewardship. Yeah, that’s showing that you are mature enough to have to just like your stewardship. Like, I remember when I would get individually come and clean my home. And, you know, I have, like, high fans and all that stuff. And it’s just like, well, you know, I’m a woman; I’m supposed to be doing that. That’s my duty. That’s, like, you know, and I was like, no, no, no, no, no, that’s, it’s taking it started taking away from my femininity, because I started like, I was stressed all the time. And it’s just like, No, I could be there. While somebody’s playing. I could go practice basketball with my son, I could do, you know, I could be more present. That’s actually just stewardship. Yeah. I feel guilty because we’re stewarding our family and what works.

    Paige C. Clark 44:01
    Yeah. And also, like, I think that when we acknowledged those things, like we’re not getting them for free, right, like, we’re also paying and providing business service for all the other businesses that are out there that we’re utilizing.

    Tanya Tenica 44:21
    Yeah, it’s like, it’s almost like we were okay. God’s giving us this wealth transference and all that, and then now we feel guilty. Yeah, because we’re looking, we’re using these things to simplify our life so we could multiply our presence and be more Omni, you know, Omni pro, like they call it now Omni marketing, where you’re kind of like on all the like, you’re a little bit everywhere all at once and all that and it’s like the channel Yeah, yeah, it’s like that Omni and I are just like, you know, I look at it as I could be more if I have some if I hire certain individuals to do certain things, not that I’m not capable, but I have more ability now to free myself. Earl, Stewart, my health, my time, and my life are way better. And I can actually show up even more than that 100%. For not only my family but for my students are those that, you know, are connected to me?

    Paige C. Clark 45:14
    Yeah. Yeah, for sure. And I think that’s like, one of the things that I’ve really been like, noodling on and having these conversations for this, for this podcast, and, like, God is giving us the opportunity in our work life, so that so like, our purpose might not be within our work life, our purpose might be what our work life allows us to have outside of our work life, that might be the blessing that might be the ministry that might be the purpose is outside of what we do every day, not to say that he can’t work in what we do every day. But that might not be the sole inclination of why we’re doing what we’re doing. Yeah,

    Tanya Tenica 45:59
    I mean, he, he might be saying, Hey, you’re doing your work, the job you’re doing, whichever. And, you know, I want you to take that, and I want you to bless this organization. Right? You know, there are all different types of things, you know, we have domestic violence and foster care and human trafficking, we have all these things, it could be a part of something else, sometimes people want it like they it’s like, it’s really weird. It’s like, I think the church has, has done this where they’ve put people in fear. So they feel like they have to build everything they can’t work for, man, they can’t do this, they can’t do that. And it’s because they’re like, you’re going to miss God, you’re going to miss the move of God, if you don’t do this, right now, if you don’t build this right now, and it’s like, and this big way, this weird thing of just because you have a conviction. Like, why I don’t need to build it. Like I’m with human trafficking. And instead of me going to build this organization and trying to do all this and build a nonprofit, I just went sat on a board of human trafficking and decided to be able to speak and maybe invite them to do an open seminar where in my building at the time that you know, they can come and speak and do teaching and invited everybody and then shared like, where, you know, where some of the money that people pay me in business for consulting or however where that goes. Yeah, you know, it was just something simple like that. I didn’t need to go build. Yeah, but guess what, if I couldn’t sit on that board and do those different things and volunteer and make an impact in the community or do anything if I didn’t hire some, if I didn’t, like, go get HelloFresh to cook? Or, you know, like, have, you know, my house cleaned or whatever? So yeah, I totally agree. Like, it’s, Yeah, everybody boxes everything in to be

    Paige C. Clark 47:47
    like this end all? Yeah. And I think too, like, at the end of the day, like, it’s, it’s what is, like, God’s gonna make his plan happen whether or not we want to be a part of that, like, like, it’s an honor and a pleasure and that we get to be a part of it. But also, if we miss the bus, there’s going to be another one coming. Like, I think one thing that I found myself getting stuck in, especially at the beginning of my college years, is that I have to know what God has planned for me. And while he might, and for some, he might have specific plans of like, this is where you’re supposed to be. I’m like, I’m limited God, if if I say like, if I take the job, or I don’t take the job if I take the job, is that really God’s will? Well, guess what? He’s gonna work through me whether or not I take the job. If I take the job, he’s gonna set a plan there. If I don’t take the job, then he’s gonna set a plan there. Either way, he is sovereign over that.

    Tanya Tenica 48:51
    I just look at it as God will course correct you. Yeah. If you’re at the job and like six months, and you’re like, oh, man, I’m supposed to be doing this. All right. Well, God, show me how I’m supposed to release and let go, and I’m good. Yeah. Right. And do it that way. It’s, I think that we just get to this point where we don’t realize that we are in so much control, so much control, that we don’t let things flow and then know and trust that God will course correct us. Yeah. Like, like, there are some times that you might have felt like you miss the bus, right? But guess what? God knew that you were going to be going through a traumatic exposure or you were going to make a decision or whatever. So did you technically miss the bus? I don’t know. Because I bet you if you look back, you see a little bus stop sign, and the bus ain’t even go by because why would he send the bus if he knew? He knows? Yeah, he knows that you’re not now, you know what I mean? Like it, nobody’s going to do like what we talked about how many times when you told me before, about the podcast about nobody really talking about some of the stuff. Yeah, many times have you seen it? And here’s the bus. Right? You’re thinking the bus is passing, the bus is passing. Yeah. And in all reality? No, it didn’t pass. He was like, I already know, on February 22, 2003, she’s gonna be talking to Tanya and yes, other station, and this is what she’s going to be doing, even working full time and all of that. Like, the bus is yours, girl, I, you know, I’m like, Hey, nobody’s taking nobody’s riding my bus away. Right? So there is not like, if you look at that, there can only be one health coach in the world. Yeah, one. Like, you know, one activator in the world, one social media person in the world. Nobody’s gonna have your beautiful brain and the way that you see it.

    Paige C. Clark 50:50
    Yeah. And also, there’s a lot of people, I always get myself caught up of like, okay, like, Are people really gonna buy my things? And then I, like, look at how many houses are in a specific neighborhood like, okay, there’s a community going in, that’s going to have 5000 houses, how many people are living in those five that probably 10,000, maybe 15,000 people will live in those 5000 houses. Exactly. And that’s a lot of people.

    Tanya Tenica 51:16
    But I also look at it as if I could listen to the same podcast, right? Somebody can do the same thing that you’re doing, St. Tim talk about, whatever. But guess what, because you told me about how you released cooking, and that you can still do it and all that. You helped me out in such a way that changed me. It was positive. It wasn’t fear-based, but it just did something to me. And then it’s a bonus that, you know, you got your curly hair. And you know, and I love it, you know? So it’s like, Guess what, now? I just want to work with you. Yeah, I’m almost like, okay, like, what else do you have, girl-like? What can I get something from you? I’ve had people purchase things from me and connect with me because I have a pit bull. All right, okay. Because, right, because I love my pinball. And you know, and they’re just like, yeah. Because they feel like they’re misunderstood. And all that. I mean, it’s the weirdest thing. Okay. Well, well, but yeah, and I will, I will list. I’ll have other podcasts I can listen to, but I’m gonna listen to you beat your heart. It can’t be duplicated.

    Paige C. Clark 52:28
    Thank you so much, Tanya. Oh, this conversation has been so good. So as I like to wrap up every single episode. As you said, you’re an activator. So let’s go activate some people. What can people do this week? To help them implement a faith-building discipline or practice into their life?

    Tanya Tenica 52:50
    I’m gonna say start small. What is practical that you can stick with? And I want you to time-block it. Right? So if it’s not in your schedule, you probably won’t do it. Yeah. What do you need to do? There were times that I had to literally put it in my phone; I had to put an alarm on my phone. I put a sticky pad saying a quote or something on my bathroom mirror and on the side of my watch, and we’ll call it my nightstand. I had three or four alarms throughout the day when I was trying to remember to keep conscious that God is present and that he can be in everything that I do. So do what works for you. What is going to work for you? What time of day is that going to work for you? Take one thing and just play around with it. But here’s the key time block give yourself the block of time. If you look at my schedule, my schedule is completely time blocked. Right now, that means a lot, and I’ll share with you a lot each and every time block. There’s not one thing that you can go on here. You know what I’m doing when I’m doing it means that I completely shut off Media; I’m not going to miss anything. And I literally focus unconditionally on that.

    Paige C. Clark 54:15
    That reminds me a lot of Dave Ramsey’s every dollar so like account, every dollar in your budget, whether or not you like Dave Ramsey, but account for every minute, and his app is cool. I know. I like it too. But some people are, like, do not like Dave Ramsey. So I wanted to add that caveat, but like, added like blocking in accounting for every hour of your day to make room for God and even if it’s setting your alarm five minutes earlier, a couple days a week, so you can wake up at 5am.

    Tanya Tenica 54:50
    Yeah, it’s, it’s literally saying, okay, this hasn’t worked for me before. What can work for me at this time, right? I laugh at God because I’m like, I wish I could be a part of the 5am club because he thinks it’s funny. I’m up at four. And I’m like, can I be a part of the 5am. Um, but you know, there was a season that I was not feeling well and certain stuff, and I had to not kick myself because I had to wake up at 630 or seven. Now, I will be up at four. And then I would be like Tanya, you’re not feeling well. Stop being controlled and feel bad. Just rest. So then I started getting certain things done in the evening, time to prepare for the morning to make myself. So when your time is blocked, just make sure that you’re flexible. If you are like, Hey, I’m going to do this project, this project in this project, and it doesn’t work out. Because you’re feeling off, you didn’t drink enough water, or something happened to where you just need to be with God. And you’re, you’re moving too much, be okay with it. Yeah, because what I would do is, whenever I would go back to look at my schedule, I would look back at the prior weeks. And I would actually see that there were some really big areas that I could actually say, Oh, I know what was going on, and why I didn’t finish what I was supposed to finish. Yeah. And I could see when I went to bed when I did it. It was it’s so interesting to be able to do that. But like I said, just make it simple. Pick one thing, just put it in your schedule, and then put it everywhere you can see it. I mean, put why you’re doing it, like write a scripture, put all the wonderful benefits, how you’re excited about something, whatever that looks like, plastered everywhere, on your bed, on your mirror, change your phone picture, I don’t care what you got to do, but literally live it and breathe it. Yeah. Even if it’s just drinking more water cares.

    Unknown Speaker 56:49
    I love it.

    Paige C. Clark 56:50
    Thank you so much. Tanya, what a great takeaway. I will probably be setting my alarm back five minutes to get my butt out of bed a little bit earlier. So

    Tanya Tenica 57:02
    I know and then ask God, what what what is he? What does he want you to do with the time?

    Paige C. Clark 57:06
    Yeah, yeah, for sure. Anytime I wake up earlier, I’m like, Okay, God woke me up for some reason. Like, let’s go spend some time with him and figure it out. So where can people find you and your brilliance?

    Tanya Tenica 57:18
    You can just go to Tong to nika.com makes it really easy. You’ll be able to find all the stuff that I’m doing.

    Paige C. Clark 57:26
    Awesome. Awesome. Tanya, thank you so much. I appreciate you joining us today.

  • 9 to 5 Faith Podcast: Episode 10

    This is a transcript from episode 10 of the 9 to 5 Faith Podcast with Paige C. Clark.

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    Start of Podcast

    Paige C. Clark 0:36
    It’s Paige C. Clark, and you’re listening to the nine to five faith podcast. Hi, everyone. I’m so excited to have you today. And I’m even more excited to have my friend Cami on with me. How’s it going Cami?

    Cami Aufdermauer 0:49
    So good. How are you?

    Paige C. Clark 0:51
    Good. It’s also a podcast like so like waving might not be like we are videoing it as well. It’ll be on YouTube. So if you want to see Cami wave, just go over to the YouTube. How are you doing today?

    Cami Aufdermauer 1:07
    I’m so good. It’s just good to meet you and get to chat with you. So I’m excited.

    Paige C. Clark 1:11
    Yes, me too. So tell me a little bit about you and what you do. And I call this like the why I should care kind of thing whenever I do presentations. I said like, this is me now. Why should you care that I’m talking to you. So I

    Cami Aufdermauer 1:27
    love Well, cuz I’m awesome.

    Paige C. Clark 1:28
    No, are awesome.

    Cami Aufdermauer 1:32
    Well, my name is Cami. It’s and my last name is Aufdermauer. So it’s super hard to spell. There’s actually a song that can help. But we won’t go over that right now. I am a mom, I am a wife. I have two teenage daughters. So really right there. You should, you should want to hear what I have to say. Because I’m surviving. Let’s just say, I’m not just surviving parenting teenagers. I feel like I’m thriving in it. But they are 12 and 13. So check on me in two years. Yeah. But I, you know, I have lived I live in Oregon. So if you’ve ever heard of Tilamook cheese, I live until a mug which is the cheese capital of, well, I think the world but maybe Oregon. And my family has lived until a mug for over 100 years. So I was as born and raised in this community as you get. And I have just, I’ve grown up really loving my roots here. And yeah, I just I love I love I love getting to raise my girls here in this town too.

    Paige C. Clark 2:38
    That’s awesome. And 100 years, that’s crazy. And I think we’re gonna have some really angry Wisconsin errs listening. Don’t care, I won’t tell them that I have Tillamook cheese in my fridge right now. Thank you, there we go. We want to tell them I really do. So tell us a little bit about like your nine to five and what that looks like for you.

    Cami Aufdermauer 3:02
    Oh, man, well, I have to back up six months, because my nine to five now based on on six months ago is totally different. So for seven and a half years, my nine to five was that I was the executive director of Habitat for Humanity. So I’m sure you’ve heard of habitat most people have. So I ran that organization and our community and truly felt like that was the job for me. Like I was like, This is what God created me for, you know, really enjoyed the work we got to do with family isn’t just everything that I got to do in running in that organization. So that you know, that was your typical nine to five in the office every day even through COVID we had I think like three weeks where I worked from home. Other than that in the office, you know, balancing the life and what that looks like. Well, my town so I only had to drive a couple of minutes to work right? But really got pretty radically rocked. When I read a book called Dream I dare you about probably about seven months ago, I read this book, and it really opened my eyes to okay, like I I put myself in this position to really think that this particular nine to five is my forever. Like I’m like, Why would I go anywhere else I’m it’s a Christian organization, I get to do good work for people. You know, this, if I’m going to work anywhere in this community. I don’t see any other job in this community that I would want. And so I started reading this book and God just really started to stir my heart for bigger dreams like outside of my community outside of what I was doing in just Silla monk. And he really started to be like, No, I there’s something more here. And so I was like, Okay, but what is that? What does that even look like? And so, what happened is I got really curious because again, I’m reading this book that’s really rad. Literally like opening my heart. And I’m like, Alright, who is this author? Like, who’s this Julia Gentry? What is this all about? And so I did you know, like in a good researcher, I went and found her on social media and stalked her Facebook page, you know. And so I’m following along, and I’m looking in her feed, and I found out that she was hiring for a super part time, Director of Operations, like 20 hours a week, nothing I can leave my job for, like the salary was not there, all of that. But I was like, I’m supposed to be involved, even if at that point, it meant just being a volunteer, whatever, that look alike, right. And so I reached out to her, and I said, I think I’m supposed to be a part of what you’re doing your books, rockin my world. And long story short, I ended up after a lot of prayer, and a lot of, you know, talks with my husband. I ended up quitting my my nine to five as the executive director, and launching into full time work ministry as the director of operations for Julia Gentry, who wrote the book dream, I dare you. I mean, my family thought I was a little crazy. But it’s so far. So I’ve been working for him now for six months. And it has been completely different for me, because this is my first job ever. Where I work from home. I mean, I didn’t even know that was possible. Like, I know people do that. But I know it was possible for me. Yeah. And that’s been such a such a, such a drastic difference from being in an office.

    Paige C. Clark 6:40
    Yeah, yeah. And how accessible it now is. So cool, because I think before it was, like, only certain special jobs, and certain titles got like the privilege of doing work from home. And now I feel like it’s more like widely kind of applied to the workforce. Right. So that’s awesome. That’s a really killer story.

    Cami Aufdermauer 7:04
    And it’s my favorite,

    Paige C. Clark 7:05
    I’ll have to tell you a story later of some crazy thing that I, you know, crazy opportunities really happened. Just like just like that. So that’s awesome. And and so take me through a little bit of like, what your day looks like from not only from like, a work perspective, but also like, you’re working from home. Now you don’t have to commute but also like you’re not in an office, which makes wearing sweatpants really easy to to what your time with God looks like.

    Cami Aufdermauer 7:39
    I am so glad you’re asking me this now. Because I feel like even last week, it looks so different, like this week, this week, I’m really proud of what it looks like. So maybe, maybe I was just getting prepared for this podcast. But I think what I love and I say this to my kids all the time, as I’m getting ready to walk, I have a little cottage in my backyard. That is my office. So thankfully, there is a little bit of separation from my house. But I always say, all right headed to work. It’s a long commute. So I have fully again, I said I have teenagers. And so we’ve actually because I do believe that I want to be focused when I’m in my office, I’m working on work all those things. So we’ve actually created a color code system for my door. So they know when mom’s little sign is red, you know, unless you’re bleeding or the house is burning down, like don’t come in. So we have different layers of those colors.

    Paige C. Clark 8:32
    No, that’s a really good thing.

    Cami Aufdermauer 8:35
    Yeah, they know if it’s yellow, it’s like, okay, come on, and say hi, but then head on out. If it’s purple. Come on in. It’s a party. Yeah, no, I’m gonna be honest, it’s never purple. But if it were, they would be excited. Yeah. And so I I get out my cottage, I believe very much in creating a workspace that you love aesthetically. So like, you could see, you know, that’s just everything’s very mean like it when you walk into my office, you can feel me there. Like I got a dream on my wall. I’ve got this beautiful lie in here. Because I really want when I walk into my office, I want it to be a place that I enjoy. I also really like a clean space. So that’s important for me, always making sure there’s no piles, making sure things are clean. And then my day starts out here. Thankfully, I get to create my own schedule. Yeah, but I start every single day at 5am. And that’s because I want my morning time. I want my morning time. And so what I’ve done and what my schedule literally looks like right now is I get up at five. Again, this was not last week. So let’s just say it’s been two days, but I get up at five and from five to six my dog and I go for a walk. That way he gets out I get fresh air. I listen to a podcast because I really love personal development. And so I always put in a podcast that’s something that I’m working towards growing in right now I’m helping create a speaker business for Juliet. So I’m listening to all these podcasts about how to create a speaker business. And then from six to seven, I have it on my calendar, like, actually in my phone, but that’s my Jesus time. And so, again, today’s CIO will check on me a couple months to make sure it’s sustainable. But I do believe and calendaring things, and making sure that, hey, if I’m gonna put, I’m gonna put this podcast in my calendar and show up, I’d better be showing up for my Jesus time in the calendar. Yeah. And so my day doesn’t start until after that time, but what I’ve also pre I’m trying to create margin. And so from that seven to eight, that is actually my planning time. So that is me sitting down with my, you know, I’ve got my planners and like my things, that is me sitting down and going, what do I want to accomplish in this day? Because I found that when I do that, I get so much more clear and excited and focused on what it is that I’m doing. And I feel like I have a purpose in my day, rather than just like, Okay, what’s on, you know, what’s on my agenda? What meetings Am I a part of, because meetings are one thing? It’s what fill up all of the things between the meetings that are really where I want to be intentional about my time. Yeah, and that is what a typical day looks like for me this week.

    Paige C. Clark 11:30
    And hopefully, weeks in the future, or weeks

    Cami Aufdermauer 11:33
    in the future. I think that one of the things too, like my Jesus time, right. Yeah, I will be honest, that before this week that Jesus time was lacking. Yeah. And I, there’s a lot of reasons why, but I think it’s because, man, I’ve shared a little bit about like my transition, I’ve been this new job for the last six months. I am so fulfilled in my job. I mean, I know not everybody can say that. But I can, like, I feel like I truly am exactly where God has called me to be. And like, I am so fulfilled, which is great. And that can be a dangerous place to be because I’m so fulfilled in my work, that I actually don’t sometimes feel like I need God to fill me up. Because I’m just so like, like, loving where I am. Yeah. So that has been something that I didn’t really notice that, you know, it actually took, I watched some people around me kind of start to burn out. And it more came from a place of I don’t feel burned out. I don’t want to get there. Right, I want to make sure that I’m doing the things that create a life of margin, so that I am having places to rest. Yes, I can love what I do. But if I’m not going to the sustainer to be sustained, like it’s not sustainable. And so I’m really trying to create, like I want margin in my life, because I believe that God’s revelation is going to come in that margin. And when I put him first like, he’s going to redeem, I mean, even the hour that I’m giving him dedicated time in the day, he’s going to redeem that tenfold by direct revelation. One of the things is that I don’t want to circle the same mountain. I don’t want to keep walking around the same mountain trying to figure out these lessons, right. Like, I don’t want God to speak to my heart. He’s not if I’m not listening, it’s gonna be really hard to hear him.

    Paige C. Clark 13:30
    Yeah. Yeah. And also like, couple things there. One, I am with you on having a clean space if my office is not clean. It’s a little crazy. Now this might seem like a real like nitpicky kind of question, but for the work from homers, they might understand this. Do you do your Jesus time in your office or in your home?

    Cami Aufdermauer 13:55
    That is a really good question. I’d be curious what other people say so I do it in my office. Okay. Yeah, and I could do it in my home. But again, when I do my Jesus time, like everybody’s still sleeping like they’re still out there. For a while, I thought I would have to separate them. And if I didn’t have good boundaries, I might have to Yeah, because I can very easily get excited to get on the day. The one thing I’ve done I will not have my phone next to me during my Jesus time. So I’ll put it on airplane mode. I take my smart my my Apple watch off. Yeah, I don’t want any alerts during the hour. My I don’t know if you know the Enneagram but I’m a seven on the Enneagram dude. Yeah, so I can get very distracted. Yeah, so I have to take off all the distractions and really just be present in that moment. Because work, the excitement of what’s the what’s to work on will catch me and I it’s hard to rein it back in. Yeah,

    Paige C. Clark 14:57
    for sure. I call it the shiny object syndrome

    Cami Aufdermauer 14:59
    or just So are you are you a seven? Two, I’m

    Paige C. Clark 15:01
    a six wing seven. So. But yeah, that it’s funny because I think that, like, back back before COVID, and work from home became like really more broad scale, I feel like that these conversations that I’m having with you and having on the podcast would look completely different than they look now. Because that margin that we have to have when we work from home, like we need boundaries, even in our own home, because we’re always working from there. So for example, my husband, he works for himself, he’s always worked from home, he always has a dedicated office space. But when we first got married, we, we found his work kind of bleeding out into our relationship and our regular life and everything like that. And it was just like, Okay, we need to create a physical boundary. So like, when you’re not working, the office doors are shut. And I’ve had to do kind of the same thing, which is why I was asking of like, in my office, I work in my office, anything else, especially like, my Jesus time, or even my writing as part of my work? I can’t even write in my office. It’s too distracting. I have to go away to do.

    Cami Aufdermauer 16:32
    Yeah, yeah, I think that’s good to just kind of know what works for people or what doesn’t. And I think, I mean, he kind of, I had a little conviction come up, because I would not say that lately. Until this week, I have been very good at having those boundaries. Like when I leave there, because I was just thinking my daughter, she, I was texting on my phone. And she goes, Mom, you don’t always need to message Julia, which is my boss. She’s like, you don’t always need to be on the phone with Julia, because I am on the phone with my boss a lot. We do text a lot. We’re always communication. And thankfully, that time I actually wasn’t talking to Julia. So I was like, well, actually, I’m not talking to her. But it did make me kind of go, oh, you know, like, I gotta make sure that that I, I mean, how often are we calendaring time with our kids or our husband? So like, I think just, and I even made that intention. This week, I told my boss, which she’s used to me working. I mean, I’m in the bathtub editing videos. I’m right. And I can you know, it doesn’t matter. Because I love it so much. I’m always doing it now. And it’s easy to do it. It’s easy, easy, it is hard to not right. It’s a meaning

    Paige C. Clark 17:42
    not that the work is easy, but it is easy, because you like it and it is not burdensome to do well.

    Cami Aufdermauer 17:49
    Exactly. And so the hard thing is stopping. Because it’s again, so fulfilling. So like, where do I want my fulfillment to come from? And will I look back and think even though I’m having fun, and all these great things, will I look back and have missed out on time with my family? You know? Yeah, I just don’t I just believe it’s important for me to always evaluate where I’m where I’m getting my fulfillment from?

    Paige C. Clark 18:17
    Yeah, yeah, for sure. Gosh, there’s so many things, so many different, like, Bunny trails, I want to go down right now. Because you’re saying so many good things, but one of them is, is the reality of being able to work remote means we can’t, we can work from anywhere at any time. And that is not, it is both freeing and binding. Because churro because, like so I work in social media, social media is always happening. Right? Like things when things pop off in the world. They happen on social media, like just saying. And so for me, it’s really easy to justify kind of always being on and always logging on. So like, besides, you know, just being recently convicted of that, or do you have any ways that you try to create better margin around that of like your emails or you know, you talked about Trello, your Trello board?

    Cami Aufdermauer 19:31
    Challenge changed my life. Are we going there? Let me answer your question. Yeah, there’s a whole nother thing.

    Paige C. Clark 19:36
    Oh, that because

    Cami Aufdermauer 19:40
    my husband is so tired of hearing me talk about Trello I’m like, is there a support group for people because I just want to talk to people about Trello

    Paige C. Clark 19:47
    Trello if you’re listening, looking for sponsorships

    Cami Aufdermauer 19:53
    go for real. So I think I mean, if we just go that route, I think one of the things I know What about myself, is that in order for me to thrive, and again, you look at your Enneagram, like, I’m an Enneagram, seven, so can get super distracted, rabbit trails, all those kinds of things. Yeah, so I have to have systems and processes in my life, like I have to, not only do I enjoy them, I enjoy setting up systems, I enjoy running systems I enjoy, I love efficiency. And so I, when I got into this job, again, I come from a company where I’ve created the entire company, you know, like, I create the atmosphere, where I came in to now I have one boss, and I’m the only employee, and she’s been an entrepreneur for years. And so I came in, and I’ll never forget what I said to her, I said, so I’m going to need three days to set us up a system, and I’m going to use Trello, which is an organizational system to basically Task Manager days with your team, right, and she’s like, you’re gonna need how many days to do what, and we always laugh about it. Because what I didn’t know, coming into this job until I was in it was how much I needed structure. And so when I went the first week in the job, and every meeting I’d have with her, I’d come out of the meeting with five pages of notes, none of which were organized, all the action items were mixed in this, this notebook somewhere, I thought I was gonna die. Like I’m just like, I cannot function in this world. And so I had to create those systems for our company. And now we use them every single day, like my Trello board, runs my day. And I’ve been able to bring our other team members now into that world. And now what’s so much more productive, I believe, when you set up systems and processes, it gets you to the place where you create the margin. Yes, the person who showed me how to use Trello, he says, yes, it’s gonna take you time to set this up. But the amount of time that you’re gonna save on the back end is tenfold. And I believe that I’ve seen it in my own life. So by having these kinds of structures and processes in place, it allows me to kind of create space and areas where, you know, areas that I need to create space in.

    Paige C. Clark 22:16
    Yeah. And I think like, I think that some people might feel ashamed that they’re not able to manage certain, I guess I call them temptations, but like checking your email first thing in the morning, or like, you know, scrolling through your Slack messages in the night, or whatever it is, I call them temptations, because they’re taking me, for me, that’s what they are. As, like, people might feel shame around that as a sign of lack of willpower. But really, it is just adding the systems in our life to better be efficient at the things that we really want to be efficient at. Do I really want. Do I need to be efficient at managing my email? No. Like, I don’t, it’s not my, my work email. It’s my personal email. It’s fine. It can hang out. Okay, if I have 20 emails from Wayfair? Let’s see. All right. That doesn’t really matter at the end of the day. But I think there are some people might feel like a lot of shame and in kind of admitting to that but like adding adding timers on to your apps. If you have an iPhone or you an Android or iPhone user,

    Cami Aufdermauer 23:37
    oh, iPhone, and I use it I use all the time. Like if I know I have even a meeting coming up. I always I set my timers all day long. That way, I don’t have to think about those things. The number one thing I can say helps with what you’re just saying for me is my phone does not live in my bedroom at night. Yeah. And it hasn’t for probably a year and that’s been the greatest smallest. I mean, that’s a very small sacrifice. I still have Alexa. So I haven’t alarm you. Oh, Alexa is talking to me now. But But I definitely like that has been a huge game changer for me, because now I’m not distracted. I think sleep is important because I got a lot to do in the day. I want to have energy. And if I’m on there scrolling I will also say remember how this week has been like a good week for me. I will say that I a couple of days ago. I took Facebook because I don’t use other social media. It’s mostly Facebook. I took Facebook off my phone. Yes, I can still get on it on my computer if I want because I’m not going to sit there and scroll. Yeah, that has been pan that’s been free and sometimes to just take that space and say, but I never felt like I could do that. Like in my jobs. I’m like, but I need it for my job. And not you I know you feel me girl. Yeah, like doesn’t need to be on our phone. Could it just be on the Computer. I think those small tweaks have allowed me to say, Okay. And a lot of the time, we’re just bored. So like, if we’re Oh, yeah, you know, like I’m eating because I’m bored. I’m, you know, scrolling Facebook, because I’m bored. It’s a lot of the time, we’re just not, like, we’re just bored. So then really asking myself like, Okay, I’m bored. What else could I do here? To make it so that it’s not just productive? But filling? Yeah, we know those things. Don’t fill us. Like foods not gonna fill me Facebook, social media is not going to fill me. Okay, so what what is it that would fill me with the Lord? getting some fresh air outside? You know, doing something creative? I think we need to get back to creating

    Paige C. Clark 25:47
    math? Oh, gosh, yes, for sure. And what I was saying about the timers, I don’t know if you do this, but on each app, you can set a time limit. So like, if you’re like, I only want to spend 30 minutes a day on any of my social apps, you can set it and it’ll like shut down the app. Like, it’ll ask you to like, Are you sure you want to like when Netflix judges you? And it was like, are you still watching your apps? We’ll be like, Are you sure you want to? And you can do that. And here’s like a fun. I mean, it’s fun for me and my organizational brain. But if you want to how many times like have you opened your phone, just kind of like on autopilot and just like clicked on your social media apps? And like, you’re just like, oh, like, how did I get it? I get in here, right? One thing to do to combat that, that that I really love, is to move your apps around. Whoa, because if you move your apps, if you change where they’re at, you have to actively go looking for them. And it brings together mindfulness because like, you’ll like swipe and like click where your Facebook was, and you’re like, Wait, why am I on the CVS app? Like or like, I don’t want to, like work out why am I in my health app? Like,

    Cami Aufdermauer 27:14
    that’s where you like strategically put the vital app?

    Paige C. Clark 27:17
    Exactly. Anytime I click on this, just open the pipe. There you go. So there’s I mean, there’s definitely things that we can do to like help kind of create that margin. And I will say to, for anyone who’s listening, my my sage advice, I guess, is to set the expectations kind of upfront with your work. If your work is requiring you to use your personal cell phone, negotiate, you know, a cell phone stipend, and if that’s not part of it, then say like, I’m sorry, I will not have email on my phone, I will not have slack on my phone, like, I will not be available, you can call me. But I am not going to have any of these communication things because that’s your own boundary for your own life and your own well being and give an inch, take a mile kind of situation of like, Oh, if it’s just one slack that I’m answering on the weekend, they’re gonna, you’re gonna still get them.

    Cami Aufdermauer 28:18
    And it’s funny because I was I did take my phone in bed last night, not for like the whole night. But just because I was like, oh, I want to do this. And so like I was laying there and doing this, because I specifically told my boss, I’m like, Okay, go like I have yet to get your intentions out there. And I just said, Alright, I’m done with work for like, don’t let me keep working. You know, yeah, to cut this off, because I love it. I love working. And I checked my email, and I responded to an email to her at like, nine 930. And then I emailed her right back, I said, No, I’m not answering emails in my bed at 930. You know, we kind of wouldn’t have to joke with ourselves and be like, but it was so automatic. Yeah, when that email and like, respond, like, what? No, I can’t just wait to respond. What would that mean about me? But those are the questions I have to ask myself like, where am I going? Because I know that I’m in this for the long haul. Like I want to be in ministry doing what I’m doing for years to come. And if I can create healthy boundaries, hate that word, but if I can create helping, what would be another word, healthy habits and rhymes like that? Sounds good. But I can create healthy habits now. I believe that will make this more it is it’s going to make it sustainable for the long haul.

    Paige C. Clark 29:39
    Yeah, yeah, for sure. And like, I think what we undervalue as as Christians, I guess, is the ability to create habit and routine. Like it changes our brain chemistry. There’s a reason why I go to on my phone and I open Facebook every time and there’s a reason why you know you want on when you’re like, bored, you like go to food because it’s like, like on some chemical level, I don’t want to lessen the people who have serious addictions. But the chemical response in our brain is very similar and in smaller amounts to that that has, you know, dopamine, or I want to say serotonin, but that’s what puts you to sleep, but your dopamine and all your other hormones that go on in your brain, that stuff gets released when we see a notification pop up or something. But that can be reverse engineered for our faith. Totally. Totally, yeah.

    Cami Aufdermauer 30:41
    Can we get that app, like, let that happen, you know, true, though. It’s true. And just small changes, like when I say like, when I say my week has totally changed this week. These are not big changes, right? It’s just being more intentional. And I mean, like, this is not a sales pitch. But when I say this book dream, I dare you by Julian Kendrick, remember, that was a little sales pitch. When I say it, this book changed my life. It changed my life. Because not only did it give me a dream, bigger to live for, but it helps me really know how to take captive, my thoughts, and to retrain my brain, which is exactly what you’re saying. Yeah. Because I now know what beliefs like what limiting beliefs have kept me from moving forward in my life. And I now have a conviction that is super strong to put my whole life on, like, and so like, even today, when I was struggling through and like, I was noticing some big feelings. And I’m able to say, like, am I living chosen today, because that’s my conviction that I live a life where I am chosen. And if I know that to be true, I no longer need the world to tell me I’m chosen. I literally live from a place of being chosen. Yeah, there’s so much depth there. And that’s really what her books about is finding that conviction that you can say, at any point, like, am I living chosen? And if the answer is no, that’s always when it’s going to show up for me in, you know, it’s always when my fruit is not the fruit of the Spirit. I mean, that’s, that’s really what it is. Anytime I’m living outside of, like really seeing the fruit. It’s because I’m not living in my conviction. And I just have to check myself.

    Paige C. Clark 32:25
    Yeah, yeah. And like, also, when we are operating in kind of this autopilot, kind of state, I’m actually my own personal plug, I’m writing a book about this. And one of the chapters is on autopilot. And it’s when we’re operating in this kind of just like, I guess, stress response, where we’re just kind of going through the motions, like, where’s the room for the Holy Spirit in that? Right? Because the Holy Spirit, like, like, I think there’s very like, I think, within the Trinity, they all have very different personalities. And I think like, the Holy Spirit is one of like, spontaneity, right? We see him move, like in the moment. And and if, if we’re kind of stuck in this autopilot mode, like how do we respond to the Holy Spirit when he asks us to?

    Cami Aufdermauer 33:17
    I just have this vision. I know I mentioned the INIA Graham a couple of times, because it has been so helpful for me in my life.

    I literally just when you were talking about the Holy Spirit, I was I have that Holy Spirit’s of seven.

    Like I was like, and then I’m like, What would God the Father, what would you? Like? I was like, how fun would that be? To dig a little into that? I think they’re probably every number, obviously. But like, I really got my brain thinking.

    Paige C. Clark 33:46
    That’s really fun. Like, what Myers Briggs is the Trinity.

    Cami Aufdermauer 33:51
    Somebody needs to write that book.

    Paige C. Clark 33:55
    And Mark is struck by lightning. I know.

    Cami Aufdermauer 34:01
    They really, like, you’re gonna have to put the Enneagram test link like, oh, yeah, because it really is been so helpful for me. Yeah. And just understanding the why I do things like the man it’s been, and then I can count that. I mean, that’s, that is why again, we talked about systems and processes. Those literally keep me being able to function because I need them in my life. Anytime I meet another fellow seven, and I’m like, Do you have a Trello board? Do you have systems on there? Like, I don’t have any of that. I’m like, let me teach you. Because I’m telling you like, once you learn how to create systems and structure and processes, not to become this rigid person, but to be able to have it so that it can give you that margin. Yeah, changes. It changes the game. I don’t want to hold anything up here in my head. I want to have it so that it’s out somewhere and then when I’m off, you know, doing my things paddleboarding. riding my motorcycle like adventuring? You know, I don’t want to have to think about Monday and what I have to be doing, I shouldn’t have to, there should be a system set up so that the things that I’m working on are already there. And they’re just waiting for

    Paige C. Clark 35:14
    me. Yeah, yeah, for sure. Gosh, if funny, like little tangent about the Enneagram. I love it only and most mostly because it is, it has felt the most true to me. I’ve done a lot of like the Myers Briggs Strengths Finder. And I think they all have their place and all kind of do their own thing. What I like about Enneagram is it felt most accurate of like, okay, this is the root of how I’m acting out of this is my core fear. This is my core intention. And this is what I act out of. Funny side story, when I was in high school, senior year, they made us take a personality, like Job test, really long test, let me tell you like an hour long. And you got called out a class to go take it, and I went and took it. And then I like, got to the end of the test. And it was like, We’re sorry, your personality does not match anything in our databases. And I was like, okay, so then I just like went about my life. And then I come back. Well, then I get called back into the office. And they’re like, You need to take the test. Okay, I tried. I broke the test. I tried to take this test, and it didn’t work. They’re like, Nah, just take it again. Like, okay, like, sir. So I took it again, it got the same exact results. And I just remember feeling like being like, what does that say about me? Because all my friends were like, you know, it was so accurate. It was exactly what I want to do with my life. It was like 100%, just like right there. And I’m like, I wasn’t in their database.

    So all that to say, I’m glad Enneagram has a number for me.

    Cami Aufdermauer 37:19
    But so have you discovered like in that, have you discovered why yet like now?

    Paige C. Clark 37:25
    Like, I can’t even remember what tests it was. It was like, I remember like what the format of it was like, it gave you two options, like two paragraphs, and you had to select which one you related most with.

    Cami Aufdermauer 37:43
    Wow, that’s fast. That was it. And I

    Paige C. Clark 37:45
    just, and I’m like the, like getting it one time. It was like, Okay, getting it two times in a row. I was like, okay, like, I guess I really am weird multiple times over. Wow. Wow, that’s awesome. I will drop a link in the show notes to the Enneagram test. Because it’s, it’s insightful, and it’s really helpful. Okay, like, let’s get back to the topic.

    Cami Aufdermauer 38:16
    So it’s gonna be productivity slash Trello. Board and Enneagram. Yeah,

    Paige C. Clark 38:21
    I even wrote down the name of this episode as we were talking. So you know, it’s gonna be all good. Because I was like, Yeah, Trello Enneagram. All the good stuff. So tell me a little bit about what like your faith extracurriculars look like? So you wake up in the morning, you have your Jesus time all set aside, you have your boundaries. What else do you do what else goes on in the life of Cami?

    Cami Aufdermauer 38:52
    Wow, what a good question. So I am really involved in our church. We started going to a new new church to us about No, I think it’s been about three years now. And we have always been my husband and I have for the past 10 years have been in some type of leadership role in our church, whether that was, you know, on the worship team leading Bible Studies. And so when we came to our new church about three years ago, I remember just being like, I’m not going to do anything. I’m just gonna show up on a Sunday and I’m gonna, you know, do that. Well, that didn’t last long, because that’s not who God created me to be. Right. And I again, back to reading Julia’s book. While I was reading that it started to bring up I had remembered that there was a ministry called Embrace grace, which is a ministry for unmarried moms and teen unexpected pregnancies. Yeah. And I was like, while I was reading her book, I was like, Oh, I forgot about that. Like, I wanted to start a group because it’s a nonprofit, but then you start groups in your own church, right? And I remember Calling my pastor and being like, hey, so I think I figured out how I want to be involved, like, because my pastor is really good about bringing people into their calling. And so he had asked me like, how do you want to be involved? And I was like, Well, I don’t really know. Yeah, I’ve done the worship team thing I’ve done that this thing, you know, I don’t know how I want to be involved. So I remember when you know that that dream was kind of awakened to me again, I reached out to him. And I said, I think I’m supposed to start this group. And he was just like, Great, let’s do it. And so that was about a year ago. And we ended up launching in about a month after that a month after I talked to him, we launched the first ever in our community, embrace Grace groups specific to single and pregnant moms. And so that when you live in a rural community, and you don’t have a lot of resources, we don’t even have a pregnancy center, we don’t have, we don’t have a lot of resources that you find in bigger towns. So this has been a really important, a really important program. And what’s really exciting is now we’re you know, a couple years later, and we’ve been able to take girls through this group and host really amazing baby showers. And I actually have been able to hand off the baton to my co leader who called me this was a couple of weeks ago, she called me and she said, Cami, I think I’m ready to take over leadership, which when we first started, she’s like, please don’t ever make me lead. And I was like, That’s amazing, Andrea, because I My schedule is super busy in ministry just in my job, right. And so part of me was like, I was thinking in my head, oh, man, like, I don’t know, if I have the time that I need to give to this like, and when she reached out and said, I’m ready to leave. I knew it was time to let that go. And then what got really exciting for me is that I’m like, Okay, God, but where do you want me? And he really showed me, he goes, I want you to mentor, that CO leader. Her name is Andrea, I want you to mentor her into her leadership role. And I was I love the thought of in the church, helping mentor people in their leadership roles, whatever that looks like, right? Yeah, like really driving people towards their purpose, which is also what I get to do in my daily job. But I was like, what if I could do that to help the church grow, too. And so that’s been kind of a new thing for me. And I think I’m 37 I might be 38 I’m not sure. I’m one of those numbers. I think I’m 38. And I don’t know if I ever considered myself like, you know, and I didn’t realize that, like, I can’t mentor people. Now. It’s not like you have to be old, you know, but it’s always kind of think like, oh, the older ladies are like mentoring. So I’ve never, I think it’s the first time that I’ve gotten to the place. I’m like, wait, no, I can start mentoring people like, I can start pouring into people. But I don’t. For me, I’m not interested in just leaving a Bible study or you know, that kind of thing. Like I’m interested in creating different kind of opportunities. So for example, I love to adventure like I am an adventurer. It goes with my Enneagram seven we’re literally called the adventure. And so I kayak paddleboard motorcycle like I love all those things. And so I started a women’s Adventure Club in my community. And it started as a small group through my church. And so I get like women signed up and once a month we go and we adventure. We go we go hiking. We go kayaking, we we went skydiving. That was pretty fun. I got any ladies, Pam, that was amazing. Wow. Wow, this I know, good. Group. Totally. So this group has grown from, you know, I mean, one, it’s from like, 10. To now we have over 500 women. Again, rural community. This has been a year only a year 500 women who are in now it’s a Facebook group, because I’m like, I can’t manage this, like Planning Center stuff. So 500 500 women and our community club, and all I do it’s so low key. All I do is the few days before our once a month we do at the first Saturday of every month. I just put where we’re meeting, and everyone shows up. I mean, the most we’ve had is probably like 4040 Women 40 Women kayaking, like I found kayaks from all over the community. But about we’ll get anywhere from about 15 to 40 will come but that is every week I occur every month. I’m getting to meet new women. I start every group out with a prayer. Like I’d say prayer for safety, you know, have a prayer. And it’s really I say we are here to build community. We are here to get to know each other. We are here to be in God’s creation and we do a name game every time so we’re learning people’s names. And as easy as it is because it’s really not hard like I literally post something on Facebook and we all show up the amount of ladies that afterwards are like, thank you so much for doing this, like people are hungry for community. Yes, sometimes it really is just as easy as saying, What am I already doing that I can bring people along? And I it’s been, it’s been so cool.

    Paige C. Clark 45:18
    Yeah, that’s awesome. And one thing, one of the ministry leaders who I’ve been involved with in the past, he just said, he said, you always have to eat. So why not bring people along with you to eat? And so like to what you’re saying, you’re already going kayaking, you’re already going on hikes, are already going skydiving, maybe. Might as well bring people along with that and create that community.

    Cami Aufdermauer 45:47
    I love it. And I actually it’s funny that you brought up the food thing. I don’t enjoy having meals together. I mean, that might be really weird. But I would much rather be outside. Yeah, like experiencing like, an opportunity. Like, if, honestly, like, if I were to hang out with friends, I would rather us always be doing something. Like it’s harder for me. Like, if I have the choice between like sitting across the table from you at a coffee shop, or just being outside on a walk or whatever, I’m always gonna choose the outside. And it’s just, it’s cool to be able to kind of meet people in like a more low key. I remember when I was with Habitat, especially during like, COVID time. Yeah, I was like, Hey, let’s get like, we don’t need to be in the office. Let’s go jump on the kayaks. I had so many meetings with people just on the kayaks. And like, that is how I want to live life.

    Paige C. Clark 46:39
    Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And I think just like, I think there’s something to say too, about like, feel like our world and our culture is so highly curated. I think there’s something to be said to what comes easy, and what comes naturally. And just incorporating that into a wider audience and into more people and, and then bringing God along with it.

    Cami Aufdermauer 47:05
    Well, I started thinking, it’s funny, because this has just been two days ago, because I literally work from home now. Right? Like so my, my kitchen tables right there. I could very easily open up to, you know, once a week where on the lunch hour, you know, or like 12 to noon, like bring your sack lunch come over, let’s do some dream storming. Let’s just really make this time about, like, what are you passionate about? What are your goals? Like, where are you headed? What’s God really put in your life? Because I want? Do I want those conversations and friendships. But I’m like, how easy for me to just throw it up on Facebook, create an event, you know, does a small group, like it takes no effort from me? Except for to just say, Okay, I’ll show up. Yeah, I mean, even if it’s just me, it shows up. Yeah, I think I used to have a lot of fear around starting something and nobody showing up. And that was based on the limiting beliefs that I was living in. And now it’s really like, God, if this is your plan, it is going to work. I truly believe that if it’s God’s plan it like you were telling me before we started this, like, if it’s God’s plan, it will work. The timing may not be ours. But I believe if he’s created me to create community, then he’s going to bring that community to me.

    Paige C. Clark 48:24
    Yeah, for sure. And you’re convicting me right now. Because so I just moved into this new community. And there’s maybe 50 people in here already. Very, very small community. And not all the houses are filled yet. They’re still getting filled. And we have this like community space, where there’s fire pits, and like a gazebo and a water fountain. And it’s really nice. And I’ve wanted to do like a weekly, like, weekly get together and just like say, Hey, I’m going to be in the community space with a bottle of wine. Anyone want to join, bring your own glass like that, that kind of thing. That’s something that I’ve been wanting to do. And like you’re convicting me of like, Just do it.

    Cami Aufdermauer 49:12
    Right. And think how I mean, and that’s going to, maybe we both need to check in on each other with this because again, not hard. Yeah, you know, we put it on your calendar by the bottle of wine show up, and then let God do the rest. And I think that’s what I’ve loved about Adventure Club. It does not feel heavy at all. Like I look forward to and I leave every single week just going like oh man that was good. Like this is this is what it’s all about, like connecting with people. And I think just God is so good to open us up like to open us up to really have the opportunity to say yes, and when he tells us to move, that we are obedient in that Yeah. Okay, it sounds like wine clubs happen.

    Paige C. Clark 49:58
    If it weren’t storming out All right now I would say like let’s do it Friday, but we are currently storming. There were hurricane force winds in the mountains. So, you know, yeah, casual, actually out here. So in the Arizona in the desert, you have to be careful when it’s windy. I like hope I don’t deter people from like coming out here I’m talking like, like 22 Like, winds remember half that 80 miles an hour. Okay, like so what happens especially during the summer when we get more wind storms, there’s this thing called Valley fever. And like, you can get it from breathing in like the dirt from like, the dust storms. So you know,

    Cami Aufdermauer 50:44
    really weird,

    Paige C. Clark 50:46
    right? I’m just like, there’s it’s just like a spore that you inhale that gets but like it’s not in the city or anything. What happens is the winds come from so far out of the city, it’s in the desert. Like that’s where this like, fungus lives in the desert. And it blows in and then like you get, you can get valley fever. Although my husband’s lived here for 30 Something he’s never got it never got it. It’s like the Oregon

    Cami Aufdermauer 51:11
    Sasquatch. Like is it real is not real,

    Paige C. Clark 51:15
    is definitely real, like people get really sick from it. But I personally have not and neither has my husband. So I I am just aware of the fact that like, Hey, don’t necessarily go run around in a dust storm. It’s you know, it’s not really good for your lungs.

    Cami Aufdermauer 51:34
    I wouldn’t even know what that is like because I live in a place that rains you know, 365 inches a year so Wow, all right, no dust here.

    Paige C. Clark 51:45
    I seriously, I have not only do we have the air filters in the ceiling, but we have like mobile filters in every room because it gets so dusty even inside the house.

    Cami Aufdermauer 52:00
    Well, you know what it must be nice page to have sunshine. I mean, it’s been a long winter here on the Oregon coast. Let me just say, remember what I was saying. Like, sometimes you started thinking about moving on, like never make a moving decision at the end of winter in Oregon. Because you’re just so ready. The sun will come but when when is my passion.

    Paige C. Clark 52:23
    And also wherever you want to move. Go visit it at the worst time of year.

    Cami Aufdermauer 52:31
    Right now in Arizona when there’s dust storms.

    Paige C. Clark 52:34
    No now’s not even the worst time I was gonna say like we’re still like three months away from the worst time which is August, July and August but I laugh one of my one of my neighbors she’s from California. And I the first year which was last year she was here. We had a bad dust storm and she was texting me like Paige I walked outside and there is dust everywhere. I was like yes. Like, this is a dust storm like this is what happens. They usually blow over in a few minutes, like usually takes like 15 minutes and they’re over with and then you can just go about your day. She texts me back. He’s like, it’s like frontier weather. I was like, Oh, like that is like the best thing I have ever heard because I definitely have a tumbleweed and my friend Yeah, right now my gosh, the wind. tumbleweeds are real thing if you like don’t believe the movies. They actually exist guys.

    Cami Aufdermauer 53:36
    Oh, when I walked out of the airport elevators in Florida, because I’ve never been I literally the ladies I was with. I was like, What is that like talking about the humidity? Yeah. And they’re like, that’s humidity. I’m like, Oh, good, Lord. That is not cool.

    Paige C. Clark 53:52
    No, nope. It’s like opening an oven door. Just like weird. Yeah, I don’t do humidity, which is why I’m in the desert. i My family lives in the South. I will not follow them there. No. Oh, gosh, so many good things. One thing that I’d like to talk about and this kind of like, I don’t know, I was looking over these questions. And I was just like, I’m like really like pushing people to kind of like tattletale on themselves and like, be a little bit vulnerable. But what’s your biggest struggle when it comes to practicing your faith and working full time?

    Cami Aufdermauer 54:34
    Oh, well, I think we did kind of touched on a little little bit, but I think it’s not like honestly, this is what God’s showing me is not finding fulfillment and anything above him. Yeah. Because again, I get that I am blessed that my job is so stinking fulfilling like, truly. But I don’t I don’t want anything to fill me up. except for, you know, to overflowing like nothing’s gonna fill me to overflowing like God can and will. And so I think that for me, I just have to always check where I’m getting filled up. Yeah, it has to be it has to be God first. And just really making sure again, asking myself that question of if I continue on this, even though I’m having fun, will I have missed out on something that’s important, like, well, I look back and think, Oh, I had the opportunity to spend more time with my kids. But I was so distracted by even good things, even ministry, right? I’m distracted by ministry that now I’m not going on date nights with my husband, or I’m not, you know, spending time in the evening with with my girls or watching movies with them. Like, I’m being so productive in these other areas that I’m not actually resting. And that for me, like one of the things that I just I was doing this Bible study that I’ve been a part of, and God gave me some major revelations, which I’ve never been like a picture person, but he showed me a picture of a roller coaster. And I was like, What is this, like this big roller coaster. And he basically I grabbed my journal and I, I have no desire to write a book. But if I did, I just wrote my first chapter. Right? It was like 10 pages. And it was all this word picture about how the way that I ride a roller coaster, is the way that I actually approached my entire life. So but the part that really struck me because right we are on the roller coaster, and like all this enthusiasm and all these word pictures, but it was what I do when I get off the roller coaster. And that’s that I get off the roller coaster after I’ve after I’ve basically wrote it 100 times. And all of a sudden, I look around, and I’m exhausted because I haven’t eaten. I haven’t drink any water. I haven’t taken care of my body. Like I’ve just been Go, go go. But the saddest thing was when I looked around at my family, or the people around me, this was the first time that I even noticed that they’re like, Mom, we’re exhausted. You haven’t sat us you haven’t, you know, like, we’re just because nobody could keep up at my pace, and I pushing and pushing and pushing. And that’s when I went, Oh, like I have to actually get it off the roller coaster and the roller coaster isn’t always bad. But I have to get off the roller coaster. You know, and actually, while I’m on it, I need to look around and evaluate the people around me is my drive. Where are they at? Like, where are they at? And also for me because, again, I got off the roller coaster. And now I’m like, I haven’t eaten. I’m thirsty. I gotta pee. You know, like all the times that I haven’t taken care of, because I’ve been so in it. And that just really made me go God, I want to do a better job of resting in you. So that when I’m on the roller coaster, it’s sustainable. Because I want to know that I’m stewarding Well, this season that he’s given me help. Like I’m healthy. I have, you know, I have a lot of great things going on in my life. But I want to keep those things and I don’t want to run things into the ground. And I don’t want to run those around me, you know, into the ground either. And I have to watch out for

    Paige C. Clark 58:19
    that. Yeah, absolutely. I think also, when you’re saying, only getting your fulfillment from God, and one thing that I’ve been just thinking of over the past few months in the past year, especially being like so engrained in like, the corporate world is also like, getting your identity from God and God alone. Because as you work, it’s really easy to say I’m Cami, and I’m the Director of Operations. Right? Like you ask someone like oh, like, who are you? What do you do? And it’s, I do this for for work, and that’s who I am. And, and really, it’s like, oh, I’m like a daughter of the king. Like I am a follower of Christ. Yeah, struggle identity, you should find bee bee in

    Cami Aufdermauer 59:15
    the switch from the executive director of habitat in my own community, right, where you are a leader in your community, that when I was getting ready to transition out of that role into the role that I’m in now, that was a huge because my identity was like I was Cami, the executive director of habitat. And I knew that when I went to this job, nobody’s going to know my name. I’m now working on a global scale. What I call nobodies like, oh, it’s cameo after Mauer, like in a small town, everybody knows you. So I knew like going over to this job that I was going to wrestle and it was almost like letting go of work. You know, just kind of what you’re saying like that identity and who you are. Are you know, and I think even living in a small town, it’s very easy to just think that’s how it is everywhere. But it’s not like, right, I have to go out. And now I have to introduce myself. And, you know, it’s kind of this whole different thing. And that was a big shift for me and one that I’m really thankful I went through because I now don’t believe that I identify myself. Like I, I think more just, I know, God’s using me in ministry in ways that he’s called me to and gifted me to, but I, I don’t see myself and in this job, making it my identity. Right takes up a lot of my time. And yeah, you know, there’s all that balance there. But I would say, I, that was a very stark transition from one job to the next.

    Paige C. Clark 1:00:50
    Yeah, and I think I think it’s seen a lot. I mean, I can’t really speak for more like blue collar jobs, but definitely in like, corporate kind of white collar jobs. It’s always about what’s your next step? What are you going to do next? How are you going to uplevel? I remember I was at a job and they’re like, oh, what’s your growth plan? And I’m like, hey, my bills, and have kids one day, like, like, my growth plan. And what I wanted for myself was not associated with my job. I’m gonna do my job with excellence. And I’m going to do it well. And whatever happens after that cool, that’s up to God. But like, my, my soul, I guess, like meditation, when it comes to my future is not about my job. And what I do?

    Cami Aufdermauer 1:01:44
    Yeah, no, I can’t relate to that. Because mine was, yeah, it definitely was, especially habitat like, and again, I was the director. So I mean, there was no position above mine. So nobody was ever asking, like, what are your goals here? I just had no idea that someday, I wouldn’t just be working in my own community. So I never had to think about the fact that, like, when I go knock on the door, this person has no idea who I am. So that was a very cool thing for me, because it helped me to get out of my own small, you know, mindedness. Really. I mean, that’s not a bad thing. Like my whole family’s been here. Like, they’ve had amazing careers in this one community. But I didn’t know that was possible for me. And so I’ve never had to think about what would that look like to start knocking on doors where nobody knows your name? You know, like, that was a that was a, it’s been really cool. Like, I haven’t hated it. At first, I was scared. But now it’s like, wow, I even told my husband, I’m like, I could change my name to Kamara and nobody. Please don’t do that. I’m like, Okay, I won’t do that. But all of a sudden, I was like, I could create like, this new identity, although I like who I am. Right? Like it does give you an opportunity to kind of that freedom. We were talking about the work that working from home, I will never forget, because again, brand new for me to work from home. I’ll never forget when I grabbed my laptop, which is like a MacBook Air. So super small, you know, then I held it up to my daughter in the car. I said, Do you want to know something cool. She’s like what I said, anywhere. This laptop can go Mommy can go. And she’s like, really? I’m like, This is my job in this laptop. And it just kind of opened up like, I could go anywhere. I haven’t gone anywhere. You could go somewhere, you know, come visit you and we could Yes. Go sit in the dust storm.

    Paige C. Clark 1:03:37
    Yeah, absolutely. I mean, like with your adventuring. I’m like we should definitely go up to page Have you have you like do you know what page? What is page Arizona? Is the city smelt like like a book page? Not like Right. And it’s on the like the northern most border of Arizona. Probably take like from where I’m at. It’s like a six hour drive. It’s a long drive. But it’s beautiful. Look up horseshoe Canyon. Look up Antelope Canyon. All of those are your so you’re gonna meet me there. Yeah.

    Cami Aufdermauer 1:04:16
    Okay. Sure. Sounds good. I’ll bring my laptop. Well, we’re

    Paige C. Clark 1:04:18
    gonna work party. Yeah, we’ll go up to the snow and like go anyways. Antelope Canyon. If y’all are ever in Arizona, go with you know, one of the tribes. They do the tours up there. And it is beautiful. And it’s crazy because I was like I heard Canyon. And I was thinking like, like, you’re on the ground and the mountains go up, and you’re in the canyon that you go down to the earth and that’s the canyon. Oh, yeah. It’s trippy like you there’s a crack in the ground and that’s what you climb. bid. How do you get out? You climb a ladder? Oh, wow. Yeah, it’s awesome. Anyways, Cami we should make that happen.

    Cami Aufdermauer 1:05:09
    I love it. I love even if I went nowhere, I love knowing that I can. And I know I will. But also in due season, right, so like, I just I love opportunity to look at what’s out there. And like, okay, where to next God again, I lived in this community my whole life. But that’s not to say I couldn’t go somewhere else right? Maybe someday I will. I never thought that was an option.

    Paige C. Clark 1:05:36
    I love that. I love that. Well, Cami, let’s wrap it up with what is one thing our listeners can do to implement a faith building discipline or practice in their life this week?

    Cami Aufdermauer 1:05:50
    Well, besides get a Trello board, because seriously, create some margin, honestly, like I, I again, I think it takes resources to get you to where you want to go. And so I’m just going to recommend a resource. And that, again, is that to buy the dream, I dare you book. Really, truly, this book is what catapulted me to where I am today, mindset wise, but also career wise, also how to dream all those things. So that would be kind of my, my one charge is get this book, because this book is really what changed the game for me.

    Paige C. Clark 1:06:31
    I can’t wait and your book is on

    Cami Aufdermauer 1:06:33
    your way, lady, it’s in the mail right now.

    Paige C. Clark 1:06:37
    Shut out. That’s exciting. I was gonna say I need to read it. I have actually on my desk, I have 1-234-567-8910 or 11 books that are on my list for the year. So that one will get moved to the top of the stack.

    Cami Aufdermauer 1:06:58
    It’s a small group study too. So it comes with a workbook. So I’ll send you the workbook as well. Oh, um, because that’s really where the depth comes in. Right. And I’m excited to see you take that journey because it’s, it changed the game. Changed it all for me.

    Paige C. Clark 1:07:12
    Awesome. Cami, thank you so much for joining us and we’ll catch you guys next week. Thanks for joining us. If you liked what you were listening to make sure you subscribe and hit those five stars and we’ll catch you on the next episode.


  • 9 to 5 Faith Podcast: Episode 09

    9 to 5 Faith Podcast

    This is a transcript from episode 09 of the 9 to 5 Faith Podcast with Paige C. Clark.

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    Start of Podcast

    Paige C. Clark 00:02
    All right, hello everyone happy. Whatever day you’re listening this on this will be released on a Saturday. So if you’re listening to it on a Saturday, happy Saturday, I’m here with my friend DeeDee. How’re you doing today?

    DeeDee Lake 00:16
    I am doing really well. I’m tickled to be here with you.

    Paige C. Clark 00:19
    I’m so excited. I’m excited that this can happen today and that all the stars aligned and we were able to talk about life and military life and how to fit God into all of that. And I’m just I’m so excited for this conversation. Me too. Me too. And you’re like continuing kind of the theme of your life of moving a whole lot. And you just moved and you’re in a brand new house right now. So that’s exciting.

    DeeDee Lake 00:48
    There, we decided that we wanted to, we live in Colorado Springs area and wanted to come down and spend some time over the last eight, nine years we’ve been doing that to spend time with their grandkids in San Antonio. So we’ve got a year we’ve been looking for property, couldn’t find it went home back to Colorado. And within three weeks, we saw a house and bought it down here in Burnie so yeah, it’s pretty like, oh my gosh, so yes, exactly like the military life for you.

    Paige C. Clark 01:14
    All crazy. So can you tell our listeners a little bit about you?

    DeeDee Lake 01:19
    So I’ve been married almost 40 years, I have two adopted children. They’re adults now both married and providing grandbabies doing exactly what they’re supposed to. And then I grew up as a Navy brat and was an army wife. So Army Navy Day football game, not a good day in our house. Since I’ve been an army wife longer than a navy brat, I decided to go army.

    Paige C. Clark 01:45
    Very good. And are you still living the military life or since retired?

    DeeDee Lake 01:51
    We are retired, but it’s still a military life. Like you’d never quite get away from it. Just using this new neighborhood. We almost all of our neighbors are retired military. So we have that in common. And so it gives you that bond, no matter where you go, you know?

    Paige C. Clark 02:07
    That’s really nice. Yeah, for sure. And what do you do for like your regular nine to five,

    DeeDee Lake 02:13
    so my regular nine to five, I have three different jobs. And that all of them pay well. Fine. So a wedding officiant in Colorado and love that I actually did 40 weddings in 13 months. Wow. Figure it out and loved it every minute of it. Because it’s so neat to be able to see the people’s faces like I have the best seat in the house. I didn’t know I right there. You know, like when He winks at her or she smiles or whatever. It’s like, I’m right there. So it’s so much fun to do those. And then I’m a writer and speaker. So I’ve written a couple of books. And then also I work for a Christian publishing house crossover media, and I am their author, relations coordinator. That means I am the cheerleader for the authors. I hold their hand through the about two year process of, you know, from beginning of manuscript to getting it to the market.

    Paige C. Clark 03:02
    Oh, that’s awesome. And like, as you’re describing those things, I just like, sing like yep, that that fits. Yeah, that sounds that sounds just about right for you and your personality, and just the energy that you’re exuding. It feels you know, just about right?

    DeeDee Lake 03:20
    Every job I’ve ever had had something to do with chatty now. I don’t know if it was in the actual job description, or if I just kind of made it about chatting, but yeah, and connecting. That’s my my heart is about connecting.

    Paige C. Clark 03:32
    Yeah. As StrengthsFinder Are you connector?

    DeeDee Lake 03:36
    Yes, actually. Yep. Whoo. But I’m gonna find out. I was not aware. I was quite disappointed. But then I realized, no, that wasn’t my strength.

    Paige C. Clark 03:45
    Yeah, yeah, for sure. So take us through a little bit of like, what your day to day life looks like and how, how do you incorporate your faith into your daily work and what that looks like, and even in the military? Talk a little bit about that. And like what I mean, y’all move a lot.

    DeeDee Lake 04:10
    Actually, this is our 51st house I live in. I’ve lived in 50. And so I’ve moved around a little bit more than a lot of people did. But yeah, it was quite a bit. So day to day. So I grew up in nonbeliever, and my parents didn’t go to church, they they had both grown up in the church, but didn’t really share that with us. And I think part of that problem was because we were military, it was hard for them to get connected. It really is. If you’re intentional about it. It doesn’t just sort of happen. You know, I think that way was everyone but especially the military because you every two, three years you’re moving you know, or three or four years. And so it’s hard to get some people have a hard time getting connected. And that was my case, I think with my parents and then for me, once I married my husband, we were believers and so we always that was like our first thing that we will Look forward to like, you get your orders and or your say you might be going someplace you look online or you, you know, call people, Hey, do you know somebody there? So for that, that was important, you have to do it that way. But as far as putting things in my daily life, I work for a Christian organization, I write Christian things. The only part that really isn’t is I married people that aren’t, aren’t Christian believers. And they know though that my faith and so it’s kind of neat, because a lot of times will ask me questions, it gives me an opportunity to say, you know, we’ve been married almost 40 years, and this is why it works. And we have a great marriage, my husband stuff. And so it’s kind of neat to have that as an example to be able to kind of lead into talking about God.

    Paige C. Clark 05:41
    Yeah, my gosh, and I could go on a separate rampage about like, how much easier marriage is when you are both believers and stepping into that, because it just makes things a lot easier and a lot more centered, because you’re going for the same thing. When you’re married to another believer, so yeah, definitely.

    DeeDee Lake 06:03
    We, a lot of the people, not a lot, about a third of the people that I marry are not believers, or not strong believers. And so funny because I still pray for him pray over them, you know, not without their knowledge as to whoever I want to know. So I at home, I write for them and their relationship. And I have a goal that none of the people that I officiate will ever be separated. So that’s my I don’t know if they will, because I don’t get in touch with them. But that’s my hope.

    Paige C. Clark 06:29
    That’s beautiful. So tell me a little bit about your, your job of working as author relations.

    DeeDee Lake 06:39
    What’s the title, the author, relations coordinator coordinator,

    Paige C. Clark 06:42
    I was gonna say, coordinator, but I like author relations coordinator. And you said you work for a Christian organization, how much is your faith intertwined, and like your ability to practice and like Minister your faith in that?

    DeeDee Lake 06:58
    So I work, my job was created just for me. I met Tamra climber who is the publisher for and she’s the one who started the company. There’s only three of us actually, that work for the company. And we’re all in three different different states. We have an editor Deb Butterfield, and then Tammy. So I met Tammy at a Christian writers conference one year and we just connected we both are adopted moms, and you know, just all these different stories. And so the next year when I saw her mean that she was on my heart all year long, so I thought, You know what, when I see her next time, I’m gonna ask her a question. So we’re sitting around the fireplace, and I said, Hey, can I Is there something I could do that i where we could work together, you don’t mean necessarily should have to pay me I just wanted to be in relationship, you know, rounder, because I just loved what she did. And so she thought about it, she was like, okay, you know, she came up with this author relations, because she really needed somebody to, you know, to connect with them. And that’s how my faith really worked for me in my job is because I am a strong believer in pretty much every thing I say, has something to do with being about the Lord or, you know, every conversation somehow or another gets brought around to that. And it’s great to be able to just been encouraged or you know, sometimes, well, not sometimes writing is a very lonely job, you know, and so I’ve gotten off, there’s a lot of them are very introverted. To start with. That’s I one of the weird ones is an extrovert. But basically, you’re either a writer that learns that has to learn to speak to promote your book, or you’re a speaker first, and then you have to write a book, so you can get contracts. That’s been, um, the second one, so I was. And so which is good, though, because I encouraged the ladies I’m able to pray with them. I always pray with them. It just, you know, I check in with him, you know, it’s like, Hey, how’s life going? And and so those whole conversations are just like, sitting down having coffee with your friend, you know, your, your Christian believer, friend. And they’re all at different levels. Some of them are really strong Christian, some are, you know, newer. And so it’s kind of neat, just to be able to mentor them. Really? Yeah. They call myself the writer, Wrangler, because, you know, I lived in Colorado, so a good writer, but they’re like, yeah, no.

    Paige C. Clark 09:04
    needs to be a little bit more formal than that. Yeah, exactly. And I probably fall into the small like, 1% of authors who are actually very extroverted. I’m right there with you. So I feel that and I think also, it might depend on like, what genre you write in, because I found this might be stereotyping, but I found fiction authors to be a little bit more introspective, and then nonfiction authors to be a little bit more out there.

    DeeDee Lake 09:37
    Yeah, yeah. Definitely. I write both. So I’m kind of like, you know, a little double brained or whatever. But yeah.

    Paige C. Clark 09:45
    So when you were in the military and traveling around you said that, you know, you were making, finding kind of a faith community a priority. What did that look like for you and how did you, you know, kind of first temporary season find your people. Yeah.

    DeeDee Lake 10:03
    So one, one thing that always that we did was we never looked at it as temporary. Because we know where we’re all going, you know. And so I get to see him up in heaven, we’ll get to celebrate and you know, laugh and joke, I think, I don’t know if we’ll get the laugh and joke, but that’s my extroverted mind, that’s what we’re gonna be doing is having fun. But we always looked at it as like, we’re planting roots as quick as we can. Just really putting ourselves in those positions. And in places where you could meet people, you’re gonna be like, most people are not gonna come knock on your door, go, Hey, I’m a believer, I want to love on you. We can, like, it doesn’t normally happen. It could. But so we just always, yeah, we met our neighbors, we would go to different activities like community activities. And I think as a believer, you’re kind of drawn to other believers, you know, like, there’s that presence about them. That’s like, oh, okay, they have something different. So that was one, I think a big thing was that we always made it as a permanent situation. And you know, because you don’t know. And I have friends from my best friend, when we were in junior high seventh grade, we’re still friends, I still go visit or, you know, we hang out, we talk to each other. So that’s really, you know, kind of fun, especially now with Facebook and on social media that Yeah, I mean, a lot easier.

    Paige C. Clark 11:19
    Yeah, yeah, for sure. And did you find it easier to relate or connect with other military, Christian families? Or did you have to kind of step outside of that military community? And then go find kind of some, some church community within that?

    DeeDee Lake 11:39
    That’s a really great question. So the military, when we first went in, you know, it was a while back and didn’t really have the support system that they have. Now, you know, they really support Army family team building, they’ve got, you know, small groups and stuff like that board. But what I kind of found was that there was a lot of negativity in that part, I even say that, but it’s true, you know, there’s some unhappy people in the world, they don’t like the changes, they don’t like their husbands, you know, leaving and those kinds of things. So I kind of avoided those, purposely I went, I would always go like one or two times. So they knew my face, they knew who I was. And then I looked at my church as my support and, and that really makes a difference, because then it does give you some time to be outside of the military stress, because that sounds very stressful. Even if you’re not changing, you know, somebody that is, you know, like, they’re very young, possibly deployed all those things. And not to the civilian world doesn’t have those same kind of stresses. But it just gives you a moment to be away, you know, to connect and be like, Okay, this is real life, you know, the military. So we would usually go to church, outside of the church outside of the pose.

    Paige C. Clark 12:50
    Yeah. And, and what was the best thing that the church did for you in kind of the situation that you found yourself in?

    DeeDee Lake 13:02
    So my husband, I were married seven years and couldn’t have children. We both knew that. So it wasn’t a surprise or anything. But we got to Panama. And I just knew that that when we were in Korea first, and I felt like God just said, I’ve got a baby for you. I felt it so strongly that I thought, well, this is a little, you know, perky. But I walked out church that day, I’m thinking, where’s my baby? Like? You said, I’m gonna have a baby, right? nine to nine, what’s one fix to make one of those. So our next duty station was Panama’s six weeks after we got there. They, we told everybody that we wanted to adopt that we would meet all the strangers that we knew, because that’s what the advice we’ve been given. And so we went there. And in six hours notice we got our daughter, the missionaries brought her Yeah, it was pretty cool. And so the church stepping in and just really mentoring is because now I’m a new mom, and really had no concept of what to do with the baby. Like, all that time. I was like, No, I don’t want to baby I don’t want to have children. God, you’re you’re great. You brought me this man. And I can’t have children. We’re all good, right? And God changed the terms. Or at least he finally revealed them to be a mom. So we had a four month old little girl that we adopted and just the church was our family. We really saw how, how God develops a Church, His Bride to be a family. Yeah.

    Paige C. Clark 14:22
    And I like for some reason, my brain just got stuck into this idea of like, having orders domestically. And like you said, Panama, like, Yeah, you had orders internationally, which I think poses an additional layer of complexity over it.

    DeeDee Lake 14:43
    Yeah, it definitely did. But it was also easier. You know, in Panama, adopting a baby was at that time we were talking about 32 years ago, so I just want my daughter’s age. But so it wasn’t so hard like it is in the States, but both of our adopted we adopted a son later when we were in the States and we joke around because he was from New York City. And we say that’s our other foreign country that we adopted from we were in Alabama at the time. So that’s where, again, though, that was our military connections that allowed us to know that this baby was available in New York. Yeah, yeah. That’s pretty cool.

    Paige C. Clark 15:17
    Wow, that’s incredible. But also like getting connected to the church community. And in foreign countries, it looks a little bit different.

    DeeDee Lake 15:27
    It does. It’s actually easier. Okay. Yes. And the reason I say that is that here in the States, we tend to our faith is just sort of, you know, part of who we are, you know, it’s like a, I call it, it’s more situational. It’s not a relationship, you know, so much, like, especially if you’re in the south, you’re just kind of expected to go to church, but you’re not except expected necessarily to live all for God and to, you know, be black and white about it, basically. But so like, we’re a Panama, there was so much stuff that like voodoo, and all that kind of stuff that was around. So it’s very easy to see that spiritual battle going on, that we I think that Satan here in the States kind of softens it, or makes us feel like it’s often but it’s not. So very, like you’re either for the Lord or you’re not in Panama is what? Yeah. And Korea the same way. So that was that wow, experience.

    Paige C. Clark 16:21
    That’s incredible. And also, I’ve heard that South Korea has like one of the largest Christian populations to in the world now. Yeah, yeah.

    DeeDee Lake 16:34
    I got to go, I can’t remember the name of the church. But that church that’s like, you know, 1000s of people that go to it, I actually got to go, our choir was invited from the chapel, because that’s how we’re going to the chapel. And we got to go there. And I didn’t really know anything about the church. This was before you get to google anything. And so we show up, and there’s like, 1620 of us, whatever, in this little choir. And we’re sitting there and all of a sudden, as we’re singing this choir of angels, we’re like, oh, my gosh, so by, and finally, I’m like, Oh, they’re right behind us. There’s like 100 and something people back behind this. So they were just enjoying the service. But yeah, it was fun. Because it was like, God to heaven. So yeah.

    Paige C. Clark 17:17
    That’s too funny. So kind of bringing it back to the present. What? How do you make sure that you find your one on one time with God? So your wife, a mom, a grandma, you know, you’re moving you have all these fun? Kind of? I don’t want to call them side hustles? Because they are, they are but also it doesn’t feel like that you have you have all these other projects that that are going on? How do you make sure that you find your one on one time with God and like you’re able to like cultivate your faith in that way?

    DeeDee Lake 17:55
    Well, there’s a couple of things I tried to. So I listen to the word like when I go to sleep, I just put it on and I fell asleep to the word which is really cool to be able to do that. And being an empty nester, now, it’s pretty easy, I can do it whenever I want, you know, and having my schedule that I have, I’m able to say, You know what, I’m gonna do this from eight to nine. But back when I did have children at home, they knew if they came in the room and saw me with my Bible open, you know that it was like, that was my time. And also, one of the things I really recommend people do is create a space that is a cozy space, we did that in every single house we were at. And the cozy space was where we’d have conversations with the kids that maybe were pretty strong, or you know, emotional. But it was also the place it was a cuddle spot. And it was a place that we are myself but sit and read the Word. And so that was my time to be with the Lord. So that for me, I think creating the space makes you when you walk by it, you’re like, oh, I’ll just to be sitting there and remind you without being harsh, you know, it’s like, oh, yeah, let’s let’s go in there and spend some time with the Lord.

    Paige C. Clark 19:00
    Yeah. So tell me about this cozy space. Like, what isn’t it? Like, how did you start it because I’m also thinking like, everyone listening is like, I want a cozy space.

    DeeDee Lake 19:11
    No, everyone should have a cozy space is that place that’s not in the middle of everything that you can get quiet in. It’s usually a place that has really beautiful sunlight in it. It’s not too hot, not too cold. It’s just that beautiful place and you make it beautiful with a soft light, a cozy chair that you want to or we always had a loveseat because or, or oversize when like a chair that like two or three people could sit in was supposed to be a chair. And I always made sure I got one of those or had one in that it’s basically a corner. Yeah, like picked up about your prayer closet. This was my corner that I asked. And I would do that no matter where we’re at. And, um, I am noticing that my kids are starting to create those two, which I think is really cool.

    Paige C. Clark 19:54
    That’s beautiful. Yeah, I have. I have this chair in my office and it Funny enough, my husband calls it my pouting chair. So like, when I’m angry, I like go sit in this chair, like I’m putting myself in timeout. But it’s also like the most is one of those chairs that’s big enough that you can tuck your legs up in, and, like still comfortably sit in it. And so I’m like, that would be the chair that would go in my cozy space.

    DeeDee Lake 20:21
    So typically, I’d have a nice light that I can, you know, see my Bible, you know, with, but also not glaring. So it’s just, it really keeps it in that cozy sort of, you know, Coffee House sort of feeling, you know, I have those couches and stuff. And then usually a table so I can make sure I have my coffee, you know, better. So yeah, that was what we did.

    Paige C. Clark 20:42
    And I found to like, when I’m creating spaces, or environments, like that, kind of having everything set up in like a state of permanency in that place. That way, when you’re sitting there, I’m like, also, like, I have shiny object syndrome. So like, I’m like, if I need to get up to go get like a pen or something, I might get distracted by something else and go off on a tangent and then like, lose my spot. So like having that having a place that’s kind of like prepared for what you’re doing?

    DeeDee Lake 21:14
    Well, our body has like those memories of you know, or, I’m not sure how muscleman memory, you know, basically. So like my office that I have that I write in, I speak, you know, do things like this. That’s all I do in there, I don’t play games on my computer in there, I only work in that space. And so when I go in there, my body is ready to be or my mind or whatever is ready to be like, Okay, it’s time to work. The same thing with the cozy spot. When I sit in the cozy spot. It’s like, okay, this is time to unplug it, you know, just relax here. And what’s nice about that, too, is if you do that, it teaches your children like, Oh, I’m in this space, this is my cozy spot. This is my quiet place, you know, so to get quiet with your spirit, not why like you still talk but Right. And it really trains them that way. I think a lot of moms, especially young moms have a hard time with their children, teaching them that and you just have to I mean, that’s just something and you’ll be glad that you did you. Were here this is you know, kind of like the library. But yeah,

    Paige C. Clark 22:15
    yeah, I love that. I love that. So you have your cozy space, and you kind of have your routine. And I think that working from home because you work remote, I work remote to for my job. I think it adds a layer of simplicity and complexity. At the same time. When it comes to our routine and our rhythms through throughout our life. It’s very easy to get sucked into things on off hours. And it’s very easy to get distracted by things on on hours. So how do you balance that for yourself?

    DeeDee Lake 22:52
    I put it on my schedule. Definitely I put it on the schedule. I’m not like super strict about it. But I once heard, I think it was a pastor was talking about like, we put all these different things in our schedule, work, a doctor’s appointment, whatever. But the most important thing is our relationship with price. And we never put it on the schedule. So he said the first thing you do just like you tied, you know, with your money, slides with your time. So when you’re gonna say okay, this is what we’re doing next week. The first thing is, I go to church, or I’m going to spend my quiet time at this time. And then again, it goes back to that muscle memory that says you know what, this is my routine. This is what my body feels good when I when I do this. Not all like who do duty, whatever you don’t say, naturally, that’s who we are. We feel better when our the Lord. So putting out my schedule really makes a difference. And also being in a Bible study keeps me accountable. I like that when I’m going to Bible study, I noticed that I’m better at it when I have, you know, other ladies that I’m going to meet with and be like, oh, yeah, they’re gonna be like, So how was your week? Ah, you don’t sit down and spend time with it. I can almost guarantee you is a crazy week for you. But even if everything’s going crazy, and you split time with the Lord, your your day just doesn’t feel is out of control.

    Paige C. Clark 24:05
    Yeah, yeah. And I also even like, you know, second and third that accountability piece because like, even even with my husband, I we don’t do it every night. But like, every now and then at the end of the day, he’ll be like, how did you see God move in your life today? And I’m like, did I even pay attention to God today? Like, Yeah, real talk. Like that’s a real life sometimes. And it’s, you know, having that accountability is like a gut check of like, ooh, like, did I even like talk to God? Did he even like, did I even consider him today in the midst of everything else that was going on?

    DeeDee Lake 24:43
    I think to the more you mature in your face, it becomes such a natural routine for you that yeah, like I was saying about every conversation I have somehow another turns around to God or you know, and I don’t do it on purpose. I mean, just just who I am. Just do what God says what you put in come Without and so that makes a difference. And eventually people will stop wanting to talk to you about anything but the Lord. So like, Okay.

    Paige C. Clark 25:08
    Absolutely, absolutely. And, and I think too, there’s a lot of shame and maybe stigma over the need to schedule him these things. And I think that we have to, as a culture accept the fact that we are far we have a lot of stimulus happening more than other generations and cultures that came before us.

    DeeDee Lake 25:36
    Absolutely. I always say that being a mom or dad today is way harder than when my kids were younger. I mean, I admire anybody that does it well, because, I mean, you got the whole world of fighting against you wanting to come into your home and, and, and their friends and their family. I mean, we have problems a little bit when our kids were in high school, that, you know, we raised them a certain way, and they would go to a friend’s house that was a Christian home, but they just weren’t as strong in their faith, maybe, or maybe didn’t implement it as much, you know, and right. And so, you know, there’s some criticism, but we’re like, you know, what, we’re gonna do what we’re gonna do. Our son was funny, he would get mad at us, because we would let him go to parties where they were drinking. Yeah, in high school, you know? And yeah, yeah, he would always Yeah, they’re gonna be drinking. So like, why would we let you go? Right. But now as an adult, he’s like, oh, yeah, that was, that was really good. I’m glad you guys watched out for me, you know, I’m just having to that accountability, I was gonna say that, we want to make sure that we’re giving grace to, you know, whenever anybody’s struggling. And remember, there are seasons, I remember when my babies were little. And our son was, he was like, 10. And one. I mean, he just was active. And people were funny, they would come up to me and say, Oh, he’s so busy. I’m like,

    Paige C. Clark 26:55
    I didn’t notice. Like the frazzled,

    DeeDee Lake 26:58
    I would get a little jealous, I think of when I go to Bible studies, and there’s these older women there that, you know, had nobody at home to take care of it themselves. And they’d get through their whole Bible study where I might have three days done, you know, what, I just had some really great mentors that said, you know, what, you’ll do what you can. And it’s just a season, you know, there’ll be a season later that you’ll be able to spend hours with the Lord, if that’s what you want. But just remember to give yourself grace, and God does give us that, you know, he’s not expecting 24 hours a day for us to you know, he knows we have kids, we knows we have a schedule. Yeah, so not surprising. Yeah. And

    Paige C. Clark 27:35
    I think it’s, you know, having those moments where like, they say, you know, glitter gets just everywhere. And I think like, we just need to make God our glitter and just like, have him everywhere. So as we’re moving throughout our day, we find, oh, there’s a piece of glitter. Like,

    DeeDee Lake 27:53
    I love that. I once heard, and it’s probably been around a lot. But that is there a net if being a Christian was against the law, is there enough Christ in your life around your environments, and who you talk about what you say, who you hang out with, to convict you. And you so you look around your home, if somebody walks in your home, can they tell you’re a believer, that’s important, not that you’re doing it to show off or to be that, you know, Pharisee, whatever, but just that you just who you are, like, you know, my son brought me across him and his wife brought me this beautiful cross, it has parts from, you know, the old country in it, and I’m just very symbolic. And I thought that was so neat. You know, so I’ve got that on my wall. You know, yeah, we asked me about is like, oh, yeah, this is what this means. And you know, so I just think that we need to make sure that when we’re there when we’re in our home, that when we look around, we can tell? Yeah, I’m a believer.

    Paige C. Clark 28:47
    Yeah. Yeah. And also, like, not only can it you know, if Christianity was made to be illegal, not only like, Can we stay in conviction, but can we still sit in our faith? You know, do we know the word enough? Do we? Are we surrounded by people who know the word enough? Do we have enough inputs in our life, to be able to sustain that?

    DeeDee Lake 29:12
    Exactly. One of the things that we’ve always looked for is really great mentors. And sometimes mentors are a little bit younger than you, they’re not always older. You know, as far as their faith, they may be way further than you are. But surrounding yourself with those kinds of people that when you go to them and say, you know, I got an issue, I just don’t know what to do. Instead of you know, becoming a nag fest or whatever, it’s, it’s you guys sitting down praying together, you know, I’m showing you the word that we’re that can heal, you know, whatever the situation is.

    Paige C. Clark 29:42
    Yeah. And I mean, it might, it might be flippant, but one thing that I’ve been doing so I work in social media, so I’m on social media all the time. And one thing that I’ve been starting to do with like my personal accounts I’ve just started then like engaging with other Christian accounts that just talked about Jesus and, you know, other just other believers. And I’ve noticed such, like an attitude shift in me, in my heart when I’m in taking all of this, like goodness, I guess, via Instagram, versus, you know, the things of like I want to be or things that sort of jealousy or, you know, longing in me for things of this world that don’t belong, right? Yeah. And so it was so interesting because I, it’s, it’s been slow. And it’s been happening over the past, like, two months or so. But it’s like, oh, this is like, so much more fulfilling to have these kinds of people speaking into my life via Instagram versus things that will pull me away from God. Absolutely.

    DeeDee Lake 30:53
    I just recently heard that, how a whale dies. And a whale is a mammal. So it needs air to breathe. But it lives in this water, you know, almost like it eventually it drowns is how it dies. And I’m like, How could a whale die like that, you know, but he was comparing it to, you know, us as believers, we’re here in this world, but we’re not of the world, you know, we might breathe in it, but it’s not our constant place and having to remember ourselves that who we are, you know, and but doing on social media is so funny, because people have always like, oh, there’s so much negative on there. I’m like, none on mine. There’s not and I really don’t write, because I don’t allow those kinds of people into my life. And that’s something that’s really important, goes back to boundaries. I’m so love the book boundaries. Yeah, I preach about it all the time. And when you have great boundaries, you don’t have to worry about all that junk coming in. Because it’s like, yeah, we’re gonna put it on there. If they do take it off, you know?

    Paige C. Clark 31:50
    Yeah. And I think too, this is a little bit of a tangent. But I mean, I work in social media. So it has to do with my job. But I think one thing that I talked to other small businesses about, because I get a lot of questions when I when I’m coaching, marketing, and they’re like, What do I do about negative comments? And like, bah, bah, bah. And like, it’s your space? Like your time out with a cozy space? Yeah, it’s your space, that you get to dictate what is in your space. And same with social media and your online presence, it’s yours, you can’t you are choosing to be there. And yes, like, meta owns, you know, half the world at this point. But like, you’re creating this community and this energy around what you’re doing, and you get to decide what’s in there.

    DeeDee Lake 32:41
    And you have to remember to do that. I think Jesus can read social media. So not that I think he has, you know, a laptop or anything, but you know, he knows what’s going on there. So you want to make sure that wherever you are, you’re representing who you are, no matter where it’s at, if it’s with your friends or with strangers at work, you know, in your car. It was like, I know my husband had this really neat guy that he worked with, but the guy was a little higher rank than him. And he would not allow people to curse around him. And in the army, which is very well, no, yeah, happen. But if people were going to curse, he’s like, You need to leave my office, and he would make them leave his office, no matter what rank they were, he was like, this is a cusp rezone. And I was so impressed with that, because that mean, that was probably when we were really new believers. And so you can’t do that. But I remember back to my dad telling me when I was in high school, he’s like, people will talk to you how you allow them to talk to you. So it goes back to that same thing with social media. It’s like if you stand there and let all that junk in on there. Yeah. Or in your job, even in your job. You still don’t need to have people talking like that. But you can’t talk like that, either. Right? talking trash that it’s like, you’re sitting you make expensive, just you can’t you can’t do that either have to be for the Lord or not.

    Paige C. Clark 33:52
    Yeah, and I think it’s just like, it’s these little things that we can set up in our life to create the boundaries. So we are just more set up for finding God’s glitter.

    DeeDee Lake 34:06
    My My son was funny because he didn’t want me to meet this other family, people, this group of people, I’m gonna say it was but and I was like, why? He’s like, Well, they curse and I’m like, Uh huh. Like, but you know, I could still be at a dinner with them. I don’t have to be all you know, the whole time with them, but I get to love on them. And they actually started calling me sister Diddy because I pray that was so funny. Oh, like, okay.

    Paige C. Clark 34:32
    They know I pray for them. So yeah, I love that. Um, so kind of rounding out this conversation. What is one thing and this like, I wrote this question, and then afterwards I’ve been asking other guests all this I’m like, I’m like really putting y’all on blast. But I’m just kind of go for it. But what is the biggest struggle you have when it comes to Practicing your faith

    DeeDee Lake 35:04
    is actually sitting down and reading my Bible, you know, and what makes me mad with that is that I love reading my Bible. So like, why it’s, it’s getting the noise out of your life, I think it’s really what is the case, turn off your phone, put that away from you or whatever. Because you, you need that time. It’s like a feed you that’s your food. And you got to spend time with that. And I really do struggle with that too. And that’s one of the reasons that I’ve kind of learned some other ways. Like we listen to praise music in our car, we listen to the gods, we’re, you know, when we go to sleep, or if I wake up or whatever, but just having, making sure I put those moments in there is really, it has to be intentional. It doesn’t just happen. And so I’m learning to do more and more, there’s like, gets to be an old lady,

    Paige C. Clark 35:48
    for sure. And the other thing on this is like, I don’t want anyone listening to think like, we got it down pat. Like, like, we’re not perfect, like I very much struggle to like sit down and read my read scripture, mostly because I get in my own head where I’m like, I’m more of like a study or, and a processor. So when I like sit down, I like go through this like rabbit trail I don’t like it takes me a lot longer than I intend to. And I know it’s gonna take me a lot longer, so I don’t do it.

    DeeDee Lake 36:24
    I’m a type A extreme extrovert. So to sit down and be quiet has always been a struggle for me. But as I get older, I will say it’s a lot easier now than it used to be. But definitely just making your getting quiet, you know, is probably my biggest struggle.

    Paige C. Clark 36:40
    Yeah, I mean, but we have to put the things in our life to help us where we do struggle, putting the routines and the boundaries and the reminders and the scheduler in our life. So we can remember that. Well, DeeDee, I always like to wrap up the conversations with what is one thing that someone can do, after listening to this podcast, what is one thing that they can do in their life, to help grow their faith to practice a spiritual discipline, whatever it might be, get them closer to God this week. One of the

    DeeDee Lake 37:17
    things that we did and still do, even this, this move my 51st house that I’m living in, I started praying as soon as we knew we were going to move that God would bring Christian friends and Christian mentors to us. I was and I also pray for my neighbors, you know that God would bring somebody in, it’s like, we could be coffee neighbors, you know, it’s always my thing. I was like, if you have coffee, even before I start drinking coffee, I was just like, you know, somebody that I could spend time with. And it was neat, because when we were in Korea, and you know, we had a couple mentors there, but not real strong. But that’s really where we started getting to know the Lord. And we’re like, okay, but now we’re going to Panama, we don’t know anybody. So I just asked the Lord was like, Lord, please let us have one mentor, especially for self, my husband, who’s who’s in the battle, really, because I was stay at home mom at the time. And he had to go in and do the Battle of, you know, being with the army, you know, and still standing strong as a believer. But so he, we got to Panama. And it was so neat, because we went to this church off post that we didn’t know anything about, we just went there. And it was a Panamanian, an American speaking, English speaking congregation, they had two different services. And so what we found out later, but not very long afterwards, that most of the missionaries in that area that were in the jungle, they would come for their time in the city, to our church that we went to also almost everybody in there, they knew they were military, or they retired military. But the third thing was they were teachers in the Panama Canal Zone, like teachers, like they’re just naturally mentors, you know, so just give us one minute or you give us a whole church full. That’s where we changed. We changed so much that my mom actually went to a pastor here in the States, and said, I think my daughter and son in law are in a cult. And the pastor was like, Well, what’s going on since you told him and he’s like, I wish all people were that kind of coat. I mean, it was just such an experience of those mentors speaking. I mean, it changed us completely, you know, our way of thinking the way we live. And I mean, it was just not that we were crazy wild or anything before, but it just made us more intentional. I think that’s the biggest thing. And it’s been kind of saturated with Oh, yeah, that’s a great word. Yeah, we were saturated, and loved it and still do. So we still have mentors that I just got a message two days ago from my girl, one of my great mentors that I had, she lives in Florida. She’s like, Hey, you’re doing great, you know, she saw that I’m getting my book coming out. So that that’s really neat to continue to have that. 58 So I still get encouragement,

    Paige C. Clark 39:49
    you know? Yeah. So. So for all those listening, be praying about Christian friends and Christian mentors. And if you have one in your life that you haven’t Talk to us about it. I’ll be praying for a spirit of boldness and that you do take that step

    DeeDee Lake 40:06
    out. Yeah, absolutely. That’s,

    Paige C. Clark 40:08
    that is awesome prayer. Yeah. So, Dini, thank you so much for this conversation. And you’ve mentioned this a few times, and I want to learn more. Where can people find you? And what’s this book you’re talking about?

    DeeDee Lake 40:22
    So, my website is DD lake. So it’s D E, D, E, my mom and dad love E’s and DS, I think so DD lake.com. And you can find me there. But also, you can also email me it’s D to like the number two. So v squared, basically. But my book is I started writing a book when we’re in Panama, where we’re really started changing our lives. It’s a Christian romance set in a military setting. And 30 something years ago, I started writing this and over the years, I’ve had encouragers. Well, a few years back, I met somebody and she’s now my co author. And we have seven books coming out in this rules of engagement series. I’ll show you the first one. The first one. It’s right there. It’s counting operation camouflage Christmas. The next one is actually the first in the series. This was just kind of a little beforehand, to kind of get you interested, but it follows this family and it’s great family that all five of their kids are connected to the military, somehow. We talk about all kinds of different issues that military families have just we wanted to highlight the military lifestyle as a believer. And so your podcast was exactly what I’m like, Oh, my god, is this exactly what we’re writing about? So the next week of Operation allegiance comes out on the 21st of

    Paige C. Clark 41:35
    March. That’s so exciting. Well, thank you so much, DeeDee. And everyone go buy her book for any teens in your life. Yeah.

    DeeDee Lake 41:45
    Oh, that’s for adults do. Yeah, adults, adults. So it’s clean.

    Paige C. Clark 41:50
    So, young adults. Well, we’ll put them in the young adults. Yeah, there you go. All right. Thank you so much, DeeDee. And we’ll catch you guys on the next episode. Thanks, Paige.